As a person who is familiar with the fishing industry in a past life… I would recommend hitting the docks where you see the commercial boats tied up, talk to some of the mates you see bustling around the boats and ask… most parts of the fish, crab is used and sold as one product or another these days… check the dumpsters too… out side of the canaries as well. If your there on the right day you may score some rotting whatever… Or nothing at all depending on seasons
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Went. Crappy weather. Pretty good haul. Free clone if u have med card. Land race. Seeds n contacts. Hopefully next year better weather n we can do an OG meet up
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Anyone doing freeseed day?
Isn’t that everyday here on OG? no clue as to what freeseed day is or where?
Felt so silly buying any seeds yesterday but it evened out
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