Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

The last imported Colombian i saw was early 80s and it looked a lot better than the pics above.

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what sort of trade do you think occured between south america and australia back in the 80s , that would have allowed imports of cannabis to reach our shores , given the globe , it would be hard to find places further away than south american?latin trade ,
im sure back then the odd bit of cocaine managed to find its way here through other routes ,
but cannabis , with its low value and such a distance to travel ,
perhaps what you refer to is in fact in house grown colombian weed,
grown from seed from there in Australia,
i have had some , and it was good , but never anything imported from such places other than south east asia, mostly thai weed …
how do you substantiate your claims of imports from Colombian weed to Australia??


there is an example of the distance one has to cover ,
also in reading about the trade between both countries ,
there has never really been too much , mostly due to distance ,
and also the ability to obtain things of similar or better quality closer ,
look at the distance of south east asia to the distance of south america ,
one can easily see why the chance of them exporting cannabis to our country would be somewhat limited …
recently though it has been noted a fair amount of cocaine has found its way from there to here ,
literally tonnes of the stuff more than every man woman and child can consume ,
but we all play a part in this trading between countries goes i guess …


Made me think of the book “smugglers blues”. How he said the" herb came with the coke deliveries." Wrong time period, but dives into some importer tales
Smugglers_Blues_-_The_Saga_of_a_Marijuana_Importer.pdf (921.3 KB)


well that would be perfect wouldnt it ,
honestly i kinda love to think of romantic situations like that ,
reality is often so boring in comparison ,
ill take a little of each thanks … hahaha …


ill take a read of that in the morning hapi ,
thanks for the link man …


Have you dug into the “the great silk road” as a trade route and entry to out of reach cultivars?
" The Great Silk Road is a system of caravan routes crossing in ancient and middle age time Eurasian continent from Mediterranean Sea to China and influencing the emergence and development of trade and cultural ties between people and statehood located along the way."

Hapi hunting


yes , its certainly an option ,
in fact , old mate , xi is trying to update the route ,
for trade and to show the world how import china is , has been in creating world wide trade throughout the centuries … a whole new version of the silk road is coming apparently ,
they really lost their footing after the discovery of coal , steam engines , etc , blah blah ,
sorry im off track , stoner stuff , but yea man i like to read this sort of stuff …


From High times 74

Hightimes file too big to share, from this issue


Coffee being one Legal export to Australia from Colombia but what dose that have to do with Cannabis ?

Do you just wake up every day pat your self on the back and say at a boy Wally your never wrong lol

I saw lids (1 oz in tins ) of Acapulco Gold imported here Jamaican Hawaiian and lots more yet you act like we never had imports.

If you knew some of the history that is documented in Government inquiry’s and Royal Commissions here you know about the Cartel that was formed during the Vietnam war made up of Americans and Aussies you were given links to it long ago but id bet you didn’t even bother looking into the facts.

When it all came to light most imports stopped.


I hope it’s okay to post pictures on this thread. :roll_eyes:

@santero ’s Meridian Haze


Update on Graham’s eyes, much of respect for this lady but to be honest very pissed off I wouldn’t have time or budget to go for my bizarre sat. But I kind of adore her for bringing on inside NH and OH. She’s representing as a sesqui. Full on. As soon as I have budget I will put on some Evening Eve F1.


not really the response i was after ,
i just wanted to know what makes a company load up a ship to send to one of the furthest places on the globe ,
do you think there was any larger scale import of cannabis to here ? or was it just the odd pound?

yea i read enough from what you sent me to note it was a bit fishy,
feel free to put stuff like that online for folks to peruse so everyone can have a gander at it,
i dont see conspiracy everywhere i look , not saying there isnt one here or there ,
but there has to be some reward for the risk , and it has to be quite good for folks to get involved …

and yes im well aware there was plenty of exports to here , initially thats how australia fed itself as far as drugs went , specifically cannabis ,
the majority being from asia as i mentioned , and then the hash from afghanistan that helped fund a war in the 90s ,
little bits and pieces from elsewhere of course , but nothing too major or it would have been on the streets and talked about more …
ive gotten some colombian gold back in the early 90s ,
but it was grown in australia and was quite expensive at the time too …

when drugs are involved , sometimes people make up stories to cover their tracks,
i certainly did it the odd time when i grew bunches of pot when i was younger and i didnt want anyone to know where it came from ,
i labelled one lot png gold and said it was imported here ,
the seed had come from png so that part was true anyhow,
folks loved the story , and the pot , and they were happy to pay plenty for it ,
a lot more than if id said i grew it …

a lot of imports , specifically stuff from asia stopped because so did a lot of the growing due to the Usa stamping it out …


I never saw cannabis imports after 85 or did any of my circle but i did see Hash up until mid 90s.

The killing of Donald Mckay in 1977 was what started the down fall of many.

Imports stopped because they the big players behind it all became exposed.

You could still find very good Thai with in Thailand even after the imports stopped here 84/85. I know that from my friend who went there almost monthly for work.


We had some cannabis in Sydney in about 1978 or '79 that was sold as “Colombian Compressed”. I seem to remember it as having a purple tinge and somewhat fermented. Whether legit or just marketing I don’t know, but to me it looked legit. I remember the effect as somewhat narcotic but not like an indica. Not my favourite, but not bad either.

Yantra used to sell a landrace they called Mangobiche, which came from Vanuatu, which they described as originating in Colombia. It wouldn’t completely surprise me if Colombian pot came here via Pacific Islands, like Cocaine does today. In the days of outdoor there was an annual cannabis shortage where ounces went for up to $400 so from an economic sense I can see why you would import.

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Here you go Wally.

Worth watching but if you want to get to the short version go directly to 38 min were they talk about The Nugan Hand Scandal.

They were part of the worlds largest cartel that was formed during the Vietnam war members included military /CIA and other goverment agency’s both in Australia and in the US and other places around the world.

That is how large shipments of cannabis got threw and ships from all over the world arrived here unloaded some for our domestic market then would sail to the US or to the EU.

Like i said The killing of Donald Mckay in 1977 was what started the down fall of many.

This is also a interesting read.


ok cheers ill check it out ,
thanks for the link man …



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