Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

I got some lemon Thai seeds so I could hang in this thread but now I’m reading it’s 100% Hawaiian bud. Oh well, birds need sustenance for their journey down south.
Carry on Haze Warriors.


Todd McCormick is having Sam on an ig live today. I hope this is actually a talk with some substance, was really bummed with his legends of hashish eps with bubbleman.


So what you are saying is that it is a tropical type that flowers from 14-16 weeks like most of the others?


I was gonna suggest 20/4. But 18/6 probably speed things up.

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18/6 is normal veg time for indoors you get no benefits from running longer lights on.

Playing around with lights on in flower can produce benefits LIKE more controllable plants and a shorter window it takes the plants to show sex as an example.


Most sativas flower 20 plus weeks the 50% Haze i have run had no plants came in before 16 weeks and some were at 20 weeks or just over and could of gone longer.


I wounder what version to the story will be given.


So straight from seed to flower 20 weeks? They have those that go six months from seed to harvest which are the tropical Thais. Is there an advantage to longer flowering or is there a sweet spot at 16? 4 weeks to get sexually mature then 16 weeks flowering :+1:.

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No from the point they the plants are put into flower until they are harvested.

When people say 16 or 20 weeks they reefer to just the time they take to flower veg is not included.


this is how it works in the tropics with sativas,
5 to 6 months from seed to harvest …


I pulled the longer flowering A78 x p420 at 100 days…These seeds are dominantly Sativa. I made a lot of these. I think these will be freebies. The P420 x Sowahh are next up for testing


do you find any issues with more western indoor genetics re-vegging on you in that enviro (aussie?) outside? id assume anything with afghan genes just runts on you, like one of those jamaican farms where they tried growing hashplants.

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yes some do reveg when the time is right ,
we used to grow them in our dry season
but when the days get long enough and the storms come ,
they reveg …
my latitude is the same as jamaica/north east thailand ,
and yea the more indica , the smaller the plants ,
but we were able to get some reasonable results ,
and just went for numbers,
the idea was hybrids in the winter/spring ,
pure sativas after that to take full advantage of the climate …


The truth, that Haze is Colombian.

Real Colombian, no Colombian hybrids from 1990 the neophytes are talking about. In 1970 I am sure Colombians were more similar to Thais than today, just like Colombian humans look similar to Thais too. They are on the same latitude, same hemisphere and more or less same altitude. And even when effectively separated by 10’000 miles and by one African continent, the Colombians and Thais look more like each other than Colombians and Peruvians who are neighbors or Thais and Chinese who are almost neighbors.

How is that possible? Why should it be different with the cannabis?

I believe some are talking of real Colombian natives, others talk of Sharika and Chuck Norris.


There is no real Colombian.Early 70s there was an introduction of Mexican genetics and in 1977 Thai genetics was introduced.


cuties ,
its likely they all set out from a similar origin eons ago …

where i live we have indigenous people who have had some chinese blood added 100 odd years ago i guess ,
they look very similar to the thai people ,
i think the origin is the same ,from india they became khmer in the areas where thailand , cambodia and laos are now ,( some continued onto Australia).
with a little chinese added later (migrations from southern china beginning around 1000 years ago … becoming thai people …


The Spanish arrived in Colombia in 1499 and Cannabis arrived with them.

Colombia is the only South American country with coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea.

Jamaica is only 1000 KM away.


todays archeologists are quite sure,that the first humans migrate to SA from Africa via Atlantic ~40K yrs(or more) ago…so maybe the first Ganja seeds from west africa were brought by these early immigrants ???
…but maybe there was no Ganja yet 40000yrs ago in Africa ?


Any things possible but were ever tall ship sailed and opened new trade roots cannabis went with them.


Hernán Cortés and a small group of Spanish soldiers conquered Mexico in 1521, just two years after they landed near the modern-day city of Veracruz. The swift conquest of Mexico was made possible by the armies of native Mexicans, enemies of the Aztec, that Cortés enlisted as his allies.

Again the Spanish took cannabis to Mexico.


Chile is the only South-American country, where hemp is grown for fibre.

Hemp is picked, bundled, hauled and run through a cleaning machine on a farm in Chile in 1949.

Hemp is picked, bundled, hauled and run through a cleaning machine on a farm in Chile in 1949.


Colombia doesn’t have the right climate for producing good fibre, so what was grown in pre 1960 for weed on a small scale was brought by sailors.