Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Hemp was what some called Sativa now those were drug strains that were also grown for fiber and very different to what we now call industrial hemp that were all breed as a result of prohibition.


Indian Hemp Drugs Commission

Sebastiaan Broere

In 1893, the INDIAN HEMP DRUGS COMMISSION was appointed by the Government of India on request of the House of Commons. The purpose of this committee was to ascertain, amongst others, ‘the extent to which the hemp plant is cultivated in each of the provinces of India in which it is grown, […] by whom, and the extent to which [the plant] is used, [and] whether, and in what form, the consumption of the drugs is either harmless or even beneficial as has occasionally been maintained’ (Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, vol. 1, 2). Based on information received from over eleven hundred witnesses, the commission published its conclusions in 1894.

Until the 1870s, the colonial attitude towards cannabis use had been ambivalent. Although some physicians regarded the plant as an intoxicating power, others considered the drug to be a potential source of medicine. After around 1870, the British in India became more concerned about the negative consequences of ganja consumption. In the imagination of the British colonial population, hemp came to be related to insanity, violence, suicide, indolence, and immorality.


At the front you have Cannabis indica aka Indian Hemp, see the difference.


Some pics of Purple Haze


Not sexed yet… one of ea NHxOH)xSowahh and NHxOH)x Appalachian Super Skunk


this was interesting
Silk road by Kevin
the whole video option is in the clip



India Papers > Medicine - Drugs > Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs
Commission, 1894-1895 > Volume I


Not my picture. This is from PiffCoastFarms. This is the savior of east coast haze sharing his thoughts.
I have a feeling he’s gonna dirty delete so I’m just doing my part to make sure his quote lives on forever :rofl:


I like Piffcoastfarms he comes across as a nice guy but 120 days (17 weeks) is still not coincided a long flowering Haze.


ive never thought that piff they talk about was a pure sativa at all ,
even 120 days sounds a lot for something they grow commercially indoor ,
dont those guys know about cuttings ??

its kinda frustrating that indoor is the guide of what plants do and how they perform really ,
its almost like a worst case scenario of performance , lol …


East coast vs west coast vs everybody else in their basement :joy:


Your right in that these tropical plants have been taken away from their natural environment and selected in an artificial environment and often hybridized in a way that has probably pressured them away their tropical roots.

But for someone like myself who lives at 55N, that’s not the worst thing. That being said I appreciate the fuck out of people who keep the tropical dream alive so I can in turn dream of laying on a tropical beach, drinking out of coconut, smoking on tropical sun grown cannabis when its -20c out here.


That is not the conclusion of the US hemp breeder Lyster Dewey at the time he was working as hemp breeder.

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What is the point your trying to make mexcurandero i am a little confused.

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(N-Haze x O-Haze) x THH x A5hbx x Mac) x SOWAHH These are doing great. Not a lot of stretch so far. All are about 4’ tall.


You got any more of those updates? Those ladies are so fine you could start pimping them out on Onlyfans…


Fibre hemp is bred for fibre and isnt a good source as a drug type.That counts also for Cannabis bred for hashish or marijuana, isnt a good source for fibre.
Lyster Dewey used Italian cultivars for his hemp breeding projects, not from India.


East Coast Compact Haze vs West Coast Compact Haze vs Europe & Down Under real Haze.


You shouldn’t confuse hemp with modern industrial hemp that was breed as a result of prohibition go look they are all patented.

It is no secret that weedy (uncultivated) hemp in Hokkaido is still psychoactive. Indeed, every year some people try to harvest it in the autumn and get caught by the police. Its potency has been described as “quite good”. It descended from cannabis legally grown by Japanese farmers until the late 1940s. Hokkaido hemp is by no means the only kind of indigenous psychoactive cannabis found in Japan:

Many of the old hemp seed strains of pre-war Japan can no longer be legally cultivated because they don’t meet the low THC-requirements imposed by some prefectural governments. This is even though the Cannabis Control Law does not specify any THC limits and regulates only based on the intended purpose of the crop. The Nagano prefectural government is refusing to issuing licenses to grow the traditional local mountain hemp and will only permit cultivation of a specially bred low-THC strain called “Tochigishiro”. That strain was developed at Hiroshima University and its main cannabinoid is CBDA. Some old hemp farmers complain that it produces fibre of inferior quality when compared to more traditional strains that do contain noticable amounts of THC.

“Many of the older fibre hemp varieties were in actual fact rather rich in THC, since psychoactivity was not used as a selection/breeding criterion prior to the 1970s.” (Prof. Szendrei, UNDCP 1999)

Higher THC hemp producer higher quality fiber and paper.


so youre saying you dont believe the origin story of haze?

also unrelated piffcoast is definitely right about one thing. the countercultural side of weed is pretending that instagram is the new headshop and they will bash people who work at dispos and smoke their weed then 2 minutes later talk about how they cant wait to go to nspecta’s dispo when it opens, because theyve seen the pretty pictures on his instagram, and read stories about him on instagram.

maybe thats why all the real weight is in cookie shit now and all the complaining and battling that goes on here about purity falls on deaf ears in the real world where weight and price paid are the real measure.

haze is from santa cruz. everything else is a combo of landrace sativas or worse. i enjoy the piff though i consume it regularly to this day.