Barcelonan Cannabis Club strains


Now i know why you were cooking :wink:


Weed looks fire…

Why has this thread been renamed? They are not from a coffeeshop.

What was the original title?

Barcelonan Prey.

They were all from Cannabis Clubs.

Barcelona does not have coffeeshops.

If you are not familiar with the concept, here’s a link:

Not only that the title is misleading the the form of organization I got them from, it also does not display the location anymore - I’d kinda understand if it would say Barcelonan Coffeeshop Strains, which still would be wrong, but now they could be from any coffeeshop around the world.

Very disappointed in the mod work done on this thread. Obviously one shouldn’t bother trying to title their threads correctly as the mods know best.

Thanks for renaming, but to please the other mods, maybe title it something like “Barcelonan Cannabis Club strains” ? I understand that “prey” might not be the best word.

Not a native english speaker.

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I’ve renamed it to your second choice, hopefully that is better to your liking. Not a mod, the rename thread privilege is opened up to members after some time at OG.

P.s. your selection looks awesome!


black mamba bag appeal tho