Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Happy SSDD, enjoying the side light from the clone and reveg area.


Yep that’s her alright! I’m 3 weeks into reveg with her and nada so far, she’s still just continuing to flower. I think the last time I reveg’d anything it took around 6 weeks though so holding out hope! Are you planning on flowering her out soon or still got a while? She’ll double in size, height and width, whenever you do :slight_smile:


I have at least until the end of August before I can start to flower anything new. I actually have a cut of the ssdd rooting now that will probably end up being the plant I will flower out. This one is happy enough in the cup that I will just let her ride as a mom, as long as she’s happy.


Couldn’t be more phallic, but I’m still hesitant to chop it haha.
Chocolate Buddha


Update from the basement.
Veg plants are happy, the chocolate Buddha’s want to be up potted or cloned on. I have a couple cuttings upstairs in the flower tent so I can finally convince myself the big sexy one is a male and let it go haha. Cuttings of all the plants I almost killed last time in the middle tray, cruising. Also cuttings of the two Hillbilly Fighter in the left tray, wanting me to put them in something that isn’t a 9oz perlite hempy. The Maui Wowie and Mexican Widow are still being ridiculous and wanting to be trees.

SSDD in the solo is recovering from a savage cut taking, but she’ll be fine. And the SSDD in the M3 soil is recovering from a savage trimming and root pruning too. She really doesn’t seem to like any sort of root constriction, and had started getting all floppy and pissed. So I put her in the dreaded fabric bag, because it was the most airy container I had on hand. But I am bottom watering like I do the veggies outside, and she seems happier for it.


Wanting to be trees is a good thing haha. Let ‘em get big!


I really should, I mean, they have definitely earned it haha.

But they also both made the mistake of showing me they can be happy in the little pots, so they have to wait now.


You said you wanted the extra crispy, right? That’s good, cause they are haha.

All jokes aside, this is par for the course when I try running organic. Sometimes it works for me, other times, like this one, it goes totally off the rails. I think if I had thrown in the towel and started feeding them salts when they first started looking hungry I would have been in better spot than I am.

I will get some weed off the left one (skinny tall lemony) the other will probably be made into tincture or something. Despite the looks, they are sticky af and stinking, so that’s good haha.

Coming down the end of august, if they live that long.

Left buds

Right “buds”, just sticky leaves really.


I don’t understand why y’all salt growers have such a difficult time whenever you guys try to grow in soil haha! Seriously, dude, it is so easy. I have no fucking clue what I’m doing, I just follow the shit I read on grasscity like ten years ago and don’t really ever have too many issues (knock on wood), don’t even really ever do too much of anything except water the plants every-other-day with RO water, unless I get bored and add some coconut or something.

What’s your soil mix again? Did you make your own or was it some bagged stuff?


Yeah, me fucking either! hahaha

I suspect that I underpotted them, maybe if they’d gone into bigger pots they would have had the food to get to the end? Too late to find out now haha.

I’m using M3 bagged soil. What do you run? Your plants always look awesome.


Could be. How big are the pots again? I used to grow in three-gallon airpots, trying to remember if the plants ever got super-gnarly. I know the Tree of Lifes kinda did, probably some others did, as well. They still put out good flowers, though; they just looked a little rough near the end.

Thanks, dude! I just use that soil mix that’s posted on the “No Till Revisited” thread on grasscity, pretty much. I’ve mixed soil without the biochar and malted barley before and the plants still grew fine, but the current bins of soil I have contain both. I don’t think I’d omit any of the other ingredients.

Are you using tap water? Maybe that has something to do with it. Do you know, like, the relevant stuff about your water? Like, uh… The pH levels, I guess? And the TDS and all that? Haha. I’ve actually never checked the pH of my RO water (or my soil), but I do occasionally check the TDS levels, just so I know when it’s time to change the filters.


They’re in 1.5 gal pots. I’ve grown bigger plants in these before, but it was soil that I watered with salts. Those were the PCB X A5HT and the Chocolate Blitz plants from last summer. That was in Roots original though, so I knew I was gonna have to add something, this time I was hoping I could just let them ride in the richer soil. On that note, I guess Aurora, the company that makes Roots, has been sold. I’m curious if the product will change.

I looked at that soil recipe, I like that it is minimal animal stuff. Crab meal and such I mind less then blood and bone. I just wish someone sold all the ingredients in the right ratios in a small enough quantity to do like, 10 gals of soil. Like a trial size haha. I still have like half a box of oyster shell and most of gallon jugs Earth Juice from like 5 years ago.

And yeah, I have gone back to tap for the most part. The RO was unavailable at some point, so I mixed a gallon of the concentrate for the veg plants with tap. It worked fine, so I kept doing it. The M3 soil says to use chlorine free water, so those I’ve been giving those plants tap that has been carbon filtered. But yeah, my tap PH fluctuates like crazy, 7-7.9 for no apparent reason. Ppm lately has been 180ish.

I probably oughta go back to RO, but I also saw it on my water bill and I didn’t like. Maybe I’ll cut the tap 1:1, see if that helps any.


Yeah, 1.5 is pretty small. But syzygy’s growing in one-gallons (right? I think? I can never keep up with what all he’s doing haha) and he doesn’t seem to have too much trouble. But in general, yeah, I think bigger pots might help.

It’s probably just that soil you’re using. It blows my mind how crappy so many people’s bagged soil grows always end up turning out. Like, just make good soil! How hard could it be??? Haha… I even saw nube mention something on crunch’s thread that he was having trouble with the Buildasoil bagged soil. Who knows…?

It’s a pretty easy one and seems to work well. I haven’t ever used anything else, I don’t think (except for when I first started and mixed up like fifty gallons of The Rev’s soil mix, just to see how plants would respond to it)(only vegged in that mix, though, never flowered in it). It’s probably also the cheapest to mix up (which I know is important to you)(it’s important to me right now, too! Haha), especially when you consider the fact that you can just keep using it again and again.

I knowwwww, dude. I have so much needless, pointless shit that I bought like eight years ago, strictly based on one thing I read online or one post I saw on a grow site, all like,”Oh! Well I guess I need to get that immediately!” haha.

Oyster shell’s not bad to have around, though. I dunno anything about that Earth Juice.

I mean, I don’t even know if tap water’s “bad” or whatever. Schmarmpit uses it in his three-gallons and his plants always look pretty healthy. I asked him once what his PPM’s were and he said they were 350, so… It really doesn’t seem to matter, I guess. I read a couple of papers about tap vs filtered water in organic growing and neither of them got past the preliminary stages because they didn’t find any evidence that tap water had any kind of detrimental effect on the life in the soil. Plus, it’s not like organic growers (of anything, not just weed) are filtering thousands of gallons of water a day.

I only asked because I was kinda spitballin’ haha. I don’t think it’s your water, pretty sure it’s that soil.


I’d definitely up your pot size if you can… I see a little floor space in that tent, go up to 5 gallons if you can fit them, you won’t regret it.

Another thing I notice is that if you’re going to run plants in small pots like that, you really need to prune very heavily, and not keep much branching and lower flowers. The smaller pots just don’t have enough energy to support all that growth, imho. I would concentrate on keeping 2 or 4 main tops and prune everything else. Every time I try to spread my plants way out, and get a bunch of tops, the flowers will end up smaller if not properly fed.

I’ve never used anything but tap water, I never seem to have a problem. I do have a 20 gallon trash can that I fill up weekly and let sit with an airstone in there, I water directly from there. I do have low PPM tap water though.

If you can make your own soil, it’s really the way to go. I use Coot’s Mix basically, but Minitiger’s recipe is good place to start as well. It’s really hard to fuck up good organic soil, with big pots, and just water. But if you do want to keep using the small pots, you’re gonna have to supplement with feed them some how, maybe low dose of Megacrop since you already have that I think.


Yeah, I really don’t think tap water’s a big deal. I just use the RO because I have it and I’m paranoid haha. Or a creature of habit, one of the two.

I do think, though, that the smaller the pots, the higher the likelihood of tap water maybe kinda messing with the soil biology/plants themselves. Probably depends on the TDS levels, though. I dunno.

A “good place to start”??? What’re you saying? That I’m some kind of Amateur or something??? Haha.

Just kidding, obviously. I am curious, though, what the difference between the soil mix you’re using and the one I’m using is. I don’t think I’ve ever asked you what your soil mix was, now that I think about it.


@potpotpot wanna send me your coco? :slight_smile:


I would use it too, if I had it.

lol, not at all.

i’ve used a couple of mixes over the years. I started out using LC’s Mix from ICMAG: Tutorial - Organics for Beginners | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

I had really good results using that mix, great tasting herb, just using water only.

The previous round I just mixed 1:1:1 Peat : Oly Mtn Compost : Rice Hulls and used BAS nutrient kit. Top dressed with Craft Blend.

This round is just recycled stuff from last round, with little more peat added, plus good bit more compost, and mixed in a bunch of Craft Blend.

Our mixes are probably pretty much the same, after briefly looking at Mountain Organic’s mix. I don’t use much Malibu Compost in my mix, but do use some local worm castings. He uses all those crazy tea and potions he’s brewing up over there, I follow him on instagram and his plants always look good. It’s crazy he does no-till for like 30 cycles or something… you gotta have big ass pots for that though. And a thriving system with lots of worms and other life. Once I get a permanent setup, I’d like to try something like that.


I checked out all those soil mixes, the Coots mix is most tempting, I already have some of that stuff. But I’m gonna end up using the M3 at least for the next round, since I still have quite a bit. I’m going to end up in the 1.5 gals again, cause I wanna pack em in, but will keep the plants smaller for sure. They really took off when I repotted them, I thinned a bunch, but they are still bigger than I planned. I am happy that when I thinned the lowers out I left a lot of fans, or they would be totally done now haha.

That is what I’m leaning towards for the moment.

The 4th recipe down there is from three little birds, flashing back to the thread about earth juice on thc farmer. I should use what I have left outside so I don’t get tempted to use it inside again haha.

No chance! It works so well for the veg plants, and I think I’ll get it to work in flower someday haha. Maybe.


Okay, yeah, I’ve used that exact same thing myself before, like five years ago, except I think I used either Bu’s or EWC for the “compost portion.” The BAS nutrient kit seemed pretty good, although the color of it kinda weirded me out haha. I remember it was like pretty grey-looking, couldn’t really figure out why, considering none of the components are grey. The plants grew fine, though, so I don’t think the color really mattered haha.

He only does that now because he’s trying to sell that bottled shit. I follow him on IG, too, and was pretty disappointed when I saw that stuff, since he used to be all like,”No bottled anything!” Those things he’s selling are a joke. You can’t bottle compost teas, which is basically what he’s selling; gotta use those very shortly after brewing them.

Yeah, you’ll be fine. Just supplement with some sort of, uh… supplement haha, like Iamyou suggested. Top dress with something. Kelp seems to be the sorta consensus all-purpose thing and it’s cheap, if you only wanna buy one thing. Maybe make a tea with it.

That Craft Blend from BAS seems like real good shit, though. I top dressed with some of that a couple months ago and haven’t felt the need to do anything else, although I did notice that one of the Grapefruit f3’s was doing something real weird-looking when I shut the tent tonight. Everything else still looks good, though, which isn’t always the case by the time I get to week seven or so.


Cool, I like having the variety too, thats why I run small pots in coco, so I can cram a lot of plants in the space. Looks like they just ran out food towards the end, you got the trough veg, and by that point, they needed some additional food. If you wanna do organics, you’re gonna have to top-dress heavily with amendments. If you wanna do synth-ganics, I’d veg them in soil using water only. If they start looking pale, start using like half the recommended dose of mega crop and work your way up, but I would never go to their max dosage unless you’re in a soilless media.

haha throw some plants in that outdoor mix and see how they do? You might be surprised! Maybe it’s had enough time to cook and really break down?

haha, mine looked normal? but I think they changed the recipe to separate the mineral mix from the other organic amendments. Kinda looked like craft blend to me :thinking: It does the job though.

Yeah, I don’t think you need any of that crap, haha. I don’t really care if my leaves are shiny, or whatever he says those potions do. We know the real magic is in the soil/pots/thriving eco-system - which he does seem to have a good handle on. But yeah, he can keep those ‘plant tonics’…