Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Yeah, that’s how it was when I bought some, too, with the minerals separated. The contents of both bags were the same grey color, it was kinda weird. But, like I said, the plants grew fine, so…

Right? It’s so mystifying to me. I’m not sure if it’s a total lack of self-awareness or if it’s people counting on everybody just not remembering what they said a year or two previous, but I’m continually blown away by how motherfuckers will just completely contradict themselves and then pretend like they weren’t saying/doing the exact opposite of what they’re doing now two years prior. Very odd…


Wow…dude,you said “Grasscity” same place I got my original information about growing in soil and over the years after a break…I learned about AACT and bringing a good soil mix to life…and it’s even easier to maintain than anything yet. Not set up right now but collecting genetics and equipment while I look for a grow friendly apartment


Mhm, yep, there’s a lot of good info on those threads. I definitely still use AACT’s, despite what the latest little online organic gurus say.


The soil info I got from Grasscity had to have been at least like 2005 if it was around then…that’s when I was growing illegally in Illinois (Chicago)… then moved to California, but I’m in a place I can’t grow at…so I’m looking for more work and a new apartment so I can set back up and pursue my passion…like y’all OG’rs

internet was not the cannabis information highway like now (which is cool) learned as I went…

Regardless, love what your doing!

Kelp does seem to be universally recommended, and is extra tempting, being a plant and all. Alfalfa is tempting as well, though I feel like I see it less in the weed world than normal gardening.

That is a nice looking blend, and not badly priced either!

This is exactly what the current plan is.

To clarify, when I used to use EJ I just used it with bagged soil, heavily cut with perlite. I just meant that I was tempted to grab the bottles and start fucking things up haha. Really the EJ did work, for the most part, but it was lots of work. Always having a bubbling 5 gallon pail of stuff threatening to foam over got old quick.

And unfortunately outdoor plants for me means veggies, for the moment anyway. Wanted to chuck something outside this year, but am gonna have contractors all over the place soon and couldn’t risk it.


Kelp is more of a well-rounded, “all purpose/anytime”-type thing, whereas alfalfa is used mostly in veg. Also, I’ve read that alfalfa can be kinda “hot” and you have to go easy with it. I’ve never added it to a top dress, so I dunno, although I did used to use it in veg teas all the time and got great results. I keep meaning to get back to doing that, but I always forget haha.

Kelp is more “mellow” or whatever and filled with all kinds of good shit that plants like. I remember some post from Coot where he said that if he could only use one thing, it would be kelp. I do add a pinch of alfalfa to my compost teas and also to my neem/kelp teas (when I remember to haha), but I have no idea if it does anything.


One of the rare occasions in life where zooming in makes it better haha.

Turns out both of the Chocolate Buddha are male. Too bad, because they were both really beautiful, well behaved plants. The plant with thinner leaves has a stem rub of poop and peppermint, which is not my favorite haha. The other one though, stem rub is straight, strong citronella. Really cool and surprising.


Nice healthy roots on the Chocolate Buddha too, despite being in a tiny container for a long time.


Getting the ladies ready for their transplant in a couple days. Trimmed em way back in hopes of avoiding the starving octopus fuck fest I currently have going.

Been playing with different variations of solo cup hempys, these are like a hybrid hempy cup and the errrr pots I made last year. They let me ignore the cup for a day, as opposed to watering in the morning and the evening. We’ll see what the long term brings. These plants are the two Hillbilly Fighters.


Is this a new cross by @Pigeonman ?
If not, dibs on this as a name. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Either me or @Slick1 to be fair.



Wouldn’t that be Starving Octopus Fuck VEST if it were Slick?


Quick dry fit before I transplant haha.


Been seeing some really “aggressive” little flying fuckers in the basement lately, similar size to fungus gnats, but flying with a mission, not the lazy loops I expect from fungus gnats. First thought was thrips, but saw no damage. This weekend I noticed a couple thrip larvae in the cup of a plant I had under the clone dome. I have to assume they were able to establish themselves there due to lack of air movement under the dome, that’s really the only difference between that plant and all the others down there. Bagged and chucked the clone. Cleaned everything, and hit everyone with a nice shot of Captain Jacks. Happy I saw those larvae before I brought the next round of plants upstairs, which should happen this weekend. I’ll hit them once more after I move them upstairs, before flowering really kicks in.

It’ll be nice to have the veg cleared out a bit, but I’m already hype to drop more beans haha. The life of a plant person hah.


Bugs to many bugs damn!

That’s what flies look like that bite hell off the horses l.


Well, fuck them, lol!


Oh wow, you got me beat. My bug density is thankfully much lower haha.

And fuck horseflies, they are the worst. Anytime we go to the beach we spend half the time fending off damn horse flies.


FWIW, any grow that yields is a success. The leaves notwithstanding, those look really nice.


Absolutely. I put some on top of the toaster oven to dry because I’m almost out of herb and it’s not totally dry yet, and it is still better than the dispo mids I would buy haha.


Last day in veg land for these 5 ladies. I’ve been pretty aggressive with cracking stems and thinning these, will have to continue I expect. The one that I think will be trouble is the BB X T1000, left front. It responds to topping by making any little sucker branches shoot straight up, fast. I imagine the flower stretch will be similar.

The Maui Wowie and Mexican Widow are stressed a bit from a heavy chop and the spinosad. And the SSDD in the bag, back left, is overwatered and pouty.

Found a half pack of fancy store bought blue stick pads, quite a few gnats, don’t see any thrips. I did catch an earwig on a different sticky trap though, and caught one nibbling the new growth on a plant earlier this year. That I don’t fucking like haha.