Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. Is that the plant with the super-thick meristem on the right-hand side of that pic in the blue pot? Did you ever actually flower any of that out or have you just been waiting? I was pretty interested to hear what you thought of her.


It is yes, the one that is closer to the camera. I have flowered it out, but it was one of the ones I tortured in the solo cups last winter. I got some smoke from it, but it wasn’t super strong. “Mellow” I think would be a good way to describe it haha. I will grow it again because I want to give it an actual chance. The stem rub is straight ginger, hoping it will come through in the buds if I give it a good run. I will flower them after this round, or at least that is the current plan.


That’s cool, I love hearing that. What’re the genetics of that one again? I mean, White Widow, obviously, but what’s the “Mexican” portion of that cross? I only ask because the Mexican Death Sativa hybrid I grew a while back had a similar sorta “ginger” thing going on, although I didn’t realize it at the time. I was describing it as “peppermint,” but I think ginger might be more accurate.

I wonder if that’s something specific to certain Mexican strains? Or certain regions of Mexico?


The Mexican was an Acapulco Gold:

“ AG, from @lambchopedd, is either WoodstockFarmacy or Bodhi/Nierika.”

I would just quote it from the thread, but OG is being weird and won’t let me haha. If you search Mexican Widow on OG you’ll find a mention in the Acapulco Gold repro thread. @GrouchyOldMan has also posted a seriously impressive pic of the mother of the seeds in that thread. I won’t repost it here because it has his face in it, but it’s out there if you want to see it.

How was the MDS? I have a half pack, and I’m always tempted to drop them. I would say ”next round of seeds”, but I already have more things I want to plant than I can haha. I’d say the list for the next drop is “firmed”, but not 100% haha.


Ah, okay, I followed that thread from lambchopped and also saw those pics from Grouchy.

Very good. I really oughta plant more soon. Very peppermint/spearmint and I guess ginger, too, with an excellent, sociable, positive high. I lost like two-thirds of one of them when I was trying to train it and snapped it in half and she still yielded really well. They both seemed to lean towards the mom smoke-wise, but the flowers were super-fat; I’m assuming that’s because of the DE dad.

The only problem was something hermed that run and I didn’t notice, not sure if it was the Mexican Melon, the Black Triangle or the Lucky Dog stuff I was growing. Everything got seeded as a motherfucker, which was a bummer, obviously. But that weed was still really good.


I really don’t mind seeds in my weed, maybe with the exception of the million late started seeds that are just little white balls that are impossible to separate out.


Didn’t move them upstairs into flower yet, life happens ya know?
I’ll do it tomorrow. And this time, I mean it haha

Big trim today, and some serious stalk snappin’ too.


I do, if for no other reason than I don’t think the plants express themselves when they’re pollinated the same way they would if they weren’t pollinated.

Bust out the rolling tray! Or an album cover! Old school, baby! Haha.


Oh man, every time I see that I cringe a bit. I think if I put a bunch of sticky, greasy weed on an album cover to get the seeds out, my wife might skin me alive ahaha.


I’m pretty sure that the imported weed that people had to use album covers to remove seeds from back in the day was probably not all that sticky or greasy haha. I don’t remember any of the ol’ Mexi brick I smoked when I was like thirteen being very sticky, anyway.

But yeah, regardless, you definitely don’t wanna piss off your wife haha…


Yeah, that’s a really good point. It’s been a looong time since I’ve had brick weed, thankfully haha. How quickly we forget the seeds and stems and dryness.

But yeah, my wife started buying vinyl like a year ago, maybe a bit longer than that. We don’t really own anything valuable, but even the cheap ones cost haha. I was eating Cheetos or Doritos or something like that one time, and I stood up when the record needed to be flipped. I wasn’t even out of the chair and she was like “No! Stop!!”. I WAS gonna was my hands before I flipped it haha.


First real day in flower, 12/12
I really like the leaf shape of the newer leaves on the BB x T1000, right front.


Lookin good!! That back left one has some interesting leaves going on too :face_with_monocle:


Yeah, that is one of the Double Stawberry Diesel x Sour Jones. It had a hard time in the reveg, and never really returned to 100% normal leaf growth. The other one, back right, didn’t struggle as much, and is back to normal.


I know, man. It’s like,”Yayyy!!! We finally got rid of twenty-dollar CD’s! But now you have to spend fourty dollars on a record that used to cost a buck in the used bin!” haha.


Yeah, that’s so funny! I went to Best Buy a few weeks ago cause my wife was looking for a new phone and Best Buy was the only one with it in stock. Anyway, I haven’t been to a Best Buy in years and remember back in the day, all the Best Buy’s or Circuit City’s would just have rows of CD’s for sale, well Circuit City is obviously gone but Best Buy is still doing a banging business and sells all kinds of other shit now as well. I couldn’t believe all of the I-fit type watches and even rings! That being said, they had this small section for vinyl records but not a CD to be seen, haha.


We bought our record player at Best Buy haha. But yeah, no cds. Everything is streamed I guess.


That is funny, the only time I listen to CD’s is when I’m in my car as I don’t have Spotify or other music apps through my phone.


Hold up, stores have vinyl, but not CDs now?? Why are people buying vinyl for ridiculous prices?? All of the advancements in music listening have been better. Cleaning vinyl, changing needles, and on and on is soooo fun. That crackle though… Hipsters. Haha


They did? Vinyl at Best Buy? That’s gotta be a Central Coast Thing haha… I would LOVE to know what they were stocking in the racks haha! Did you look through them?

The app thing is all I have in the Tesla, which is kind of nice but also super-annoying, just because you’re relying on a streaming service to provide you with music that you wanna listen to. I’ll randomly think of some album I haven’t listened to in years and search for it, even though I know there’s no fucking way it’s in their “library” or whatever.

My girl also somehow “lost” all of my old music, all of these CD’s and tapes I’d bought from the merch tables at random local shows any time I saw a band that I thought was good and that have long-since been forgotten. It drives me fucking NUTS actually.

I don’t hold grudges or anything, not really, and definitely not with my girl, but that was definitely a point of contention for the first few years after I’d realized she didn’t know what happened to it, even though she was the one that “moved it” somewhere. I’d just be like,”Where the FUCK did you put that The Donkeys CD?!? Where did you put all of my music?!?” I really don’t know how you could just “lose” a bunch of music. What’d she do with it? Where did it go??? Haha…

I’m (kind of) over it now, though haha…