Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

I briefly glanced at it briefly and it just struck me as “new” type stuff, nothing interested me to look further. One of my good friends was really into collecting vinyl 10-15 years ago, a whole room in his house was full of records, but he was also playing around with turntables and was more into that aspect of it versus just listening to vinyl for the sound.

Yeah, my wife has a Spotify account and I should probably just get the app on my phone so I can pull if up in the car, I’m sure it would cover all of my bases for the most part (we mostly play Spotify and maybe Pandora through our Sonos speakers in the house). I can never get the volume as loud in the car though when I play music through my phone versus just playing directly through the stereo, I need a smarter car like you have, haha.

Yeah that’s rough, around 2009-2010 my now wife and I moved to the East Coast so she could go to graduate school for a few years, I sold all my CD’s and DVD’s I had before we moved to Streetlight Records in Santa Cruz (thankfully people were still listening to CD’s then) cause I couldn’t bring everything with us. It was kind of nice to be free of all of that “stuff”, I backed up whatever I wanted on a computer that I am sure is dead or gone by now, haha.

But yeah, that sucks for those small, local bands that probably aren’t even together anymore as that music may not be available anywhere anymore.


I guess I wish I had my parents vinyl collection. Peach crates stacked on top of each other covering the walls all over the place. My mom and I moved a ton, so I moved those damn peach crates or vinyl sooooo many times. My mom gave all of hers away years ago. My dad I’m sure has his. He was into collecting rare stuff and keeping them in sleeves and all sorts of dorky stuff. Had three or four peach crates of just Zappa.


That was the catalyst for my “Fuck computers, fuck technology” thing haha, was when something happened to my old iMac that had thousands of songs on it. Took it to the computer repair place and they were like,”We can’t save anything on there, your iMac is dead.” That was the thing that made me go,”Why are we relying on this shit?” I mean, I’d actually spent money on some of the music on there, downloaded from Apple Music or whatever, it wasn’t all just backups of music I owned in physical form. And poof!, it was all gone. Money down the drain, all at the whim of these assholes.

I think that’s by design. And I swear I’m not a paranoid freak! Haha. But it does feel like these dipshits, these “tech creators” or whatever just view everything, even something as vital as music, as being disposable. And it isn’t.


Technically all the music you bought you can redownload as it’s tied to your account. Anything else though is gone.

I lost all my music I downloaded back in the day when it took 3+ hrs to download one song and my hdd died. Then rebuilt it all again and got a rootkit virus that literally infected the firmware on all my devices. had to replace everything. Rebuilt a third time and started doing backups of everything i needed to keep to external devices, more than one copy on more than one device and different device types. Not had an issue since. Least until some solar micronova or emp blast wipes away all vestiges of technology. I don’t have a really nice faraday cage yet :confused:


Yeah, you can do that because you have the know-how and patience to do that. I possess neither of those things haha.

I don’t wanna have to “rebuild” anything, especially not three times haha. I just wanna put on a record. And I swear, I really am NOT as old as I sound haha, but it does seem to me to be a little bit of a racket. Or at least, like, it shouldn’t be this difficult. We shouldn’t have to rebuild things and back up shit three times and whatever whatever. I thought the whole point was to make things easier, wasn’t it? It was pretty easy to put a record on the turntable or put a CD in the CD player (unless they were scratched haha).

I don’t think we have to accept this, is all I’m saying. And yes, NOW I really am having an “old man screams at cloud” moment haha…


I really like listening to vinyl. And I really don’t like streaming music. And it’s not the digital thing, I have a pretty full iPod kicking around somewhere, it is the fact that you don’t own and can’t control streaming. You can listen to something a thousand times, then one day it is just gone. Sure, I can destroy or lose my iPod or the files on a computer, but it won’t selectively delete a bunch of stuff overnight because someone wants to get paid. My wife lost lots of stuff when iTunes crashed a million years ago, all purchased through iTunes, and apple did nothing. Also I feel like streaming and the way it guides your listening has really helped music to become very “samey”. Granted, we still stream music all the time, I just don’t enjoy it nearly as much.

Listening to music requires effort for me, and I feel like the extra ritual of dealing with vinyl and all it’s sensitivities really works well with and contributes to the kind of environment that I prefer when I want to sit down and listen to some music. Focused, and with the purpose of listening to music.

But yeah, it can be a pain in the ass sometimes haha. We ended up with like 4 copies of one album because they all had pressing defects or damage from bad handling. We bought them from the manufacturer, so they just kept sending them until we stopped complaining. We never even got a truly clean copy, but across multiple copies have a clean copy of each song haha. But that was a one off, and hasn’t deterred me. I have been called a glutton for punishment before though.

You know what I don’t miss at fucking all? Cassettes of any type. Remember the amount of tape that used to blow around? I saw a big bundle blowing around the other day and fucking flashed back haha.


Exactly. That reeeeeallllyyyyy bothers me, too. Same with movies and shows, where something you love was on Netflix or whatever for a year or two and now it’s not. It’s just… gone. Or moved to another streaming service. I’m sick of having to search, like,”Where is Blade Runner streaming now?” or whatever.

My girl also somehow lost all of my old dvd’s, in addition to the music. I had some really good, weird and awesome shit. The one I miss the most is I’m From Hollywood, that Andy Kaufman wrestling thing. It was super-funny.

It’s that we’re pretty much at the whims of these streaming services that I find most distressing haha. And they’re not gonna make things like I’m From Hollywood available, ever. I finally got sick of it and just started buying dvd’s again (which, like records, now cost a ridiculous amount of money). My girl bought me Shortcuts, great Robert Altman flick, for my birthday a few years ago because she got tired of me being like,”Why the fuck does no streaming service have Shortcuts, gawddamnit?!?” haha. I dunno how much she paid for it, but the last time I looked at a copy for sale it was eighty bucks.

Yeah, stuff like that… I dunno. It starts to feel like they’re counting on you to just finally say,”Fuck it, I don’t feel like contacting them AGAIN to get a decent copy of this thing that I paid for.” They’d rather just send you some cheap bullshit and hope (correctly, most of the time) that you won’t be motivated enough to spend thirty minutes “chatting” with some online bot to get it sorted out.

I feel like I’m constantly being ripped off and scammed haha. There’s 100,000 movies on Netflix and I watch the same five things over and over haha!, you know? We subscribed to fucking Peacock for like three years, just so we could watch The Office; there was really no other reason to have that service (except that they had Wonderland on it, which is a great movie). My girl finally bought the series and cancelled our subscription a few months ago.

And it felt sooooo good haha.

What??? Mix tapes, baby! How could you not miss those?!? Haha.


I have actually never made a mixtape. I think my wife has boxes of hers in the basement though haha.


Shoulda used more tape on that emt cfm bar. No harm done, luckily. It must have happened as soon as I walked away from it yesterday, the plant already started correcting for the angle.


Looking better than most for me at this point haha. Some angry tips, but I have not had tons of time to play with plants recently.

BB x T1000
Despite the very broken stem, she is the most vigorous at this point. I have crushed everything I can, and will continue to.

Free cat hair :+1:


Nahhh, dude, they look great. Nice and green. They’ll be fine. Better than fine, even, maybe haha. “Tis the greatest weed I’ve ever blazed!”


It’s probably because I’ve been too busy to “take care of them” haha.


Well sometime in the past week I fucked up my water, for all the plants. Idk what I did, I was mixing nutes for the plants in the basement, and phing some tap water for the plants upstairs in the same place, at the same time. Idk if I put all the ph down in one container, so some plants got fed high, and the others low? I chucked all the stuff I had mixed up and started fresh, seems good since. The notable things here for me are the GTH X BS upstairs(back row, center) and the SSDD in the fabric bag in the basement(back row, center) have practically no signs of impact. Hell, the SSDD in the bag looks better than ever haha.

The DSD X SJf2 that didn’t want to come out of reveg took it the hardest, I cleaned this plant up very aggressively right after I took these pics.


veryone but the Mexican Widow is looking nice, I took a clone of the Mex Wid in case I can’t bring it back. Root pruned it and gave it some fresh coco. The top of the Mex Wid is greening up, but the plant doesn’t look healthy broadly.

Check out the SSDD in the bag though, looking healthy AF. And the one in the white cup is so bushy and full it is crazy.

My wife grabbed an 8th of a strain called “Lemon Disco”, and she’s in love with it. It’s a phylos strain, and I don’t wanna pay them for it. But, we found a seed in the eight, obviously had to pop it. Looking at the lineage of one of the parents “yoga pants”, I’m gonna assume it is selfed haha. But the wife likes it, so I’m going to cross my fingers and hope it doesn’t herm like crazy.


Still in recovery mode for most of them upstairs. The BB X T1000 lost a few leaves, but nothing major. The BS X GTH had a tiny warble that looked like mag deficiency on a couple lower leaves, but just barely. Both DSD X SJ got smacked pretty hard, but new growth is nice. The SSDD looks pissed, but I’m pretty sure that was just over watering. Buds are growing and leaves are getting frosty. And the blueberry muffin smell is real now, and blowing my mind haha.


Glad it’s not just me :wink:


Yeah, it is there! At first it is straight berry, but the end has a sharp twang, like fermented butter or the not funky part of soft cheese, if that makes sense. But not actually fermented smelling, just “sharp”.


So, idk that I’m done killing the flowering plants, but they’re still alive so that’s good haha. Temps have dropped upstairs and I haven’t gotten my ceramic reptile heaters setup yet. Tonight, I hope.

The SSDD(front left) continues to look overwatered, but continues to grow. Last weekend I took a chopstick and poked a million holes in the soil to try to get some air to the roots, no results yet. The DSD X SJf2(back left and back right) are in the same boat, growing slowly, but growing. The BB X T1000(front right) is showing some deficiency quite suddenly (k?) but I think due to high ph rather than actual hunger. I had switched back to RO for these after I fucked em up with the bad batch of water earlier. Was hoping the soil would be able to buffer whatever makes up the 9ppm that keeps my ph at 7.5, but evidently not. And the BS X GTH(back middle) is basically just fine still haha.

Also, as a note, I trimmed these way the fuck too far back. They stretched a lot less than I expected, and I feel like they’re bordering on overpotted now. Having said that, I’m going to use bigger pots next time, but won’t trim the plants back as much as I did here.


Prepping for the likely situation of throwing in the towel in most of them plants upstairs, so I’m transplanted the big ass SSDD I have, and the lemony Hillbilly Fighter into a couple Folgers hempys. Only got pics of the roots of the SSDD, healthy looking roots considering how rootbound they where. And even if the plants upstairs magically fix them selves, and these stay in the basement, at least they won’t be falling over and smothering all the other veg plants anymore haha.

All fluffed up



That’s called teasing, lol!

Why are you moving them?