Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Mostly because I’m not confident that the plants upstairs are gonna turn around, at least not enough to get any significant amount of bud from. I’m buying weed right now, since I’ve porked everything I’ve grown for the past year, so actually getting a harvest really matters to me right now haha. The lemony HF is a very forgiving plant, and I really want to get to try the SSDD. Also those two kept falling over, so they were the obvious choices.

Fringe benefit is it will open up some room in the veg area. Which is good, because despite everything else, I really wanna pop some seeds soon. Because, as we know, I am a glutton for punishment haha.


Aww sadness. I wondered. Maybe the soil stunted them or something? I know my ssdd cut can double in size when it comes to flower. Both width and height. High P feeds, like the maxibloom I use, tends to elongate the internode spacing as well. Hopefully that big one just takes right off with the transplant and you can get some decent yield off her. I wouldn’t want to have to buy herb again, that sucks bro :pensive:


Dang, that sounds familiar :frowning:

I’ve found that too. But we both use coco. It’s why I can grow just one plant in a space and reap more that a bunch of crammed in little ones!

Have you considered upgrading your lighting?, or even going with another K? I’ve only flowered one plant under sil’s, docD’s Bandaid Haze, floppy anyway, but I don’t think it reached it’s full potential, either.

I’ve got nowhere to buy weed, I’d be hitting the Romilar at Food Lion :frowning:

Good luck with those kids!


I would love to blame the soil, but I think it was me that messed them up haha. They didn’t get long enough to settle in after the transplant, then I took like half the plant off when I thinned. I think that because the I pulled so much of the above ground portion the plant was able to make due with the roots it had, and had no motivation to grow root through the rest of the soil. I say this because weeks in, the original root ball is still drying out days before the “new” soil in the pot, makes me think the roots are not spreading, and the old rootball is just wicking the moisture out of the new soil. Add to that my ph fuckup(s) and it’s a miracle they’re still alive at all.

It’s a lifestyle haha.

These two plants will be staying in coco. They were both happy as could be in coco hempys, so I’m not going to try to change that now. Just gonna bump my feed up a bit and try not to starve them out.

I do own, and have used “better” lights. I have a couple 100 watt quantum boards from Vivosun, and have grown some nice plants using them. But, they are super intense, and it seems that if a plant has any weakness or issue it is exacerbated by the intensity of the lights. That was a big motivating factor for me to build the new sil array for flower, to try to eliminate that as an issue. Also, I really dislike the waterproof gel stuff they out over the lenses. The more you try to clean it, the more hairy it gets haha.

As for the color temp, I have always had the best luck with the 5k sils, which I am using upstairs now.

I have successfully grown quite a few plants using the sils, ancient OG, Goji OG, Chocolate Thai, Soar, Anodyne, and a bunch of autos too. So I know it can happen, I just have to stop damn killing the plants haha.

Yeah, it’s a bummer. But, I try to look at everything through a positive lens if possible. I do have access to rec and medical herb, so at least it’s not straight up off the streets. The rec herb looks nice, but is mids. The medical dispos used to have some great weed, but it’s mostly dessert trash now. And the rec place is closer haha. But yeah, I try to remind myself of all the times I would have been happy to be able to buy a bag of anything, from anywhere.

Also, I have a tiny bit of my weed left, and it is a nice confidence boost to compare my poorly grown weed to the legal stuff that looks nice, and find mine to be way better haha.

I hope so too haha, and thank you :+1:


I don’t know if this is a real thing, or not, but every time I see a root, from seedling to bloom transplant. I lightly dust the root, or rootball with some mycos and gypsum. The plants seem to like it, or maybe they’re just being polite and humoring me?

I’m just throwing spaghetti, lol!

ETA Do you flower under 5000K?


Funny you say that, I hit everybody with a drench of mikro-mycos last night. I used to use the Earth Juice myco (“rooters” maybe?), but they stopped making it. Then I just kind of forgot stuff like that existed haha. Figured it might help the organic plants, but I mixed enough that I ended up having enough to give a bit to everybody. No one melted overnight so I’m satisfied for the moment haha.

I have quite a bit of gypsum in my food, for the hydro plants anyway.

Come to think of it, no. I normally had a couple redder ones in there, just because I didn’t have enough 5ks. If I I put too many red ones in the plants really seemed to dislike them and would get all stressed and papery. Like they lost a lot of luster. Granted I thought the same thing about HPS lights and would use my MH bulb to flower sometimes too. And my t8s were always the whitest I could get too.

But there might be something to that, I’ll try not to forget to fool around in the future.


Happy belated birthday to my two Hillbilly Fighters, thanks for tolerating me ladies, I promise I’ll do a good job some day haha. They’re the smaller plant in the Folgers pot, and the plant in the purple solo.

The plants in the Folgers hempies are pretty well acclimated now. The SSDD took a minute, but the HF jumped right in and took off. I have thinned a lot of the HF, but nowhere near as much as the SSDD.

Been cracking and pinching the shit out of, and very selectively thinning, the SSDD so I have some chance of it not blowing the doors off my tent haha. In the past couple weeks I have probably taken off like 1/3 of this plant, and it is still mega dense in there. This pic gives a better idea of how big it is.


If nothing else, they look good and healthy! That one SSDD has a crazy-thick meristem, too.

I forget, what’s going on in that tent? Haha! Those plants are still just vegging, right? What’re all those seedlings in the cups getting totally shaded by the big plants? Haha.


Those are x2 Supermassive Black Hole f2 (purple cups, given to me by @classicgenetix), x2 Santa Cruz Magic Haze (green cups, given to me by you ha!), and x2 Indiana Bubblegum (that I bought from Fleur de Mal in orange cups). Right after this pic I got a clamp lamp over them. They stretched like crazy, but they’ll do fine in the long run.

And yeah, these are all on 18/6. The two Folgers plants will come upstairs to flower soon.

The SSDD is wild, wants to be huge!

And thank you, yeah, the veg plants almost always look good. Too bad those aren’t the ones you can fucking smoke haha.


Ooh! Yeah, I remember watching that grow log, I don’t think it was Classic that was growing them, though. It was some dude who showed up here, posted a bunch of kick-ass pics for a couple months and then bounced haha. Those Supermassive Black Holes looked fucking awesome, though, I remember that. I think it was some buddy of Classic’s. That log is here, though.

Ahhhhh, good to see SOMEbody growing some seeds I sent them haha. It’s Santa Cruz Pure Haze, though, not Magic Haze. I’m stoked to see how those turn out for you; hopefully you won’t end up with the 10:90 F:M ratio that I usually end up with :weary:

Positive attitude, dude, positive attitude… haha.


Can we reduce this to 1:9? It just makes me feel better. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Alright, sure, 1:9 it is. Hope that makes you feel better. Doesn’t make me feel any better, though haha!

I have a good feeling about the current grow, though… hahahaha!!!


Lol don’t give a fuck about making you feel better @minitiger … but I do want you to be my homie, so if 10:90 is your ratio…respect :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
My highest compliment is "your a real one. " and I think you are.


Yeah, that was Growingforflavor I think(?), with his huge fucking fabric pots haha. He also grew some of Classic’s MetalHaze/Flo x SMBH, which I have some of as well. It was almost a coin toss between the two, but I settled on the SMBH to go first. The others will most likely end up in my next run.

I try not to be a seed hoarder, though it can be hard sometimes haha. My seed collection is pretty small compared to some people, but even still I know it would have to grow constantly for some years to get to them all. But yeah, since I enjoyed the other A5HT hybrids as much as I did, I knew these were gonna be getting dropped sooner rather than later.

They are Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5HT, Doc later renamed them Santa Cruz Magic Haze when they went out to the seed banks. I’m gonna go with the new name because it is easy to shorten to SCMH haha.

At the risk of tempting fate, I normally have pretty good M:F ratios. Gotta go knock on some wood now haha.

Believe it or not, I am actually really positive about my plants, even when I’m killing them. It just feels idk, hubristic to be like “yeah, I kill it in veg” when I’m very literally killing them in flower. So I throw a little self deprecation in there to keep it all level haha.

If it was “back in the day” and I could be the cuts and clones guy I exchange for finished goods I’d be all set haha.


Haha, yeah, that was the guy, I forgot his screen name. I enjoyed watching his log for those few months, even though he was the one who convinced me to add way more biochar to my soil than I ordinarily would and I ended up frying like twenty plants before I fixed it haha.

Ah, okay, yeah, I forgot he came up with official names for a lot of those crosses.

:joy::joy::joy: Don’t accept it! Start saying,”I kill it in veg and flower. My plants always turn out AMAZING.”

Make it so… haha.


In the spirit of being positive, and also because it’s true, I will say that I have seen improvement in flower.

Too late for the SSDD and BB x T1000 unfortunately. The sugar leaves on both those plants were pretty badly damaged and I don’t wanna risk rot, gonna whack em tomorrow.

Both of the DSD X SJf2 have recovered nicely, still too late to matter much.

And the BS X GTH continues to defy the odds and look like a normal pot plant. I won’t question it haha.

Obviously impossible to judge any quality of these plants, for obvious reasons, but there some standouts. The BB X T1000 smells like blueberry syrup and something I can’t describe, earthy maybe? Whatever it is, it smells incredible. The smaller DSD X SJf2 smells dead on like strawberry. Like, a lot. Look forward to smoking my couple of bowls of them haha.

Strawberry smelling DSD X SJF2

BS X GTH defying the odds, for now haha.

I stopped using ph adjusting chemicals for all my plants, and started feeding the flower plants a super mild mega crop. Details later, if I remember them, maybe haha.


Moved the SSDD to flower(11/13) two days ago.

It’s gonna get tight in here.

I’m looking forward to harvesting around the New Year.


In reference to my stopping using ph chemicals for my feeds.

I have found it damn near impossible to get my ph stable when using ph up or down. I get it dead nuts, a couple days later it has drifted out of range. I factor in the drift and under dose the ph adjustment, couple days later ph hasn’t moved at all and is out of range. Add to that the extra complication of adjusting different feeds for plants in different stages of life and different media and there is tons opportunity to mess up. And I hate pouring out pooched batches of feed. And that is if I catch it, for example the batch I messed up at the beginning of this run by putting the ph down for 4gallons of feed into a gallon jug. That really sucked.

I found a post by Greenleaf Nutrients here, seemingly saying that typically ph adjustment shouldn’t be needed using the MC(though I can’t find it now and wonder if I fucking dreamed it or something hah).
Goes against most everything I have ever heard, especially for coco, but I wasn’t having much luck adjusting the ph, so I went for it. We’re still green a couple weeks in, here’s hoping it continues that way.

Prior to abandoning ph adjustment across the board, I started feeding the soil plants a mild dose of Megacrop, just because it was a more stable way to get the ph down than using ph down. The soil plants started picking up, whether from better ph or from feeding I don’t know.

Also, just for reference, maybe a month ago I stopped using Epsom in my feeds, and have slowly dropped the gypsum down, only 1/2 tsp per 4 gallons now. I increased the qty of MC as I dropped the gypsum and epsom in order to keep the final ppm the same.


Yeah if you let water sit out, it almost always raises in pH as it off-gases. Could also get bacteria build up, tho usually there would be a smell associated, that would also cause the pH to rise drastically pretty quick. Running sterile and constantly oxygenating the water tends to keep the pH where it’s supposed to be but can be tricky sometimes too.

Interested to see how things continue for ya though.
It’s for science! If nothing else :sweat_smile:


Hey, rad to see you running the SMBH. I actually sent a friend some seeds Growing For Flavor made of Jackapulco x SMBH F2 and he’s running them now, looking righteous so I’m stoked to run as well. Growing for Flavor is still growing and doing well too, went through some real life stuff and dropped out for a bit but I texted with him a few weeks back and he’s running some good stuff in those righteous fabric beds.

How are the SMBH doing? Are you getting the giant Jurassic leaves yet? The Devil’s Tit F3 I just finished tastes exactly like the SMBH which I love. The effects are similar too and this was an AG leaner, but this has the weird waking dream African effect, where SMBH is pure Mexican happy, trippy, fun and blows your wig off like the Maxxell commercial.