Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

There is definitely some bio film activity, if it starts getting wiffy I give it a squirt of 3%peroxide and it clears up. Not technically sterile I’m sure haha.

Just so I’m clear, while I am not correcting my ph, I am monitoring it. The food for the coco plants is landing around 6.1, when I cut it for the soil plants it lands around 6.4, which is almost perfect.

Damn skippy haha.


Thank your for giving them to me, that’s the rad part! If not the first beans I was given here, they were damn close to the first.

Glad to hear he is well, I imagine life can get mighty busy with a herd of cows to look after haha.

They’re stretchy, but living haha. Only on the first set of true leaves so nothing really to report yet there.

That’s sounds like exactly what I’m looking for haha.


The lemony HF saying hurry up and flower me!


I chucked the Mexican Widow and Maui Wowie moms. I really wanted to flower them out, awesome huge stems and all, but they were so root bound it was gonna be an uphill battle. Got clones though. Lost one bubblegum due to my trying to bury the long stem, which is something I never do. I’ll try to follow my own advice in the future haha.


Please forgive me I am new lol. What are those lights. You refer to them as SILs. Are they just led light bulbs with the diffuser pulled off. If so your plants seem to love it.


Yes, SIL = Screw In LEDs. :+1:


Ha!! Awesome. I have been fixated on this acronym since last night. WHAT ON EARTH COULD IT BE. Single…no standalo….no. FINE ILL ASK


Yup, what ReikoX said. The ultimate in dollar store weed growing haha.


Don’t feel bad. I’ve been following this log almost since it’s inception and I didn’t know what SILs were until reiko answered your question just now. I figured it had something to do with the lights, maybe. Or the soil. Or maybe the pots… haha.


Went to 10/14 yesterday.

Also, as a side note, the time where I stopped adjusting ph was right around when I added the mikro mycos, so maybe that’s helping me cheat by? Gonna give everyone another shot of it next time I water too.

Should I mix it with my feed water, or mix them with plain water and give each plant a splash after I’ve fed them? The latter was my plan, and what I did last time.


When I was using similar stuff I would add it to the feed water or sprinkle it on top of the pot and then water it in :man_shrugging:


I use OG Biowar and it says on the packaging that it’s fine to use mixed in with your regular nutrient regimen (not that I have a nutrient regimen haha). I’d imagine most inoculants are okay to mix in with all of your other stuff, unless your feed is super-salt-heavy or whatever.

One thing I’ve always wondered about is, like, people adding mycos once a week or once every ten days or every two weeks. It seems to me that doing that one time during veg and once in early flower or just whenever you transplant into bigger pots oughta be enough, but I don’t know anything about coco or whatever it is you’re growing in right now haha. In soil, though, I feel like you add it and just let the microorganisms multiply on their own. I mean, that’s what they do, right? It seems to me that adding it on a weekly basis or whatever might throw everything out of whack for a few days until things get settled in again.

I dunno… haha.


From my understanding, mycos work best when directly applied to roots. I dust the roots every time I upcan, from seed to bloom, and that’s it. Just seemed a waste, to me, to water it in, I am a cheapskate, lol!


I’ve been wondering about that myself…

I’m thinking the folks that would likely benefit from that weekly cycle might be doing something that harms the microflora; perhaps feeding salt based nutrients.
I can see that scenario happening when using soil in 3~5 gal pots, especially if they are nute hogs.
In a beneficial environment, they should propagate and strike a balance.



Right. That’s kind of what I was getting at, was that if one’s particular growing situation actually requires them to “re-dose” or whatever on a weekly or semi-weekly basis. That seems… not good haha.

I never really had issues when I grew in 3- or 5-gallon pots. It’s been a long time since I’ve even read about the actual process of growing and soil and all that stuff, but I’d think that if anything you’d need to add more “nutes” for plants that are, as you say, “hogs,” as opposed to adding more microorganisms. It seems to me that the micros are already there; what the plants and soil biology would be lacking is the “nutrients.”

But again, I really don’t know. Maybe I should brush up on all that stuff… haha.


I was planning to hit them with the mycos again for two reasons. First, because the manufacturer recommends reapplication every 7-10 days, and says you get the full results only after several applications. Second, because I am concerned about exactly what @minitiger and @Gpaw said, that the conditions in my pots are not necessarily conducive to life, so that a re-up would be needed from time to time.

I have held up for a couple reasons. I found the manufacturers instructions to be vague, gonna email them and see if they have something better as far as instructions go. As @horsebadorites pointed out, the stuff ain’t free, I don’t wanna waste it. Also, I am still gradually increasing my ppm( on the SSDD in flower anyway) and don’t want to add extra moving parts to the puzzle.

Right now I have all of the veg plants in coco or perlite, except for an SSDD which is in soil, and the remaining few flowering plants(not including the flowering SSDD) in soil. All are getting fed from the same bucket, cutting it with RO for the veg plants.


The skeptic in me feels like that’s probably intentional. Anytime I see a product that claims to contain Trichomderma I always think of that Oregon Dept. of AG report that found no products they tested from 14 companies that claimed to have Trichoderma actually did.

Agree with this take. For me if I’m going to inoculate it’s usually just early on covering as much of the root system as possible, and only once.


Usually they recommend stuff like that because they’re trying to sell more product. What brand are you using again? With the OG Biowar, it says the same thing on all three packages (Nute, Roots and Foliar), to use it every 7-10 days, but I never have. Like Horse said, I usually just apply it to the rootball when I transplant and that’s it. I have watered some in randomly here and there during a grow (although not every grow), but that was just because I was bored haha.

I also use the AACT’s, though; I dunno if that makes a difference or not. But I water with those similarly to the way I use the OG Biowar: once in veg and once either right before or right after I flip.

Anyway, I don’t think using your inoculant every 7-10 days will “hurt” the plants or anything.

Yeahhhhh, I remember when you posted that, really pissed me off haha. I’m actually out of all of the Biowars and I still haven’t decided if I’m gonna buy some more. I thought about maybe stopping by a hydro shop or something today to see what they have, but I dunno if I’m gonna do that. I haven’t even watered with a compost tea yet and the plants are thriving, so… I dunno haha.

Edit: what brand of mycos do you use, @HorseBadorites?


I know your question was directed at horse and not me but I think Mycorrhizal Applications products are probably a safe bet and can often be found locally. Any small company marketing towards cannabis growers I always suspect are just buying from Mycorrhizal Applications or Premier and repackaging.


Cheepo stuff, lol.

I used to use the Mykos, but they got gobbled up by Scott’s/Hawthorn, and y’all know how I feel about giving them anything other than grief!

I use a lot on our outside plants… flowers, veggies, shrubs and trees, whatever. Pot only uses the endos, but trees and shrubs use both endos and ectos. Seems perennial stuff only needs one shot, as it multiplies… weed I’m not totally sure about, but Jeff Lowenfels talks it up at cannabis conventions. He wrote Teaming With Microbes, worth it if you want to know more. Them 'crobes are pretty handy lil beasties :slight_smile: