Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

He also wrote a few others including Teaming with Fungi! Here’s an interesting quote from the book that I wasn’t aware of until reading it back when the book released ( I have read microbeman allude to it on ICMag way back though). He also brought up another interesting concern (mm) about bundling mycoparasitic fungi (trichoderma) with mycorrhizae.

The process of forming arbuscular mycorrhizae is initiated by the plant when soil nutrient conditions, specifically phosphorus levels, are low. Such conditions increase the production and release of strigolactones from the host plant’s roots. These specialized hormones attract fungal spores or hyphae in the soil. Once the strigolactones are discovered by the fungus, they guide the fungal hyphae to the host plant’s roots. An arbuscular mycorrhizal spore has about seven to ten days to reach a root to get carbon before its own on-board supply runs out and it dies.

Once discovered by germinating arbuscular fungi, strigolactones cause fungal hyphae to undergo extensive branching. This increases the number of hyphal tips and thus improves the chances of timely contact with the plant roots. Strigolactones also guide the fungi to grow toward the roots and aid them in the formation of an appressorium, the penetrating mechanism used by fungi to enter the roots. But this is not a one-way dance. The fungi also produce and send chemical signals necessary to prevent the plant from turning its defenses against the incoming mycorrhizal fungi.

  • from Teaming with Fungi by Jeff Lowenfels

May be of interest to anyone using soluble fertilizers & mycorrhizae.


Okay, I’m looking at it now.

That wouldn’t surprise me. I always wondered about Capulator, like,”Wait, okay, so he’s a weed grower/breeder AND he produces mycorrhizal inoculants???” haha.

I have that book, read it years ago and have since forgotten pretty much everything in it haha. Although I did actually retain some of the information in it for a little while…

That stuff you get from Amazon has some other things added to it, huh? Kelp and yucca and stuff? That’s interesting. I wonder why they feel the need to add that.


To be honest, I never even noticed that! I got it for the price and reviews :slight_smile:

But, I can see how all those things could be helpful, especially the yucca. How can a few humates hurt, and, who doesn’t love little kelp!


Yeah, I’m sure it doesn’t hurt. I just always like to keep everything separate so that I I know, like, what I’ve added and when I’ve added it and whatever.

Even though I barely ever add anything haha.


I am using mikro mycos by mikrobs. I chose it because they had a $12 trial size with next day delivery and good reviews haha.
I did end up emailing them, and mikrobs got back to me in like an hour and a half, surprising in a good way haha. There is a correct version of the chart, and good for them, they only say to give it twice, at most. It’s been a couple weeks since I added them, so I’ll just hold off on the ones in their “final” pots. I dusted these most recent seeds when I planted them, but I’ll probably apply to any early transplants from here on too.

Idk if it was intentional, but I definitely couldn’t find the right chart on the website.
I couldn’t find the 2013 report from the Oregon department of agriculture, but I did find 2018, and same thing, no where near the amount of microbes there are supposed to be, of any type, in any product they tested. So at least they’re consistent haha.

Oh wow, that is cheap haha. Is that all the ingredients as dust, tossed with some perlite or something? The one I used to use, Rooters, was like that. Cheap as could be, labeled 99.9% inert ingredients haha! But it worked, and was available at the grow store on the way home from work. But they don’t make it anymore and the store closed. In fact, all the good local grow stores have closed.

That is most definitely worth noting, and further encouragement for me to not waste the stuff with late applications.

I wonder how long the plant needs to experience low nutrient levels before it begins to produce the strigolactones. Like in an all salt situation, could you flush the media out, and in a brief enough time to not starve the plant to death, have the plant making enough strigolactones that it would not be a waste to apply mycos? Purely hypothetical of course, if the plants are healthy to start I doubt it be beneficial in the end.

Curious if this is what drives the 7-10 days reapplication recommendation from most all sellers of microbes. And the financial benefit for them of course. Ignoring the info at the beginning of the first paragraph obviously haha.


Ha, a lot cheaper than the Great White I used to use, which, last I saw, Oregon tested as bunk! This is the spec sheet, no perlite!

I’m not pushing it, just saying it does an amazingly incredible job growing bigglier and betterer and beautifuler trees, shrubs and flowers, and the veggies are 1,000,000x more delisciouser. That’s all … well… and it doesn’t hurt weed :slight_smile:


That’s one hell of a testimonial haha. Maybe I’ll grab a jug for the veggies and flowers next spring…


Did some thinning of the SSDD today, took all the noodly little sucker branche, and any bud sites that were totally shaded out.


The little BS X GTH that could.


Oh yeah! Got her looking good now! :muscle: :heart_eyes:


I know, right?! Now all there is to it, is to not break her haha. This plant is one of the original cuttings you sent too, and the plant I got all the cuttings from when I sent her back to you. She’s been through quite a bit!


She looks like she’s loving life at the moment!

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BS X GTH from @VAhomegrown.
I’m sure she could go longer, but I’m probably gonna pull her this weekend and shoehorn the Hillbilly Fighter in the hempy into the flower tent. Flash for the second pic because the timer shut the lights off in the 5 seconds between those two pics haha.

Sugar leaf rub smells like fucking green teeth and mint. I assume the green teeth smell is coming from the the GTH because I’m smoking on some GTH right now that has a similar smell. It is distinct among gross weed smells too, at least as far as my experience goes.

I’m tempted to try to reveg because of the GFP thing, but I know the right thing to do is let her go and be at peace haha.


21 days in on the SSDD, lightening up on some fans, continuing to (slowly) bump ppm following(ish) the MC guidelines.


Ooh she’s looking gooood! She’s definitely a bit of a heavy feeder so not unheard of on the leafs :wink: she looks like she’s gonna put out for ya for sure!


And the way she’s growing it is easy to see why she’s hungry haha.


That little bit of lightening and general leaf ugliness on the SSDD was continuing, despite my increasing the feed as recommended by the MC feed chart. Also it seemed like the plant was drinking less (there is more to this below). I decided to actually check some stuff rather than blindly forging ahead. Feed going in was around 1050 ppm, runoff was 3800 something. Ph was perfect though, 5.8. Flushed, got the runoff to around 200 with 80 going in. Feeding a bit lighter, but gonna slowly ramp again in the coming days.

Also, possibly related to the 3800 ppm runoff, I’ve been (repeatedly) pulling a hell of a bonehead move recently. I check if the plants need water by tipping the pot. If it’s light, water. The SSDD seemed like it was drinking less, so I did the flush I talked about above. Day after the flush, still heavy. Figured it’s fine, just got super saturated during the flush, she’ll be thirsty tomorrow. Tomorrow came, still heavy. I decided, no fucking way, she’s gotta be thirsty. And she was, right in the cusp of bone dry. Normally I start to runoff around the middle of the 4th solo cup of water, this time it didn’t start until halfway through the 5th. Checked the weight and it weighed a fucking ton. I think I have been failing to consider that the plant actually has some weight to it, and chronically under watering this plant. Jackass. But we’re only like 3 weeks out and we’re still mostly green, so I’m not worried. Hard to complain about the plant having more weight to it than expected haha.

This plant is flopzilla haha! Got some yo-yos in the mail yesterday, gonna string the branches up tonight. But again, hard to complain about more weight than expected.


Does this help with stabilizing pH?


Veg plants are cranking along. Gonna take the big SSDD down and put a bunch of snips in the fridge just to play around with that. Have a couple snips rooting already, in case I pork the fridge thing haha. It’ll be interesting to see what all those plants from seed actually look like when I spread them out haha.

And just for shiggles, an SSDD cut that wouldn’t root. I brought it to the porch on the way to the compost, and promptly forgot about it. It has been sitting out there since the end of September! I’ve remembered about it and given it a couple ounces of water a couple times. The other plant was just a germ test plant I didn’t want to chuck from around the same time. It has also gone into a state of suspended animation.


Lol yeah… she definitely needs the yoyo’s. Especially by week 5 or so. When I haven’t topped her, I’ve come in at day 35 to the top half of the plant just snapped right over. Gotta support the branches ahead of time. That and the way she gets horizontally wide rather than tall are about my only gripes with her. The flower, especially if you have any type of nerve pain, more than makes up for everything imo :smiling_face:

Speaking of flowers, you got some real nice ones coming in on her too by the looks of it :eyes: :drooling_face:


Yeah, it’s wild haha. I would normally just use string to tie the branches up, but this plant had been chopped back a couple times in veg and has tons of branches, even after thinning and some defol. I would have been in there forever haha! So yo-yos it is. I already can’t move it out of the tent, so a few more attachments won’t hurt haha. I like the idea of a little screen that mounts to the pot, so I can train them to something and move them around.