Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Are those SSDD’s in mud? The only advice I can give on that would kill them for sure, but if it’s coco, you can’t go wrong with a good flush (just like me :slight_smile: )

My SSDD’s do slow down on the drinking as they mature (just like me again, except for the maturing part).

Yours do look nice and frosty :yum:

I don’t know. Gypsum doesn’t really seem to effect my pH one way or the other. And I’m pretty sure the mycos don’t either. In coco I prefer the pH to slide, but that’s just me :slight_smile:


Nope, coco and perlite. Flushed em too, something like 300 draws using one of those dollar store piston squirt gun things to get the water out of the saucer haha.

Well I’m this case it was just me being a dunce and forgetting that plants weigh more as they get bigger haha. So I’d check the pot and be be like “it’s heavy, better not overwater like I usually do” when really it was very much in need of water. I thought it looked droopy a lot of the time, now I know why haha. She’s still looking good though, I haven’t pulled the ugly leaves because I’d get all sticky and weed smelly reaching around in there, but again, not the worst problem haha.


After a quick lassoing and defol / dead leaf pluckage. Bad comparison cause the lights went off, but it’s something haha.


You oughta be pretty buff with your new Popeye arms, lol! I use a wet/dry vac that sits on a sheetrock bucket. The one I’ve got came from HD, but since the founder pledged his allegiance to orange jesus I won’t give you that link! This one looks good.

It should be nigh onto impossible for you to overwater coco, as long as the pot’s not sitting in, and sucking up the runoff, of which there should be plenty. I never read runoff, either, just flush with 3x the pot size in very lightly nuted, pH’d grub.Then feed normally, and if they haven’t perked back up in a couple of days, do it again.

The vegging plants I have in quart containers get watered once daily, and they are pretty dry by that time, doesn’t seem to bother them even though it’s against the coco rules.

I know you know all this, but just in case you’re a stoner, thought I’d re-pound it in, lol!


I have one from the blue store, but I always feel skeeved out by the thought of all the water sitting in the wrinkles in the hose, so I don’t normally use it for the runoff. I’ll compromise and get the bigger displacement squirt gun haha.

I am an overwatering machine haha. I have overwatered all perlite hempies! These are hempy buckets also, so that makes it easier to overwater than a normal pot. If they were in a normal pot I would be watering twice a day right now I expect. I don’t read runoff as a matter of practice, but I do check it when things start going haywire. Never seen 3800 ppm before this haha.

What would ever give you that idea haha. All reinforcement of knowledge is appreciated haha.


You know me with the not tempting fate thing, but the couple small samples I got from the plant I killed in the last attempt show very favorable results in pain control, for myself and my wife. Her sciatica can totally lay her out, but a couple weeks ago she had a couple rips and then got us both out the house to rake leaves, she remained pain free until well after we were done outside. Normally raking would be out of the question for her. For me it is almost unsettling how quickly and fully my plantar fasciitis pain went away, crazy stuff. I’m reserving the last couple bowls I have in case she has a bad day, I look forward to having a couple jars on hand.

We’re both very excited to try a more well grown sample haha, few more weeks!

And thank you again, from both of us :+1:


Oh that’s awesome! Really glad to hear that ssdd girl helps you and the wife out as much she does me! :heart: Definitely hope you get plenty from her this round. I’m trying to stock up on her myself over here lol


Do you or your wife do lower back stretches? There’s a few you can do that help with sciatica (which you probably already know haha). When I had a problem with my sciatic nerve, I did these stretches (after getting x-rays and an MRI because I didn’t know what the problem was haha) and they fixed it right up.

Maybe the SSDD coupled with the stretches could CURE y’all haha.


Yeah, we both stretch already. It definitely helps a lot. Before I used to take shit loads of ibuprofen just to get through the day, still suffering like crazy. Did some physical therapy, continue to stretch everyday, now I can get through the day at a low but pretty constant level of suffering without needing to eat ibus all day. But still, background suckyness, almost always. The SSDD, the couple of times I have tried it, makes that background suck disappear.

But by all means, throw out any stretches you think might help, we might not know them and every little bit helps!


I keep wanting to describe it as crazy, because it really seems incredible. I’ve smoked many different types of weed in my life, never had an impact like this. For that matter, a lot of strains make my pain worse! (I try not to talk for my wife, but I know that to be true for her as well.)

Me tooooooooo haha! She’s swelling more everyday, just gotta keep it on the rails a few more weeks haha.


The one that I found doable when my sciatic nerve was reeeallllyyyy acting up was the one where you get down like you’re gonna do a sit-up, but you just flatten your lower back, hold it for ten seconds and release. I’d always do that ten times, 100 seconds total.

The other one that’s good is just that hip flexor thing, where you’re still in the sit-up position, flatten your back like the stretch I described above, but then you, like, bring one knee up, rest the ankle of the opposing leg on the raised knee and stretch. I dunno if I’m describing it right haha.

And then, of course, just the toe touches, hamstring stretches, whatever you wanna call that one, five times for thirty seconds.

It’s crazy how well those ones work, though. I really thought something was very wrong with my left knee and leg (waiting tables for sixty hours a week is not easy on your body haha), but once I started doing those stretches, everything was fine.


What’s in the hose, stays in the hose, lol! Or, you could just hang the hose so it drains! :slight_smile:

Whoa, you are good! But, I gotta ask, you did put the damn hole in the bucket, didn’t ya? Extra thick water?

I started growing indoors in perlite hempies. There was no lifting pots needed. Feed 'em everyday til about 20% runoff… until now I never thought they could be overwatered! I wonder if by letting the coco get dry, there is such a big salt buildup that they may need some more aggressive flushing

Leaf blowers are so much more fun, but that is so great hear, and your DW sounds like a keeper! I’ve also found that SSDD tincs used preemptively, and after the fact, work nicely for my sciatica, too. :slight_smile:


Yeah, have those all in the routine, and they really are like magic. Physical therapy is probably the best thing I have done for myself in my adult life. Makes me feel old as fuck to say that haha.

Ya know, I had never thought of that before. It’s basically carrying shit and running around all day, isn’t it?


Both of these thing made me laugh out loud haha. Thick water, that’s great, and I will be saying that in the future. But yeah, there is a hole in it.

The plants I overwatered in perlite were smallish plants that I transplanted, but I never gave them a chance to spread their roots find the res, watered them like they were already established. So they had the shorty little roots systems and just never recovered. And it haunts me hah.

I am at your service, doing the impossible and killing plants in new ways haha.

I’m very confident this is/was the issue. Things seem to have pretty much leveled out now, but if things get sketchy again I’ll flush them out some more.

Yeah, but I hate the sound of leaf blowers, and like the sound of raking. I know that probably sounds crazy, but so it goes haha.

She is definitely the best, I got lucky and found my “the one” in high school!

A portion of this plant will most certainly be made into tincture, got the ever clear in the freezer already. I actually just made a batch of “random bags of frozen trim from the last couple years” batch of tincture, but I gotta reduce the alcohol off before I can do anything with it, right now it just makes me feel like shit from the alcohol haha. Today’s gonna be a “warm” day, might be the one to setup the fan on the porch, reduce that jar down.


6 plants in solo cups on this tray, bottom watered, drinking back 4 solos of water a day. These will get cloned to save a bit of room soon.

This SCMH grew right into one of the cfls, if anyone was curious what cfl light burn looks like.

Very start of alternate nodes on one of the SCMH and the IBG. The IBG showing off her lady bits too.

I gotta find a source for tall 1gallon containers to make into hempys, so I can run more plants upstairs. Folgers coffee tastes like shit, and you can only beg the containers off your neighbor for so long before they start asking why haha. I guess I could cut some cat litter pails down and run multiple plants per…

I wanna get these through so I can pop more seeds. I have some that are really burning a hole in the seed cooler haha.


That wasn’t the problem. Or I don’t think it was, anyway; I could carry shit and run all day back then. And did. It was the leeeaning and strrrrretching across tables to pre-bus (clearing the first course plates, second course plates, reaching across the table to pre-set silverware for the upcoming courses etc etc) that fucked up my back.

Any sort of repetitive motion that puts stress on your lower back is gonna fuck it up, especially if you’re doing it like 400 times a day. Since I haven’t really worked in like seven years now, though, my back feels GREAT! Haha. Knees feel great, feet feel great… It’s crazy how much not working makes your body feel better haha. Doesn’t help your mind, though…

Dude, I was only 29 when I had to start doing those stretches and shit. And I was a fit guy! Haha. Why do you think those, like, “stand up desks” are a thing? Even just sitting on your ass and staring at a computer for eight hours a day isn’t good for people. It’s like, if you move too much, it’s bad; if you sit too much, that’s also bad haha.

I dunno.


Ah yeah, I could see that causing problems. I have known a couple guys who have multiple back surgeries and shoulder rebuilts from working as machinists. It was never a catastrophic thing where they lifted something and blew their shit out, it was from reaching up to brush a chip off something, or reaching way forward to measure something.

My problems are all rooted in a knee surgery after a childhood accident, and I rushed through the post surgery pt because I was a dumb kid. Never fully recovered, and found different ways to compensate until I had fucked the other leg and my back and shoulders up. So now I get to do pt for the rest of my life haha.

Yeah, I have never experienced that amount of time to rest, maybe if I live long enough to retire haha. During the first few months of the pandemic I was down to 3 days a week of work, that seems like the perfect amount to stay sane and be physically well. Couple decades I might be able to make that work, but no fucking way right now haha.

I was 30 when I admitted to myself I couldn’t soldier through it and needed to do something before I really crippled myself.

And yeah, as I have “climbed the ladder” and do more and more paperwork as opposed to tangible work I recognize how it isn’t really any easier on you to be in one place all day either. Standing on a concrete floor for 8-10hrs a day is bad for you, but I definitely feel worse if I sit in meetings all day instead.


Thinned and topped the veg plants because they really needed it. Found one of the SMBH was a male, haven’t killed it yet…
The before:

Profile, top down, after thinning

SMBH male. Smells like feces, and growing like a vine haha.
Profile, top down, balls, viney, after.
Wasn’t looking for a male, but I’ll beat the shit of him for a while, and if he doesn’t have intersex problems, the temptation to make a handful of seeds may be too great haha. That’s a big if though…

The other SMBH. Female.
This plant wants to be a flat table. I’ve not really done a lot of stem crushing on any of these plants, other than the main stem, fwiw.
Profile, top down, female, after.

Profile, top down, after.

The other SCMH.
Profile, top down, after.
Both of these plants smell very woody.

The bag seed plant from a while ago. This one had been topped already.
Profile, top down, after.


You bet I forgot the overall after shot haha.


Flower tent.

SSDD looking tired, but we’re only like a week out so I’m fine with it.

HF getting frosty, excited to spread out once the SSDD leaves.


Veg overall a couple days post topping and trim.
Going to put the hashy hillbilly fighter( far left in purple solo hempy airpot thing) into a Folgers hempy to take the place of the SSDD which I plan to chop this weekend. The hashy one is not the fastest at root growth, I wanted to get her into flower the day the SSDD comes down, but it will depend on how quickly she acclimates to the new shoes.