BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

But, bet I can do em up quick as I’m outta here

Dude! You doing too much already and Ya know I love ya for it! I’ll be out by then and can giterdun


Well we will see. If not I can make sure it happens.
You are going to have one hell of a bill when this is all over so the more we can include in this auction the better.


Yeah, this is gonna be a hard rough ride… but it looks like this group of awesome people are gonna help this old cowboy get back in the saddle again!


You know what they say “ it takes a village”.


Well, I know OG, we do try to help each other! So thankful too. I can figure a way to get this done before DD wants to get it going
So he has plenty from me to add into things

We have the time. So when you talk to Rose let her know I can lend a hand sorting everything out and will send everything out to make things easier on her.


Thnx, that’ll work! I’ll let her know in the morning. She spent the night up here, sleeping on small couch

Who is taking care of the dogs and plants?

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Son and her take turns

Get some rest dude, we can sort this out tomorrow……

That’s just it, pain meds not helping. I can’t get to sleep, they fixing to gimme another shot of dilaudid

Man I ran outta likes… so cool u guys!


Watch the auction Tetps, I put up some seeds you should try for……

I sure will bro!! I’d love to get in on it oj

I think that Dilaudid finally got him to sleep … poor guy … nothing like having no sleep schedule at all…

How are your plants doing? Better?

Not even, I did get just a bit droopy eyed but only until the pain hit back good

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Didn’t figure you were, pain stops a lot of that.

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They came in to change one IV while the nurse was getting meds into the other IV, and a third was taking BPetc damn circus in here
‘Here’ being this hospital room