Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Ah yes, I see now the ‘Pinesol’ scent vs the ‘Pinesoul’ cut, perfectly confusing haha.

Bodhi also mentions this in one of his posts: “the cut i run was found from the first round of three seeds”. So I take it that his cut (B-cut) is F1. Unlike the F2 selections (Pinesoul, Purple Goji, Strawb Cheescake)


yeah the F2’s were selected (i think by bodhi) but in a room of a friend of his or something. they popped a couple hundred goji f2 or maybe it was just a hundred.

purple goji is a weird one. i was sent that cut from the west to the east coast over the years like 3-4 times and for wahtever reason its always DOA. never had that happen with another cut before lol.


Also, I don’t think the Goji OG B cut is very good. They sell it in the Denver dispos, and my buddy down there grew several rounds of it in organic SIPs in the 2010s.

Although he grew it very well, to me, it’s the standard boring snow lotus cross where the dad takes everything I like about weed and mutes it: low smell, low flavor, low potency, low effects, low duration. In my mind, that’s the definition of not a keeper.

But each to their own - I’m prolly in the minority on this one. Maybe I just don’t like the snow lotus dad. :man_shrugging: After growing and smoking quite a few of the SL crosses, last week I gifted my whole snow lotus collection to a friend on here cuz I have no interest in growing them!



I feel you on the Snow Lotus dad. I’ve grown a few crosses myself and wouldn’t disagree with your assessment. I’ve grown a pack of Goji OG F1’s and didn’t really find anything I would consider a keeper. I was surprised to read that Bodhi found a keeper cut from just popping 3 beans.


I’m in the same boat on the snow lotus. I traded out everything save for the some blue tara’s and a pack of Love Triangle. Bunch of girly boys, and 3 packs of herms later had me pretty much done with the whole Snow Lotus line.


It looks nice, smokes smooth, yields decent. It’s worthwhile for breeding since you get interesting stuff like the Goji Razz and Pinesoul out of the F2 gens. Those are even more useful for breeding since they play with terpinolene in interesting ways.

Snow lotus was a good male when it was hard to source clones. But now that we have access to heirlooms via shippers, the SL is just obsolete for the reasons you mention.

Honestly just about all the Bodhi males are obsolete in that way. SL relies on mom leaners, SSDD relies on mom leaners, Wookie 15 is just not good IME with the 7 female being dramatically better breeding, SM male is a mom leaning hunt as well or else it throws boof rockets…

Seems like Appalachia is the only male he has had where the male itself passes desirable traits that can combine with and improve mom. 88g13hp to an extent can provide some heterosis but we are still looking for mom dominance in terps.


It doesn’t rely on them it enhances them.


Speaking of all the bodhi males’ traits, I keep hearing a lot of good about the OMG male putting out a lot of crosses with nice chunky stacking flowers and some can be very potent too depending which mother was used. Maybe I’ll just have to see for myself!


I really don’t think so. If it did any enhancing we would see higher keeper rates. What we usually see over here in the majority of hunted plants is degraded dad dominant plants with mom expression ranging from 0-50%.

I am usually hoping for a 1 in 100 plant that brings abnormally high levels of terpenes, recombined from both parents to create something familiar yet new and interesting.

I thought the Bodhi males were really good early on when hunting, but now that I have more experience I think I prefer others who work with Bodhi’s mom plants. He has insanely good taste in smoke, so when combined with killer males the output is nuts.

Someone like Doc D has a better track record with male selection IME. Single packs with multiple unique keepers.

Canavores Chembucha (Wookie 7 x GMO/Dawgs Waltz) made me really appreciate the Wookie 7 after many so-so experiences with the Wookie 15


I feel this. I used to buy up Bodhi packs because I was looking for things that leaned towards the mom. But now that it’s so easy to get the moms themselves, I don’t have as much desire to hunt through his stuff. :man_shrugging:


Mine were perfectly stable outdoors last season.

One went through some stress because I put it outdoors a little too early and it preflowered in spring, revegged for a few months, never went fully into veg, and then flowered again in fall. It didn’t have any problems with stability despite the prolonged interrupted flower cycle.


Damn you guys got me looking sideways at my Bodhi collection worried it’s all boof.

Anyone have experience with Celestial Citron (Wookie #7 x OMG)?


Clearly it is all trash lol Nothing but herms and terp free bunk…

Or it is people stating their opinions on the internets and you should take it with a grain of salt.
Especially when one of those opinions is coming from someone who introduced himself to the Bodhi community by shitting on everyone who tests for him , and also flip flops on what dads he likes at least as much as I change my boxers.

Never forget , this online shit is a joke , at best lol


I’ve loved the SSDD crosses I’ve grown. I thought most were better than the SSDD F1s that I went through as well. I’m sure plenty were mom leaners but not all.


I disagree. Or rather, I don’t think “obsolete” is the best way to describe the Snow Lotus crosses or anything else, either.

If I was one to take cuts, two of the Uplifts (HAOG x Snow Lotus) I grew were absolutely “keepers.” I LOVED that weed and so did the few people who tried it. That was the cross that made me rethink the Snow Lotus male. And we’ll see how the single non-herm Triple Goddess that I’m growing right now turns out, too haha. But I really like the way she’s looking so far.

I don’t think that the SL male is all that great, but there are definitely gems to be found in those lines, the same way there are gems to be found in a lot of stuff. And maybe some people just don’t wanna deal with clone vendors and all of the potential headaches that come from bringing clones in. Maybe they just like growing from seed.

I’m talking about myself here haha…


Dude, seriously… haha. Like, really? Everybody here is now shitting on Bodhi? For what? Why?


Bodhi says his packs are starting points for breeding. I like how the crosses I make with his packs and my choices come out.
Keeper status is different for everyone also.


Clearly because they can do better , BUT just choose not to…

He gives us the building blocks to open pandoras box . But somehow that is not good enough.
Meanwhile we will see the same dick riding as always on the nest drop. Like we are suppose to be impressed by someone buying seeds.

Shit is wild AF


Pretty sure they were kidding.


Sure, if people wanna make seeds from his lines, that’s fine. I like that Bodhi encourages people to make their own seeds from his crosses. But there are also great plants to be found in his initial “f1” hybrids.

Seriously, what the fuck is going on here right now? Haha.