Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 3)

I love this guys persona. We all learn a ton from these wacky guys tossing keyboard lashings. Dude is utterly thirsty to pass out spankings. How do I follow?


A person who is good with the gif should be doing a spanking one nowšŸ˜‚
Looking forward to seeing this grow!

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I start with used mix plus castings in clear Solo inside red or blue Solo so I can see root development. At about 15 to 18 days I up pot to 32 oz containers with my organic hot mix. About 10 days later I up pot females to final Folgers containers. Most show sex beginning at about 20 days from planting sprouted beans.



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Good to see you posting here more @Hillbill I always loved your posts on riu.


Hey Tom and thanks for spreading some knowledge around here.

Have you smoked or grown any of Bodhiā€™s (via Barefrog) Kashmir Azad line?


Just had to check if we had another
ā€œliving/dead/undead master thai, wife, and multiple brother in lawsā€
scam on our hands.

that was a weird one haha.


Iā€™m new so I donā€™t knowā€¦ and I surely am not trying to seem like a know it allā€¦ butā€¦ I feel like presence of cbd is more of a doorway to thcā€™s full effectā€¦ in other wordsā€¦ it seems like most the weed is fast fizzling buzzā€¦ if only thc in the strainā€¦ and cbd and thc strains seem to have a richer feelā€¦ idkā€¦ there has to be a reason that the commercial industry tried really really hard to separate them where they used to naturally be both present in most strains . It seems like the depth of the buzz is NOT there with all the new trash and silly ass namesā€¦ Iā€™d like to see things get back to the originalsā€¦ I mean donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ Iā€™m sure names like purple monkey piss and Bob Saget have a placeā€¦ I just think itā€™s gotten ridiculous and would be better to revisit all the landraces and start over without the pussy college boy opinions involved


I am a fan of Bodhiā€™s energy.

Not sure what happened. Thereā€™s a reason this thread exists and Iā€™m pretty sure that ainā€™t it. He may be creaming but he ainā€™t whining or name calling.

Your talk is eerily familiar and boring please respect the thread.

Maybe start a thread with your name hehe



CBD has been shown to increase Seratonin levels.
I have felt this effect first-hand. After sampling 100ā€™s of strains over 35 years, in that CBD rich cannabis gives me a ā€œcalm, peacefulā€ feeling that THC alone does not.

From the Healthline. com site:
Serotonin in the brain is believed to regulate feelings including happiness and anxiety. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications are thought to relieve Mood Disorders by increasing serotonin activity in your brain.

PS. Getting high is enjoyable, but weed can actually help people medically in some ways.


Anyone here ever grow out any Saints Crossing? I have a lone girl now in cure and the aroma is wild type piss and allium (garlic) while somehow being zero skunk.


Check out @BeagleZ thread BeagleZ Corner for great info w pix on Saintā€™s Crossing. I hope he doesnā€™t mind me pasting this excellent review of his Saints Crossing:

ā€œI really like it. Been hard to keep my hands out of the cookie jar. I have 1 little jar I reserved out of the cure but Iā€™ve refilled it twice lol

For me itā€™s a great balance of head/body but if I overindulge it will put me down for a nap.
Holding onto the limeade so far :slight_smile:
Havenā€™t found her ceiling yet either witch is really nice

Wish i kept a cut to pass around.ā€

^ Sounds very nice to me!
I had Supersticious (same female Stevie Wonder used) and it was strawberry, lime and kiwi fruit w strong very pleasant hybrid effects. Like a Strawberry Limeade OG.


I harvested one not too long ago as @BudWhisperer stated. The majority of mine is still curing but so far it is mostly a nice Limeade. but yeah, check out my thread for details on her.

How was the structure on yours? get some nice thick tops on her?


Big tops!! A few golfballs under the main legs. I think it took me 20 minutes to trim, but then again I grow a specific way to just be trimming big sexy legs. Flavor is outrageous deep earthen something. Coating flavor, oily.

Adding, this is the same for my SC sister:
ā€œā€¦a great balance of head/body but if I overindulge it will put me down for a nap.ā€

Like, cannot stay awake, and heavily somatically rewarded for laying down.


CBD has been proven to reduce seizures in babys and children with epilepsy, sometimes seizure freeā€¦sooooā€¦quite the statement to say its uselessā€¦


I have a question that hopefully someone will have an answer for.
I have a few seeds that popped a taproot and have stalled out. If I soaked beans and then strained and used the water. Iā€™m thinking that the enzyme water may jump start them again.
Any thoughts?


May have to soak a couple soon!


Cool flex. Did you buy them to post online or grow? :crazy_face:


Will be soaking 2 of the Panama for the next round shortly(3 weeks maybe). Hope for 1 female and will clone her.


Just a guess but my fear is that any impurities in the ā€œseed-soakedā€ water like chlorine, chloramines or bacteria or algae might also stall the fresh healthy seeds?
Might using clean fresh water be safer?