Bodhi Spirit Train- Trainwreck Pheno Hunt

Appreciate the input, but the difference in nutrient analysis between the 2 dont seem a whole lot different. Theres slightly more N in the all purpose. However, this bottle served double duty for me this summer- I used it on the vegging cannabis plants, AND I used it in my container tomatoes outside this year. Probably has a little to do w COVID and being home about 3x as much as usual, but we’ve never had our container tomatoes do as well as they did this year. So for what I bought the TTF for, I think its doing just fine.

Lastly, my soil should be able to support these plants without a whole lot of additional nutes, its amended with a bunch of organics like crab meal, kelp, casting, etc. So I’m giving them very light feedings every couple weeks w the TTF and letting the soil do most of the work. So there may be a big difference b/w TTF and the all purpose if doing the @jetdro soil mix and octopots, but for me I’m just giving them a little liquid nute shot every once in a while bc the 1gal doesnt really support the microbe activity like a 3 or 5 gal would to convert those organics so I’m just giving it a little boost.

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2 of the 12 clones still yet to root. Anyone have any tricks/tips to get these last 2 to throw roots? Thinking I just take a few more since its been 2 weeks.

Still waiting…for the last clone to root

Still waiting…

I’m getting some very early signs of deficiency starting to show up in between the veins. Probably hard to see on these pics, but given its on the upper leaves, I’m guessing manganese??


Is it bad I’m considering scrapping 3, 5 gal plants that are at 5 weeks once my bigger plants finish in a week or 2? Rather than running them all out to finish? I’m getting really antsy to flower these spirit trains now rather than waiting another 3-4 weeks…not to mention the plants in veg will be unmanageable by then.


Fertilized the clones, they jumped almost immediately. They obviously needed a little something, the organics in the soil must not have broken down enough to supply the nutes.

The 2 that are still on the heat mat were the last 2 to root. The one that is wilted disnt grow roots but I potted it anyways we’ll see if it roots. I’ll take a new cutting of #3 in a few days if it doesnt perk up.

The seed mothers/fathers are going to get cut back in a few days, may try and root some of the branches I cut off that ive already ID’d as females. Still agonizingly waiting for the flower room to clear up!


Just a quick weekly update. Solo cup clones are chugging along. Need to take a couple back ups for a few that didnt root well and are far behind the others. The original seedlings are getting unruly in their 1 gal pots, will probably be hacking on them tomorrow as well. Still waiting on flower room to finish and open up, given I need to take some cuts, I’m goving myself 2 weeks til the spirit train orgy party starts. I think for the purposes of this open pollination, the 12 different solo cups will be planted in 2 separate 20 gal no til pots and they’ll go straight into flower after potting.

Had my lovely “Assistant Grower” :wink: send me these pics as I’m gone til tomorrow.


This look like powdery mildew? To me under a loupe it looks like salt, not fuzzy mycelium. If thats what PM is supposed to look like. It could be water that got on the leaves during watering and evaporated. We have 350-400+ppm tds on our water, its very hard. And I keep the mosquito bits going in my water buckets, could it be that?


Looks like fertilizer salts left from evaporation or atleast it does with my eyes


Its definitely from the water. I pulled these leaves off and dipped them in my bucket of water and let them evaporate. Mind you, this isn’t fertilizer, this is just my tap water w really high TDS, and about 1/4 cup mosquito bits in 5.5 gals of water.


If that’s direct water it’s probably calcium we used to live on a well you could watch it float around in the glass best water ever lol


Yeah unfiltered. Community/municipal well, extremely hard water. We sit over the top of massive limestone formations and there’s actually a dolomite prairie nearby where the soil is only a couple inches thick on top of the limestone bedrock. Multiple limestone quarries within a few miles from here.


Mine does that, too. On the plus side, rock steady pH and no need for any cal/mag whatsoever.


Yeah seems like the same for me on ph. After I bypassed the water softener, my grows are having far less nute lockout issues. I also don’t use calmag and probably wont need it.


Sexed all my plants last night. 7 confirmed ladies, 4 males, 1 still unknown. Of course the unknown is the only 1 that didnt root with the first round of clones. I have that one going now w some fresh cuttings. That one also seemed to have the best representation of what I remember as the TW smell on the stem rub so important that I get that one rooted and into the mix when i make these initial OP seeds.


Its been 2 weeks since I said the orgy party would be starting in 2 weeks. Solo cup plants are growing into the light now.

The females are all going to go into the 20 gal pot this weekend and kick off flowering, will probably do that tomorrow. The #3 (male) I’m still working on rooting. So I plan to run the females for a week or 2 alone, my flowering plants are also finishing and need another 10 days or so. The males will just go into the flowering room in their solo cups around day 7 after flip of the females. Then I’ll be cutting my finishing ladies prior to the males dropping any pollen.

Males will get a few weeks w the ladies to drop their pollen, all the while I’ll be rooting a fresh batch of girls. Once the pollination occurs, males will get pulled and I’ll run the next batch of ladies to assess without seeds. If timed correctly, I should have my crop of seeds finish, followed 4 weeks or so later by the non seeded females.

Thats the plan at least in my head right now…


My spirit train jungle right now. First few shots are the mothers/fathers:

Next are the children (cuttings) from all the mothers & fathers. In solo cups, healthy but getting a little unruly

The females who will be open pollinated separated getting ready for planting:

Each female individually:

Oops, forgot the party shot after they all went into the pot and got watered. Lights were about to go off so was in a hurry. For my own reference, in case something happens w the tags, going clockwise from the top, 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 12 in the middle.


Dec 7th stuck the 4 males in w the ladies, about 2 weeks after the females were put into flowering. The girls are really starting to go now. Need to take more clones of the mothers for my backup seedless run I plan to do once the clones are all rooted and I pull the males out.

Edited: realized it said Nov 7th, not Dec 7th.


Took clones of all my females yesterday. Going to root them, veg for a week or so and once my males have dropped enough pollen in the flower room- pull the males, clean the room, then drop the additional clones in there to get a seedless sense of the different females.

I’m going to try and take some pollen from each male and save it separately also.

Had to put the space heater in the room this week bc temps were in the low 70s even w the light on. Trying to run the room at about 80 w light on.


Tomorrow is 4 weeks in for the females, starting to see male flowers open up. Males all look about the same. No stretch really to speak of with of the plants this run, theyre all very uniform in growth and never exhibited too wide of internal spacing. Smells coming from the ladies are all pretty uniform- like a strong lemon lime when you rub the leaves that are starting to get trichs. One female is pretty weak in smell, rest are about the same.


If I’m looking to select a male either from this pool or when I pop the f2s, what should I be looking for? These all seem very consistent right now. And theyre dropping pollen, I figured another couple weeks for them to hang w the ladies, is that long enough to assess trich production and other selection traits for males?