Bodhi Spirit Train- Trainwreck Pheno Hunt

Woke up kinda late so no time for pics this morning, will get some tonight. But all the males have open flowers and are starting to drop pollen. No real discernable difference between the males.

Clones are starting to root, so should be in good shape in about 10 days to pull the males and put in females to run seedless. Probably going to run those females like I’m running now- another 20 gal pot w all of them in there. Not much veg time in order for them to all have room crammed together- basically going to have 2ft tall plants stacked from soil to tip w seeded buds. I like the light veg time and structure I get by keeping them smaller. Gonna play around w that type of set up a bit for my next few runs.

Thinking new years will bring me dropping 3 or 4 new strains. Gotta figure out what I’m doing w all these original plants from seed tho first, theyre taking up a lot of room in veg and are creating a bit of a bottleneck. Would be good for me to cut it down to 1 or 2 females and 1 male, if I’m even going to keep any of these vs searching for a keeper in the f2s. I guess I’m a very long way off from that right now considering they need to finish flowering (~5 more weeks), dry, then a bit of cure before I can sample. And that first batch will all be seeded. Already second guessing whether I should pop some new seeds in a week or so or not…


Males really dropping pollen now. Can see the pistils on the females starting to turn. Females also really frosting up, no trichs at all on the males.


How long have these been flowering so far?
(based on the journal, I’m guessing about 40 days?)


32 days since the flip to be exact


Merry Christmas OG!

Wondering how long should I keep these males in w the females? Thinking probably no more than another 4 or 5 days? Pistils are really turning since they started dropping pollen.


Cut my males down today- gonna be away for a while and the amount of pollan and swollen calyxes told me the girls had enough. I have the males sitting over a bin- hopefully when I get back I’ll have a little pollen to collect and save when I get back.


Collected the pollen from the males I chopped a few days ago, looks like a decent amount. I split it into thirds and have it stored in the little blood test vials.

How long do I need to worry about pollen being viable around the house since I ran an open pollination in the flowering room? I’m planning to clean out the flowering room and spray everything down etc. But the act of collecting pollen today got it airborne and my grow room is immediately adjacent to the house furnace. If I flower something new in say 3 weeks, do I need to worry about stray pollen throughout the house creating problems for me?


I dunno for sure, but if the pollen is kinda being “filtered” through your furnace, you probably don’t have anything to worry about. Again, I dunno, but I feel like the heat from the furnace would pretty much destroy the pollen. I’d still do my best to clean, though.


3 weeks you should be good. Do you have a filter in your furnace?? you should, even if its a 1 inch thin one. It will catch a fair amount once it gets a little used. cleaning out the room and some water spray will take care of 99 of the problems in the tent/ room area.


Yes, theres a filter on the furnace. Thanks guys, figured it wasnt something to be too concerned about if the next flowering cycle wont start for a few weeks anyways.


And if you happen to end up with a few seeds from your next run, at least you’ll know where the pollen came from… haha!


Preggos. Did some cleaning, organizing- want to start the new year off right. Got one of my other big pots ready for the next run, cover crop planted.


Just got caught up on this grow. You’re knocking it out of the park. Great job!


looking very well seeded.


Grew some trainwreck bag seed a couple years ago outside. It was a great smoke!! Did play with the mind a bit. Lala land. :laughing:

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8 weeks, pulled a seed earlier this week and seems like theyre just beginning to start turning brown. Trichs are mostly cloudy. Probably take this a full 10 weeks if not longer to be safe.

Main differences between the plants are slight subtleties in smell- except for #7. All of them except 7 have this distinct lemon lime w a cleaner or glue type smell mixed in. But they each have their own little nuances. And they’re all greasy when you rub a leaf, not sticky. Maybe 1 is sticky. But #7 has more of the train wreck smell I’m going for, but this floral, perfume smell thats really great. Reminds me a little of the SSDD I grew. And the leaf rub is gritty, not at all greasy. Then when you rub your fingers together it gets real sticky. So will probably mess w popping #7s seeds first since that pheno is a bit different compared to the rest…

A little behind schedule with filling other pots w clones- they’re still vegging in solo cups. Will probably top them today and veg til next weekend before going into the big pot together.


OH MY What a Nice Flower :slight_smile: I need to grow this for sure

thank you for the look at your work

be safe and stay well



Looking righteous brother! Nice plants and a great thread!


#9 is finished up and hanging already. Only 62 days to finish. Will see on the next run if #9 is a fast finisher without being seeded.

The rest I’m expecting to go at least another full week. However, I think the plants/seeds may be closer than I think to finishing. Got a batch of clones ready to go into flowering as soon as these are done- they’ll be small again like these. Going straight from solo cups into the big pot and will kick off flowering.


What do you think? I’m starting to think i need to plan for more than 10 weeks to finish the rest (10 weeks is Sunday)

There seems to be plenty of ripe seeds, but a lot that haven’t matured yet. This is my first seed run- should it be expected that theres a fair mix of mature and immature seeds? Or is it possible to let it go long enough that everything matures?