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BOG Sour BluTooth Veg. Observation: Terra Revolution 12
Humidity: 80%
Ambient Cab Temp: 83F
Plant leaf Temp: 80F
Grow light power 100%
Gardeners Log: 24 hour test @ 100% grow light speed: successful, constant temperature and humidity maintained. Two revs. Ago three seedlings feel over from lack of water, the soil was leaching the water from the Pete pellets where the main rooting was taking place. Added one half liter to each pot as a soak down for all plants.
Launch drone for fly over…
Turned to watering be weight, feels heavy I don’t add water, feels light… add water.
@Derpterps Thank you, I Love those tables… repairing the large one, had the kids over during the storm and all 4 of them sat on it at once other family was here too. I got to hang out with my granddaughter so I didn’t complain.
Gotta fly, be good to yourself OG’s.
If your wondering why I am keeping track of ambient and leaf temp… Please see Mr. Sparkles, higher temps for LED lights.