Breeders: your best & worst experiments?

For those of you who have chucked pollen more than a couple of times, of the hybrids you created, which were the happiest results? …AND the saddest?
What, if anything did you learn from those 2?

Thanks in advance,


I had some seriously mixed results with some Chrystal Throttle F2s
Being that they were F2s, the population varied big time in traits shown from pheno to pheno. Had a few great ones, and a few that were complete crap.


This was one of my best crosses and caught me by surprise and was a one time pollen chuck out of nowhere with nothing backed up…Male pollen was all I had left from a couple years prior. The remaining seeds I had were taken from me by a mouse…yes he got at all my seeds from this cross because I put them somewhere I shouldn’t of and forgot about them! C99 X Purple Peyote