Bubblegumball5000 Seed Run

bummer about the THSeeds gear!


No one is more bummed than I.

Dirtron, sorry I sent you duds. A little embarrassed, to be honest.


I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on this project for my Princess Bubblegum run in the future


Don’t be! I am still so thankful you sent them in and helped catalyze this project!

So many possibilities as to what happened with them. Most of which are outside your control.

How about from this point on I won’t mention them again!


@Dirtron is right there’s like a million reasons those beans didn’t/wouldn’t pop, all of which are outside of any one persons control. Didn’t mean to hit a nerve there I just meant it would’ve been cool to see the THSeeds Bubblegum after hearing Adam’s story of how he came into the genetics etc. but never meant to insinuate that it was anyone’s fault they didn’t come up in any way, shit like that just happens. Props to you for sending them out with good intentions brother :v:t2:


It’s all good. I think a better word to describe how I feel is “disappointed”. I just wanted to contribute, and I feel like I didn’t. I know it was out of my control, and the bright side is that this run will be amazing without them. So thanks again @Dirtron.

And you can mention them in the stats when you post, it won’t bother me.


Don’t be. I bet through the power of OG we can stir up some more THSeeds Bubblegum at some point. And then hit it with the pollen I freeze.

It may be temporality removed but it will be spiritually still a part of the run!


Looking good in the garden. A few breakouts in there that stand out and a couple stragglers but you just never know what can happen. Looking awesome! :peace_symbol:

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Weird only half mine popped? I haven’t had any issues in my germination tests.

Regarding your Calyx Bros Bubblegum S1’s: Of the first 4 seeds, 3/4 popped tails, were planted, and all emerged. Sadly 1 of those 3 never was able to clear its helmet. Eventually I attempted surgery, but discovered it had already rotten it’s head inside the shell :frowning:.

Popped final 2 seeds, both struck roots and were planted. 1/2 emerged. I am still keeping the second moist, but starting to lose hope for it. However, I was out of town with a friend watering for 5 days shortly after I planted the last 2. He did a good job, but obviously not the same as I would have. I have also been surprised by late emerging seeds in the past…

In total 5/6 popped a root, 4/5 of these emerged from the soil (with 1 more still possible, but unlikely), 1 died after emerging due to rotting inside the shell it never got out of, leaving 3/6 alive and kicking!

I don’t consider it a knock on your seeds at all. For one thing my techniques, methods, and conditions are… haphazard? For two, it is the thought and intention that counts! You freely donated your genetics into this, which as a professional, speaks volumes about you! Finally your S1’s still have 3 plants in the running, and it only takes 1 stunner!

Also of interest, both of the lines that have 5 plants going are M/F versus Fem like yours, so they easily may end up with exactly three females in contention too. Hopefully your S1’s were never going to win the race to be the “Stud” :wink: :wink:

Nothing But Love,


Yes I should have sent you my Goodnight Gum too. It is my Shut Eye X Bubblegum. They would make a nice stud.





Great googlie boogalie those looke nice!


God. Damn. :astonished:


Mate they look amazing! :+1:


Those pics are simply amazing looking :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


WoW ! Those are gorgeous !

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wow beautiful plant.

see you oct 1 dirtron. hopefully you still take pics and document for this


That is sad to hear. Were these BOG seeds part of the Hugh glass group buy?


Dirtron’s been suspended until October 1. Which is a long time haha. I’m unclear on why exactly he was suspended.