Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)


Cannabis May Hinder California’s Environmental Goals

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She was quoted $120,000 from a law firm to handle her applications and the lengthy state and local permitting process.
Instead, she studied up and accomplished all of the legal work for less than $10,000.

That’s awesome, but keep an eye out for the shenanigans from these a-holes:

The majority of the companies in the state’s adult-use marijuana industry so far are large multi-billion dollar companies backed by wealthy investors and businessmen, including Acreage Holdings, which is hoping to open adult-use dispensaries in Worcester, Shrewsbury and Leominster.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld and former U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner sit on the board of directors at that company. It is currently valued at $2.3 billion, based on the level its stock is trading at on the Canadian Securities Exchange.

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Okay, so why can’t they just do with it what every other plant waste is treated. I have 3 garbage bins (cans) that I put out every week, one for general garbage, one for recyclables, AND one for “green” waste, i.e. grass cuttings, branches from hedges and bushes, and small tree branches. These get shredded in a huge chipper/shredder and is all mixed together to make compost.

Now that it is classified as “organic” by the state, why can’t this be added as well? Medium and large volume growers, I am sure, are already “throwing” it out, so why can’t they put out small to large dumpsters, depending on the size of the grower, specifically for this stuff? They pick it up and put it through the same equipment. Even more compost.

pretty crazy to be criticizing plant waste when we have nuclear waste piling up and being stored unsafely at hundreds of locations around the USA - without even having a plan with how to deal with it.

here’s an everyday cannabis hero breaking down barriers in the academic world:

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This isn’t nuclear waste but still relevant – New Bedford High School was built on a toxic waste dump.


wonderful Massachusetts! Some more cancer patients for Dana Farber and Mass. General! I’m sure this will make their day :smiley:

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From article below;

At least doctors seem to be more aware of potential side effects in these states, even if teens aren’t. This past month I was teaching a medical student from Colorado, and I asked her about CHS. I mentioned how few doctors in New York knew about it. “It’s very common in Colorado,” she said. “We see cases in the ER there every day.”

IMO, this does not pass the smell test.
Colorado population–5.6 million.
NYC population–8.6 million.

I ain’t buyin’ it.


Oh goody, more self serving poppycock.
Cannabis is a “new” drug?


But, the “link” the title notes remains missing in their “opinion” piece. Instead, they refer to what amounts to a survey.
That does not make for a scientific study that establishes a “link” to anything. Correlation does not imply causation. Other than that some users like hot showers.


you went to fox news! what did you expect :smile:


You are right. I like Siegel, he is usually spot on on most things and ahead of everyone else, but he is far off on this one. What is the old saying “Correlation does not always mean Causation?”

BTW @Muleskinner, some of us watch Fox News AND smoke weed.More believable than MSLSD

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it’s interesting that the banks say they’re afraid of federal prosecution for MJ money laundering, but do they really have anything to worry about?

HSBC laundered over a billion dollars for the Sinaloa cartel and not a single person at the bank was prosecuted. Not one Wall Street banker was even investigated let alone prosecuted for taking $2.5 trillion from taxpayers.


Now including Lyme disease.


Good one from Georgia

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look at this presidentialsm fluff - the Globe wants us to see these decrepit old graftsters as rock stars! 80% of the population would like to see them sent out for a sail on the Titanic ASAP…except for Bernie! :smile: We don’t want Bernie on that boat