Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

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They say the cannflavins are not in high enough quanitites to be of use as is, so they’re planning to engineer a bacterium to produce it – but I would bet there’s strains out there that produce it in useable amounts.

We need a beams test for cannflavins, so we can start searching our stockyards.


“They” don’t know everything yet - studying the synergistic sum off all the different cannabinoids and flavinoids will always be difficult. The whole plant has been working great for pain & inflammation for a long time.

Patients can relax and keep using this effective herb while the professional scientists sort out their various molecules and get their shit together! :smile:


Exactly. They – the researchers conducting the study – came to the conclusion that their Purple Kush isn’t a significant producer of cannflavins. But is that cut even the best choice for this decision to be based on? How does that cut compare to the rest of the population?
If a person has a vested interest in producing a cannflavin based anti-inflammatory, it would be in that persons best interest to stick with a low-production strain of Cannabis to assure investors that your method is the best method of producing this medication. While I’m not going to assume the researchers have that intention, I’m also not going to assume it’s outside the realm of possibility.

More importantly tho, we as growers and consumers don’t know to what extent cannflavins change the medicinal qualities that we traditionally attribute to CBD. If we can find strains naturally high in this compound we might drastically increase our understanding of why some strains work better for certain illnesses.

(To make a long post even longer, the article these news reports are based on isn’t locked behind a paywall. Most of it is mind-numbing but there’s some information here and there, and a few good links to related articles)


We need the national reform done before this stuff becomes a thing. Otherwise, one of the main arguments could become mute and we end-up with FDA classification of the individual components. And then, more regulation and pharma versions of nature…


govt. thinks they own the ocean and us…

Summer Boaters Reminded that Cannabis is Prohibited from Federal Waters

BOSTON—The Cannabis Control Commission (Commission) wants to remind Massachusetts residents who may travel by boat this summer that cannabis cannot be possessed or consumed in, or transported through, federal waterways despite state legalization.


Overgrowing is the way to go.
The struggle continues.

Frustrated medical marijuana advocates, patients fight for the right to grow their own

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some Americans can still think clearly!

The article “Cannabis chairman defends agency” (Metro, July 22) notes that “the launch of Massachusetts’ marijuana industry has been ‘relatively smooth and incident-free,’ ’’ according to a letter from Cannabis Control Commission Chairman Steven Hoffman.

I think I’ve identified the problem with the state’s “rollout” of the cannabis industry.

The state thinks it’s starting an industry.

News flash: There has been a cannabis industry in Massachusetts since I was old enough to recognize it (1964 maybe?). The state is a newcomer that has to compete in a well-established market, while suffering a hefty price disadvantage and high costs of meeting state and municipal mandates. The industry, both old players and new, depends on consumers who are just as careful with their cannabis dollars as they are with their rent money.

Massachusetts opens a handful of stores selling products at inflated prices, the black market thrives, and the commissioner pats himself on the back after handing the state half the expected tax revenue.

Here’s what I learned while watching Massachusetts consumers drive to New Hampshire on the weekly liquor run: If you make the product too expensive or limit sales outlets, consumers will shop elsewhere.

Jim Mesthene



That is a very good “letter to the editor”
Mr. Mesthene speaks the obvious truth.

The dread black marketeers are giddily cheering on this exercise in stupidity.

Greed run amok.


The Massachusetts Dept. of Agriculture spontanenously banned the sale of CBD-hemp flower in Massachusetts. Despite the fact that they are not an elected body. They made something illegal that we just voted to approve in 2016. Even the extremist federal government has legalized hemp.

legalization of hemp is proving interesting - I think this is where the real battle for legalizaiton is being fought. After all hemp is 100% cannabis, CBD is 100% cannabis. The absurdity of stopping people from touching and smoking flowers is a basic reality of human rights and freedom.

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cannabis prohibition has always been a cornerstone of police state power

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I’ve said this about caryophyllene for awhile. It’s why I love peppery strains as much as I want variation in my grows. Apparently it’s a common hemp flavor as my friends tell me the hemp cigs that just seem to taste like black pepper to me are like brick weed. 10mg CBD per cig. IDC about the taste. Not all medicine tastes good. Without flavoring I can’t think of 1 cough medicine I’ve ever had that tasted good.

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the racist counties of NY can still drag people into court! NY was supposed to have decriminalized in the 70’s. One of the most racist states in the USA. 40 years later, they still can’t let it go…

Court: Even a ticket for marijuana possession, under the new law, could land you in court. That’s because your ticket may require you to answer the violation, even if the charge is dismissed. Whether you have to appear or not could vary from place to place. In Onondaga County, the DA’s office has opted not to pursue charges against anyone ticketed for small amounts of marijuana. But other counties may have their own rules.

