Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

:sunglasses: :sweat_smile: :thumbsup: We’re just getting started folks…


right the pres is real estate guy for five families in nyc for 40 years, but weed tho…


Hmmmm …

Interesting approach.

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Grow it Yourself: Recreational Marijuana Proposal for PA

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Farms could also receive a permit to grow and that would cost $100,000 to start.

100K to start? Justification?

Oh, right:

The senators who proposed the bill expect it to generate $500 million in tax revenue after the first year.

That money would go to schools general fund.


I Went Viral For Admitting Pot Makes Me A Better Mom. Here’s What Everyone’s Ignoring.


I grew up in drug war area and my mom told me as an adult the only time she was ever intoxicated was when she had one or two joints after my brother and I were asleep or if we were at camp. She only smoked a little weed at night at home in secret with the dryer sheets for smell and all like a crook and said lots of times she wanted a wine or beer with dinner but govt child snatchers could use that in court and she didn’t like alcohol buzz so never drank once when i was little.

If she could have mothered without have to smoke and hide once a day like crackhead outlaw maybe life could have been better. Hahahaha I have no idea who sold her weed but I smoked and grew and she didn’t know until high school my and buddies were stoned and smoking more in the house while she was there and pizza guy knocked loud and woke her up hahahah at that point we had a talk and siscovered everyone in the family smokes and has been in the dirt for it because of where we were born and what time and lol Thanksgiving was actually different fam repping different parts of the game haha you can’t tell kids why uncle so and so has a cesna and house in bahamas for but after statutte of lmiitations pass mom told me about 60s and all they were trying to do and how nixon stomped on everyone pretty much who spoke in public against him or smoked or did any of the drugs his silent majority turnend a nose up to.

And he and nancy raegan dead many years we still burn forrest and imprison humans because drugs.

At least the french connection stays in the appropriate gangsters hands, that seems to be the only constant on the worlds stage.

Puts world map on high school over head projector
places on top celephane slide with line going from golden triangle worlds largest opium source (se asia vietnam korea burma …hmmmmmm?) and west at each stop as the opium is refined into morphine and herion and then the various herions of each continents refinement area, asia to france to cuba to ny to west side usa.

And the line is black. Then on top of that Mr. Dales class gets to see a seperate line, in red, that I place on top, that is practiaclly in paralell. This line represents the trail of blood left by cia regime change since the death of the guy in iran who said they should have freedom to vietnam ores who said same thing after batista and castro had knocked back the ny italian fellows in cuba and taken over that part, cia dealt with them. Vietnam pres same thing cia shot him in the head, jfk next week in dallas.

You got guys like rush limbaugh saying all drug users should be dragged out of their homes and shot (almost ver batim what mao zedong did in office first day) and he gets caught buying cigar box of oxy pills.

Nixons drug czar’s secretary has released a tell all backed up by spy tapes he made on nixon as he was taping everyone else (lol) and he has nixon and drug czar on tape saying hey if we made the weed illegal we can arrest and beat the left and the hippies and the poor and if we make this heroin illegal we can roll into the blacks house and do what we want and who opposed nixon?

The book talks of tapes were nixon starts the war on drugs because every day in dc there is a protest against him over vietnam and the draft and everyone coming home in a box or fucked up (shitty presidenting imo) and of course the folks were smoking joints at the protests. Fucking Nixon had the windows open each day and the weed smoke wofting in gave him a pavlovian association of weed and “illicit drugs” with his enemies and people who called him out or didn’t like him or wanted freedom or their lives at least.

It’s not just weed, its not just guns, prohibition doesn’t work for anything. Unless you make money in the black market which all the rulers do of course and this has always been since before the nations its a human thing. We need to get past it we are getting there now we have to trust and drop relig and govt


Oh boy …


Son wasn’t your candy bag full five minutes ago you couldnt have crushed that down so fast could you?

Man dad I’ll tell you but Imma need you to cut on some cartoons, simpsons halloween special sounds great, and bust out some water and alkaseltzer, we gonna watch chucky and michael meyers after that, I blunt for ya dad it’s in my plastic pumpkin shaped candy basket!


Is anyone surprised by this?


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Regardless …
This is yet another reason to overgrow.