Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

$8.85 per gram. Which isn’t bad, IMO. I’ve paid less (from a Canadian online supplier before legalization), but it was for shite.


apparently south koreans arent able to partake in canadas newfound freedom :laughing:


Wild. [smh]

Yet in North Korea it’s apparently legal and available on the street. Sure, it’s 70s shit on a stick weed in a bale or a sack of oregano, but’s valuable food over there.
What a crazy juxtaposition… with NKpeople fleeing south… I’d have to grow in the DMZ or something. :thinking:



This is little creepy to me.


apparently yeast is great for these types of things … reminds me of another thing i read …

yeast grows a lot easier than poppies in most places :smiley:


Cant wait for that lab-grown, namebrand, government-approved heroin.

Someone at Stanford should kick those researchers in the teeth.


They always have been and always will be, the biggest drug dealers. More corruption tied to “legalization” in Canada.

Mulroney’s daughter, Caroline Mulroney, is the attorney general of Ontario and has been overseeing the legalization of marijuana in the province.


believe it or not, opioids are used for a lot more than just heroin, and if the pharmaceutical industry can obtain morphine etc without relying on afghanistan poppy production, the entire world will be a lot better off because of it… they could eradicate every single poppy field in the middle east and it would greatly reduce illegal narcotic production. they should earn a nobel prize.

Oh well.

Overgrowing seems the best bet.


Heroin is Di-Acetyl Morphine, the only difference is potency. We cant claim one is bad and the other is a gift from god.

Most of the pain killers handed out are completely unnecessary anyway, and I dont mean only the persons who have no real pain. Our bodies developed pain receptors for a reason, and we’re so pussy that every ache justifies popping another pill instead of working through it.

Nobody will argue we need anasthetics(sp?) and that opiods also have their place in legitimate medical practice – But neither can we argue that there are not enough opiates to cover those uses, or that theyre too difficult and costly to produce that we need a “fast-track.”


look at this fucking guy, what a tool :smile:…not a fan of “legal” MJ :smile:

the same company was just in the news…

That was then. Now, nearly a year after she quit working at NETA and filed a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) claiming she was regularly exposed to mold via cannabis flower, Hassel mockingly says NETA stands for “Never Ethically Treating Anybody.”

“Mold was an issue at both [NETA’s] Franklin cultivation center and the Northampton dispensary,” Hassel wrote in her complaint to OSHA. The former budtender reported that she “observed powered mildew flower” while trimming cannabis in 2016 in Franklin but was instructed by a supervisor to “cut around it.” She also says that management dunked “marijuana flower into a hydrogen peroxide solution to treat the mold.”


It’s the new ‘hip’ :smile:

So I guess we need to review the moonshiners’ methods again. Buy used NASCAR vehicle, paint with conferate flag, …




who’s that guy??

well, one’s on the UN list of essential medicines and the others not. i don’t think anyone would disagree relying on Afghanistan/Iran/Myanmar etc for our essential medicines is less than ideal.

that’s the thing, the starting material is costly and hard to obtain. poppies do not grow well in most places and require lots of land and labour to produce a small amount of opium base. heroin (and all drugs) should just be legal anyways though, but this is off topic for the thread


@legalcanada There is no topic for this thread. Morphine and Heroin are the same drug. You can feel bad for morphine addicts. You can feel bad for Heroin addicts. Fuck if I care. My point is they are not different. A motherfucker just got eight years in mississipee for Cannabis so explain to me why I should give a flying fuck about what the government considers dangerous.

At Twelve years old I was given opiates for a terminal illness. Pain.

What the fuck use are opiates? Please. Change my mind.

My opinion is not popular. Most people in the Real World HATE me for my opinion. So please dude. Explain to me why Morphine is a necessary medication while Di-Acetyl Morphine is the Devil.

Dont even use the word Heroin, because it’s a scapegoat. Explain to me why DiAcetyl Morphine is the devil and Morphine is not.

they aren’t different imo. they used to prescribe diamorphine as cough medicine and its still used in hospital settings. Canada recently legalized diamorphine for treatment of opioid dependence. the body already metabolizes morphine -> diamorphine so it’s really just being more efficient to skip that biological process.

edit: i had that backwards

so i guess that explains why morphine is essential and diamorphine isn’t, the body breaks diamorphine down in to morphine before it binds to opioid receptors anyways… plus it’s easy enough to just convert morphine->diamorphine with acetyl acid

What Are the Differences Between Heroin and Morphine?
There are many similarities between heroin and morphine, but differences as well. One of the biggest differences between heroin and morphine is the fact that heroin is three times more potent than morphine, which can be shocking if you’ve ever been on morphine and see how powerful it is. Heroin, along with being three times more potent, is also semi-synthetic. Heroin is made when morphine is combined with chemical substances. There are also differences in how heroin and morphine are administered. Heroin is primarily injected, and it doesn’t have any medical uses in the U.S., while morphine is currently usually given as a pill or a suppository. Another one of the differences between heroin and morphine relates to how quickly they reach the brain. Both heroin and morphine can pass the blood-brain barrier, but heroin does it more quickly, and once it reaches the brain it’s converted to morphine. Generally, the more fast-acting a drug is, the more addictive it also is. With heroin and morphine, it’s also easier and cheaper to get heroin in most cases. The market is flooded with heroin, and much of it is poor quality or mixed with dangerous ingredients, while morphine is closely regulated, making it much less accessible.
Summing Up—Heroin and Morphine
There are very few differences between heroin and morphine. Heroin and morphine are so similar that heroin even converts into morphine once it reaches the brain, but there are a few key differences. One of the most notable differences between heroin and morphine is the fact that heroin reaches the brain more quickly and is three times stronger than morphine. While heroin tends to be seen as more dangerous than morphine, both are addictive drugs that can cause severe side effects and consequences.

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:pray: :hand_splayed:

:point_right: " Cannabis Current Events " :point_left:

@Whoever clearly it’s a personal issue from your posts; I don’t think @legalcanada is criticizing legitimate needs. I believe we can all agree that “everything’s fucked up”. :smile: :pill: :syringe: :head_bandage:

…Might we create a “Pharma/GlobalDope” thread? :globe_with_meridians: :place_of_worship:

:evergreen_tree: :registered:

diamorphine taken orally is totally metabolized to morphine in vivo before crossing the blood-brain barrier… morphine is also frequently prescribed as a liquid solution for injection.

i’ll probably be prescribed opioids my entire life, until they develop some new class of pain medication. mambalgins show promise i think but aren’t even in clinical trials despite this article being 6 years old.

ya we should have an opioid or pharma pain management thread or something

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