Cannabis Inspired Art

In emergencies smash resin lol :+1:


That’s awesome


I use the kind that smudges, i really like how it feels sliding across the paper, but it definitely takes a bit to dry


Thanks! I want to do one of all buds I grow lol.


Heres a couple of mine.


They are sublime.


I’ve followed that thread, those are awesome paintings! I like the one you did of snoop!


Cheers Joe.

Cheers Paws, yeah I guess he is cannabis inspired as well lol. Here it is with my nephews portrait taking the joint from Snoop.


Those are sick. Nicely done.


That looks like it will be as, if not more so, incredible as your other work.

@V4vendetta :sunglasses: great seeds and a cool dream of happiness.
@Pawsfodocaws That is fantastic! Life time keepsake, very nice.
@Shadey Excellent, as always. Been a weird week… I jumped in on the contest thread before it got removed from view, started sketching a entry and immediately thought that looks like Paps takin a dump in a pot! :rofl:

Putting the finishing touches on these two

Beacher is in ink process

And this is from the 90’s

The face and scull are made of single dots (stippling) and the surface texture is called cross hatching. This was originally drawn for the Story “rip cord”.
Have a great Friday and a excellent weekend, seeyah when I seeyah, be good to yourself.


I have never seen Paps taking a dump, so I cant comment on its accuracy :wink:

I went there once when Greasemonkey @tted me, I didnt know it was no longer viewable.

I dont have time to make designs for people when there is no input from whomever wants the design other than, design something about octopots and we will see if we like it. I would rather paint something I want for myself or for someone who will appreciate my efforts.

I got lots of people, when I was painting bikes helmets and stuff, wanting stuff done cheap, with the their believed qualifying statement, it will get you lots of work and be a good advertisement.

Its like saying to a Licensed Producer give me a load of your weed, and I will share it with my buddies and you will get lots of orders, no you will get lots of people expecting free or cheap weed lol.


Oh hell yeah! In the early 90’s, I learned these lessons well. I was using my abilities to fund my travels, now with the knowledge acquired from a long road of learning… I find myself, only interested in the things I want to draw. I love your work, Thank you for sharing.


Cheers, I am enjoying seeing yours develope as well, interested to see the colors your going to be applying.

Will they be semi transparent so you can still see the pencil work underneath?

I got some synthetic paper for Christmas, trying to use it atm, it allows erasing and scratching for much finer details. I am struggling with it, if I accidentally touch it before the paint has fully dried, it marks it or it comes off :disappointed:


The flow is a bit haphazard and all over the place right now. Would like to sharpen up some edges and add some pure-white highlights.

Picture doesn’t really do it justice.


Photos never do justice to artwork, unless you can get them done in a professional studio with proper lighting.

Which edges do you want to sharpen, it looks great, white or light grey highlights/dots will give it more depth.


I don’t know the answer to this question. I guess the best way to put it is I’m hoping for a parfait, and instead I’ve got a terrine.


The only hard edges you have are the circles and they look fairly sharp atm. What are you using to create the image.

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@Worcestershire_Farms looks fabulous! Definitely one of a kind, it has a starry night feel with a galactic spin.

@Shadey my color addition is a combination of black ink, brush pens, color pencils, #1-#3 lead pencils, my pinky finger and the occasional touch of the tongue to taste the rainbow.

Once the color is done, isolate and drop on a transparent, put it on a picture of the bud and mix it into the top where the page ends and blend it in.


That’s looking good, a lot of shading and highlights on a pineapple skin.

That HF is making my head and my eyes hurt lol all those shadows and angles going different directions :upside_down_face:


Both the black and blue is the same ink, the white is titanium dioxide and the gold is 23.5k leaf.
This is the update;

I feel like there’s a small seventh planet currently missing.