Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Chucking ensues

pollen collection station
Donor- Sweet and Sour Cindy - this is a hardy pheno that took more abuse than it should have, and when almost all others just died, this dude just plowed through so i am confident he is a keeper, as the stem rub is just rank.

one branch on each plant got hit, and covered with an envelope, then back to the light :slight_smile:

Pollenated Pineapple

Charmed Cookies

Sweet and Sour Cindy x SSC - just for kicks

Winter is boring, so a poppin’ we will go.

1 - SSC
4 - Blue moon rocks
3 - Lifestar
6 - Night Rider
4 - Jelly pie

back with a clone update and selection time, as one of the cookies is a standout, same for the ssc, and the pineapples are all beautiful, so i may hit all 3 if i get enuff pollen.


got a bunch of pollen from the ssc, and doused a small bog bubble :slight_smile:

other pollenated branches have pistol die back, and look ready for the show.

History always repeats itself, looks like I will need a reveg or two, dont have clones of all i like, so here is an example of my first reveg attempt, not too bad, root prooned it, and just fed a balanced meal for a month or so, and blammo, shoots everywhere, shoots for everyone!!!


Great looking grow, nice n healthy :call_me_hand:.Is that a glass filter in that doobie? Never seen one of those before


Very busy show there. The hso skunk is a beauty with those colors :+1:


Ya, bougie ass glafliter, lol :wink: not going back to cardboard, ever. Hit up ur local smoke shop, they will have them. Thanks checking in.

Nice to see you in here, grow on


got one approaching the window, hso lc skunk auto, about 90 days from sprout.


Big pharma sux, BIG PARMA not so much :wink:

Hi tek cloning of a BOG Bubble

Sweet and sour cindy pollenated branch

Bog Bubble doused with ssc

clones have outgrown the light :wink:

night rider seedlings kickin it, gonna try for a serious night rider open pollenation, as they are no longer avail, and a fav here at the crib.

group shot of the 4 x 4 wipeout - one pineapple threw bananas so it’s freezing its ass off with some finishing autos. too bad it was a beast. wont run it again, i hope her sisters dont throw any

frosty pineapple that has a pollenated branch as well

two cookies in the back, one on the left is frosty with typical smaller nugs, but pheno #2 has these big fat buds, and stout structure, so i hit a branch with the ssc.

here is the praying pineapple, serious reveg candidate

closeup of my favorite ssc

Thanks for the format to share these on.


Gonna be warm soon ;), let’s get naked!

Swapped out the hps for a mh6500, easier to see now :wink:

I’ve got a 7200k lamp in stock, will this increase resin more than the 6500k?


aww wut the heck, notha update for the OGers, into the deep freeze with these, for the last few weeks :slight_smile:

Here we go

Pretty plant, gps cookies n chem#2, gonna pop a few more and try to find a male to marry to her clone, seems these are hard to come by too these daze. not the best yielder, but serious medicine, taken at all stages of the harvest window. I’m gonna pull these a little early to use as a springtime daytime med, as ive got a little long run stuff in the cupboard. Starting a nice little fade, gonna be tits up yo

Sweet and Sour Cindy#3, very colorful and fragrant, close to finishing at only 52 days of 12/12. My favorite cindy is a little camera shy, show her to you tomorrow.
Any comments on trike color?

frosty cookie#1, really holding onto the N! Gonna strip her soil soon :wink:

pineapple alley#1/2. had to banish the herm, but 2 are going strong, very frosty, thick, and a little foxtatailly. just reekin’

thick little lone lifestar, no pollen, but clones, so i popped a few more :wink: luv to cross this with the cookies, no foxtails here, just pow!

gratuitous group shot, have a great day!

oh, what happened to the 4x4, well its full of seedlings and clones :wink:


cookie in the window, all cloudy, with amber streaks all over. She reeks of cherry blossom tree, and maybe a swamp azalea, unique and fascinating smell. i brought my odor-ologist on for this update :wink: - my sense of smell is compromised at best :0

here is a sweet and sour cindy, stacked up, and very colorful, reeking of lemon drop and licorice! just effing awesome @BogSeeds
she is also in the window, not as much amber as the cookie, but getting close, sorry no trike shot of ssc, shaky hand syndrome;)


Nice hobby this is.
Sweet and sour cindy end week 8

cookie #2

prego bog bubble

cookie #1

pineapple #1
oh the colors are looking good!

praying pineapple #2

wrap it up with another sweet and sour cindy, smells eveloving everyday.

thanks for popping in, stay safe out there.


Gorgeous plants, that SS Cindy looks amazing! What did you knock up the bog bubble with?


Sweet and sour cindy x the bubble should be a nice mash :wink:


not too many white pistols in this shot.

so this will be the final canopy shot, the rest will have to remain a mystery for now. Will be back at some point to show off any seeds that came out good, final bud shots, and a smoke report on all.

Thank you for following along on this little sleigh ride.

Please keep it real, and ‘be excellent to each other’


got seeds that are mature, picked one calyx off all 3 selectively pollenated branches. much to my astonishment, I came up with 3 dark and mature looking seeds. Not going to be very many of them, but it looks like the cooking is done.

pollen donor - sweet and sour cindy

recipients - cookies and chem. willamette valley pineapple, and a beautiful sweet and sour cindy.

bud shots and smoke reports will come too


i took like 40 valium and pryed myself off the wall, dropped the loppers, and just walked away. not sure how i did it, but i did, i avoided the dreaded early chop.

employed a shitload of litfa, and tastily flushed out my girls, and here they are for your entertainment, cartwrights wipeout ladies of the sun:

cookie #1 true cookie stench, sticky/fat calyx’s and a frost monster, not the one pollenated:(, but i got a clone.

cookie #2 fat bud formation, less stench, less frost, bigger yield, easy grower lite feeder, will have a few seeds from this one.

SSC way colorful buds cant wait to smoke this

WVP #1 nicely structured plant with the aromas i embrace, reminds me of mornings eating fruit in costa rica :slight_smile:

WVP #2 praying piney i call her, just stacked and frost covered, may have to take a sample of this one :wink:

BOG Lifestar, lone rangerette - finished fast, faded nicely, and will be a high yielding great smoking 12/12 from seed plant that i have clones of :slight_smile:

SSC#2 this is the one with a pollenated branch from it’s cousin, so ssc x ssc for me :slight_smile:

trike shots

as always, thanks for popping in.


THIS IS NOT A DRILL :frowning:


Definitely not a drill now, just stay home. If you are gathering at all, you are shafting your fellow Countryman or woman. Please stay home and play with your plants, it’s up to US to cut this thing off.

Now from the sandbox of life for me, weed growing. Now weed propagation too, as my 3 chucks all panned out with hardy looking, fully mature seeds. Considering how long I let them run, the buds should be pretty mature too;)

Each plant was single branch/cola from the bottom 1/3 of the plant.

Seed count:

Cookies and chem x Sweet and sour cindy(m) 35 seeds
W.V.P. x Sweet and sour cindy (m) 100+ seeds
SSC x SSC 50 seeds

Cookies seeds from gps are typically very small imho, but the cross here took on the size of the BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy, boy he was a brute, and even his seed size genetics are shining thru.

WVP from OGS, are typically med size seeds imho, and the cross took to that size, but produced an inordinate amount of mature seeds for a sinlge small bud.

BOG SSC X SSC seeds are typical large globes that the Bushy One is known for.

I put 3 seeds in the fridge, after sitting them in a corner, in a bowl for a week, and will plant them this week, one of each for kicks.

Any opinions on best way to dry and cure them? Left them on the plant for 3 days and plucked them last night.

bud shots some day :wink:


things are slow with this stay at home crap, so i’m gonna dribble some shots.

here is the hso og auto i grew with the other goodies. very pungent, smokes more harsh than the skunk auto i grew next to it.


Buds just getting in the zone. this is the WVP, solid run on this plant. all the goodness needed for a great daytime smoke. buds med density, frostyness abounds, yield good, crazy stench very unique to this particular cross.

here are my tester chucks and 3 blue dream bagseed.
cookies and chem x sweet and sour cindy
wvp x ssc
ssc x ssc
bd bagseed
just wanted to see if they popped and what the quality of the plants would be. ima run’em :wink: