Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout


hope you are keeping safe as possible out there. wishing the front liners the best, and saying a prayer for all those affected by this thing. for better or worse things must roll on, so roll a fatty for humanity tonight.

sour boggle at the top, and the wvp x ssc i chucked over the winter.

Giant chuck seedling, cookies and chem X sweet and sour cindy. only 1/6 popped, but it is dwarfing other plants in a major way see next photo.

this thing is huge, these two plants were same day germ, no mistaking this is a jack in the bean stalk :))))


back for some more winter fun. no preview yet, as i am just pulling a room together.

but, here is a little something i grew outside this year. BOG Blue Kush. Outstanding in every way. Frost covered, rock hard nugz, that will give your head a good swim. Finished fast, like 10/1, and had zero growing issues. There will definitely be another one in my garden next year. cupla pics, see you soon with my new winter wipeout.


the only way this is gonna happen is if i get some seeds wet, so here goes nothing once again.

quickie preview of this winter’s doings. 6 strains, 4 regular seeds each, for a total of 24 plants, provided all pop up. I plan to run all females found.

Pollen will be collected from any outstanding chap(s). This will be saved, and most likely be pollenating branches on the girls that run, as well. had great luck last time, so i may do more than one branch this time around.

Decent spread of genetics(hopefully i can expand my coffers this winter)

4 seeds each

gg#4 x hyper cherry pie
blue magoo x hyper cherry pie

Sour Bubble
Sweet and Sour Cindy

Cookies and Chem

my chuck
willamette valley pineapple-ogs (f) x sweet and sour cindy-bog(m) - (Rotten Pineapples)

  • i am only running this because i love the wvp, and have no more seeds. the pheno of this chuck, i grew out over the summer had med density nugs, but had great trike coverage, a wonderful stench, to go with a nice uplifting daytime buzz. Tastes and smells eerily similar to wvp by ogs, but has rotten berry undertones. very nice happy accident indeed.

planning to use 1/2 gallon pots right off the bat to reduce workload. hopefully i will be able to sex them in those under 18/6 by 4-6 wks, then a quick veg and off to 3 gallon flower town.

216w t5ho - seedlings
hid 600w - veg
hps 600w - flower

hope to convert to led this year, looks like they have come a long way since our company started playing with them in the 90’s.

soil - nftg#4 + fresh worm castings/perlite/de mix - more poop less fert;)

water- low ppm well water at around 75ppm/6.7ph - much different than what i am used to. i have been watering with cal/mag laden well water for years, now NOT. May have to add some gypsum and epsom salts along with my worm castings. Seedlings will get straight up #4, and i will use the ammended on the final transplant.

cold, so heat mats, etc… will all be in play.


Changed my mind on the containers. Went with modestly filled solo cups, then will do a mini transplant to 1/2 gallon squares in a couple of weeks.

humidome and heat pad in effect. This will be a fly by the seat grow, as I evolve spaces to grow. May have to bite the bullet and put up the tent. But I dislike tents and avoid them if possible. Temps are an issue, and i’d rather not heat rooms with anything other than lights. So, I’m gonna hang lights and move tents around the pad to find a decent enviro, over the next two weeks as these little ones put down roots under the t5.

One thing i also dislike is wasted space. Look at all that open area on the heating pad, hmmm…

these are my basics for almost all house plants. i try to keep it simple when i can.

oh ya, some nice beans in the harvest jar this year. pair them with my poblanos, and viola chili time!

Happy growing all.


23/24 broke soil. 14 robust, 6 ok, 2 sloowww, 1 ugh. So, looks good to get 6 or 7 for the 4x4. any more than that would be fine too :wink:

whenever i pop beans, i get something out of it. not sure what it is, but it is a palatable feeling within. i’m thinking i may drop a few more, it’s just too much fun.


motivational tool - hand rolled coney blunt to get things cooking today.

found bags of trim and larf in the freezer. for some reason this stuff cured better than any jarred weed fromlast year. the terps and scents are amazing. grass is a little crispy, but its all sweet cindy so im totally stoked.
so i rolled a goodie with the freezer goods :slight_smile:

some fine looking babies

slow pokes

have a growful day


not breaking any real barriers here, just breaking some ground. welcome, come in, relax, smoke a bit, and stay a while;)

two week uppot session complete. looking forward to this very much. so much so, i’ve gone and dropped more beans, and put up the dreaded tent. looks like it will sit around 77f with 6" fan on low, and passive intake. I will vent into room unfiltered, as the smell of vegging plants will be welcome on many levels;).

Hope everyone is staying safe, just got word my mom got it. ugh, positive thoughts to all dealing with this crap, which is pretty much everyone.

And the good stuff

The fresh beans are Reno – 12 seeds all are Kashmir99(crocketts afternoon delight) #2 X Sour KushxCinderella99. First time running this. Have seen mug shots on other forums, fingers crossed for something nice.

Lil’room is sitting 75f 35%, with no active exhaust. The tent came in at 77-79 35% with exhaust fan on low. So that will become veg tent, and then lower temp room for flower.

Stirricance from nftg, fun gadget to play with sometimes.

redlight plants. only the hps will raise the temp enough, so red it is and becomes flower room. hid got the tent to 79f so :slight_smile:

dried peppers for those who like it hot.

will check back when the Kashmir’s start doing their thing. thanks for stopping in.


well i decided to stop torturing my plants. for some reason every winter i am convinced my plants will grow just fine without overdoing stuff. as usual, i am wrong again. my humidity was dropping to 30% and there i was wondering why the fam was all stalled out. def no more half ass.

chucked in the humi, checked my vpd chart, downloaded the lux meter app, mixed up a nice mild feed, and feel much better for it. and so do my plants, praise the gods of cannabis!

i will try to single some plants out later, but here are a few pics of the slow progress. the blue magoos look nice, but one is standing out already, and the same with the pineapple cross, this should be a fun run.

unfortunately, i went 0/12 on the kashmirs, not really sure what happened. not goig to freak out, just plod along to the next strain i guess.

better! :slight_smile:

all hail the mist!

sour bubble always finds it’s way in there somehow

one of the blue magoos, not the best but i will pic her later on today for kicks.

wvp x ssc chuck sproutling, very nice, and the weed turned out good outdoors, so if this goes well and there are no hermies i may be able to offer a few free packs.

gg#4 x hcp and cookies and chem among their friends. the more strains the merrier.

most of them are working on 5th node, so I guess they doing ok.

gonna do a new photo session, be back soon. try to snap a few bud shots to keep it interesting during the veg out.


Best thoughts and positive vibes sent out to one and all. Giving thanks for family, friends, life, and pot plants.Quick follow up. Environment finally settling in. Hovering around 77f 60-65%h. Fighting the urge to water. Employing a great deal of litfa, and man that is boring as hell, so i am brewing an ewc tea with a touch of jack rabbit unsulphered molasses. ppm of this tea at the moment is 225, very nice for an early microbe boost and feed. ph around 6.7, this will change over tonight, hoping for 6.5, but will take anything from6.0-7.0

two aquarium jets and 3 gallons of well water. good agitation, and not too much.

herd food

blue magoo, one is a standout, just pleasing to be around at such a tender age.

pineapple cross, one standout here too.

cookies and chem, another beaster here, just a fine looking specimen.

sweet and sour cindy, looks like a nice variety from short and stout to lanky and 2 in between.

gg x hcp, fine looking babies.

blue kush

tk#2 cannaventure

be excellent to each other


Since the day i killed the kashmirs, i have been thinking what to run next. a bit of a hunt for moms and what will run in the spring for me and the crew i donate to.

So i found these blue blood seeds at the bottom of a container. they were gifted to me, and was told to run them, and that i would not be disappointed. well, i never ran them. i tested their spunkiness with a quick 12 pc seed drop and they all popped. life got in the way, and i never ran one, but i think a buddy did, will have to check with him.

this guy ran alot of gg#4, so there is a pretty good chance these seeds are BB x GG#4, he held info close to the vest, so i believe he is working this line, and i was to be a ‘tester’. dont talk too him anymore, but i will run these and see what happens.

popping 12 pcs Blue Blood ‘bag’ seeds, since i do not know the father,

From the Medicann Seeds website
Blue Blood
With this plant we have crossed our OG Kush with an astounding Blueberry that has been with us since 1998. This plant produces buds that have the strength and density of the OG but have that wonderful smell and taste of the Blueberry. The Blueberry overtones over wash the OG so for those of you used to OG this plant will smell and taste more blueberry, however there is an element of diesel fuel to the smell and taste. Not one for an inexperienced medical grower, but well worth the effort for those who can. Blueberry x OG Kush has been bred to contain higher percentages of CBD or cannabidiol the part of cannabis now considered to be most responsible for pain-relief, nausea, as an anti-inflammatory, and for many many other symptoms. CBD has been found to provide physical relief, it actually works to counteract the psychoactivity of THC, allowing patients a much desired element of clarity unassociated with so many other types of cannabis. This strain can also be a very effective insomnia killer, especially if you have pain that keeps you awake.

In short for medicinal users this would be the strain we recommend for a multitude of different ailments.

We are currently working on other strains to increase the CBD ratio to further help sufferers.

Sounds interesting, anyone out there ever run this strain?

back with a photo shoot later on. :wink:


ugh, killing more beans over here. could be that they are just getting old, as i am digging deep these days. did get a 12/12 on the ufc#1, so the freshest did the best.

was gonna start a new thread for the reno stuff. maybe a thread for the bog stuff, and maybe a couple more threads for anything else that i am working on. i figure 6 threads would be a good number to shoot for;)

then i thought it thru. do i really want to clog up one forum page with 10 of my own threads? no, no need for that.


Just one thread is cool, I could read along the whole grow and was a really pleasant lecture, all your plants look healthy and happy Arriba|nullxnull. Bookmarked so I won’t miss it again, enjoy your grow and stay safe … beer3|nullxnull


slow growing here in the new environs. still alive and green, so we grow on.

30+fresh transpalnts, and group of 20+ getting ready to sex and veg before flower / mom hunt. boys in play too, pollen no issue around here.

just tied the tall ones down to keep it even steven


More recent pics. Most recent seedlings are, BOG Blue Kush, UFC#1 x HG, Blue Blood x ?, there is a chuck in there too, Cookies and Chem x Sweet and Sour Cindy, from a branch pollenation I did last winter.

Wil get more detailed on the strains and traits, who I’m keeping, and whose getting the special treatment :o

some recent pics of my slowest start to date. conditions very good, but something is off. think its my super soft water, perplexing. will be ruminating this weekend to try to find something off that i can improve.




Not gonna drop a million veg photos, but things could get interesting around here if i can pull my head outta my azz;)


Santa came a little early. Never heard of this guy, but they were a gift, and I am grateful to get these. Not sure what they are, as I did a quick search, and found next to nothing. I will look harder, and possibly contact him for genetic info, as there is nothing on the packs other than a name, Aloha Island Genetics. Found their seeds on, but their website does not seem secure, so I did not hang out long.

Prices were like $144 a pack of 12 or so, but no mention of reg seeds or fem, guessing reg, and there was their freebie pack, White Cactus. i will soak the freebies tonight, along with two full packs of BOG genetics.

BOG’s LSD and Sweet Cindy full packs are going into paper towels later tonight.

Curious about these gifts, so a popping we will go. Wish me luck!



Thought I had a case of BRS, in the crib. All new construction, n’all had me worried. Seems it was a case of BFG(bad fucking grower)!

Did alot wrong by being cautious. Underwatered, undernuted, underlighted first run of seeds. They are still alive, but just coming out of their grower induced coma. Will share pics at some point. Blue Magoos still the best structure of the 21 surviving members of run 1.

As for the new poppings.

BOG Sweet Cindy 6/6
Wht Cactus 2/5 so far
Got some Blue Moon Rocks in a paper towel
and just soaked:
13 Tomahawk
7 Cookies and Chem
5 Dreamcatcher

Reno UFC#1 x HG 12 pcs are coming along about a week old and looking pert.

It’s a fricken bean party!!!


looking forwasrd to seeing how those dreamcatcher do!!

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Thanks for checking in @Danonly . This will be the first time I finish a DC indoors. Can’t wait to see what they can do. Great vigor with these seeds. 5/5 DC, 7/7 C n’ C, 12/12 Tomahawk. Hoping to find something nice in these. Two of the Tomahawks tails went wacko and shot out of the soil. i turned them upside down, but they never came back. Prob planted to shallow, as it was my first attempt with paper towel method. Have always been straight soil after soak. Moved to paper towel, cuz I had a 0/12, and wanted to cross I’s and dot t’s, and this I have done;)

Here is a flat of DC, let the journey begin.


C n’ C

Here is the original 21. Lotta dudes, like 12 confirmed. Got 4 girls confirmed, and 5 I hope are chicks. Girls in the upper left. - Blue magoo, WVP/SSC, CnC, SSC.
Sleepytime on the ranch.

More toys from Santa. A little late, but better late than never. Gonna soak 3-4 of these. Wonder Woman looks fun, and the DBL Haze is supposed to be a yielder. I have run the OGOG and the WVP, so no suprises there, but alot of stickyness to ensue if I have pleased the gods.

A little root porn, as i was looking for bugs. My eyes aint so good anymore, you cats see anything nefarious on these roots?
PC290077 (1)

With all those males, and 2 or three of them looking and smelling good, I will do a partial pollenation for kicks. Chucks to ensue asap.

More to come, after the break :o


Well, I may only have 6 females out of 21. Nice plants, but only six of them. So I am glad I have been keeping the seedling train rolling, so there are lil’ones in the offing. Just a quick look to keep track of what’s going on.

Group shot. 12 in the bucket are UFC#1 x Hyper Cherry Pie.

GG#4 x Hyper Cherry Pie

Sweet and Sour Cindy

Blue Magoo x Hyper Cherry Pie

Pineapple chuck

Cookies n’ Chem

Pineapple chuck #2

6 with pistols, and they will probably undogo some lst/hst/sc, etc…

15 with lobster claws, will be sorted thru for a decent pheno or two to chuck some pollen perhaps.

Always fun to grow some weed.


Gave another look at the boys club. Found some girls hidden in there. Got a SOUR BUBBLE :slight_smile:

Also found another Pineapple chuck, so that’s 3/4 on that strain, and 13/17 on a Summer seed test run. 16/21 total since I started testing these new seeds. Just a chuck, and certainly no offense meant to the original breeders.

Looks like another CnC too, and one other Blue magoo looking very fem.

So, I think I may go 10 for 21, much better than 6, and will settle for 9, which was my optimal number to flower for a partial pollenation and some sensimilla.

Will update with photos tomorrow once I have certain confirmation.