Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Hello again good folk of the! Back in the 4x4 wipeout zone, and finally looking respectable. My soil right now is Nectar#4, and I have ammended it heavily with homeade worm castings. Have not fertigated yet, but I have had an issue with ph, even so.

After adding more DE, Gypsum, Neem meal, perlite, and worm castings(a 50/50 castings/perlite mix), i let it ‘cook’ for a month. Got the ppms up from 300-400 to 1000+ppm, this makes me happy.

What does not make me happy, is the ph has now dropped to 6.0, considerably lower than usual, and lower than i like it.

So, hit the mix with Herculean Harvest, at 7.5ph, and let it sit for a week. It came up to 6.1 maybe 6.2, so I planted in it, and watered with plain well water 6.7 / 70ppm for a week. Then, knowing that soil i planted in was still lowish ph, I smashed them with 7.5ph/450ppm Herculean Harvest/Demeters Destiny. The HH ties up all the BS and the Demeters releases the Magnesium from the peat. Plants loved it, and I followed with an SLF-100 at 6.5.

Wish me luck, always a challenge to dial in a new space, a very very cold space;)

Girls all tied down, getting ready to be cloned.

Sweet and Sour Cindy. Dwarfs all others in the tent. A true beaster, with the familiar yummy smells on the rub. if I was only to keep one of these without smoking them it would be her.

Sour Bubble, with the familiar GIANT leaves :wink:

Pineapple chuck, with very solid structure, and that sweet and sour cindy in her blood, I am super stoked to have these beans in my stable. Going to back cross it to itself if I can get a good male, only got one this round so i will look at him as he matures.

Blue Magooooo, stout with tight nodes, looking forward to seeing this one grow out.

GG#4 x hyper cherry pie

CnC, green and happy


Keep them fingers dirty :wink:


Looking great @Cartwright, that Sweet & Sour Cindy is a beast for sure!!!


Thanks for popping in. She has amazing structure, and i am hoping the Gods look well upon me as she matures.


Wow man! You’re working hard over here. Making seeds/clones/beautiful buds. I’m surprised I missed you when you started this whole thing. Im going to tag along. See what other magic you got going on.
I thought that was peppers back there. I was like “that is some really red grass he’s grown”. Lol… Keep up the good work! :v:

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Someone else just said it your thread, Idle hands n’all, I like to keep busy in the Winter, so here we go. Good to see you in here @LilJonB.

I dont know about magic, just trying not to kill them.

I am actually fucking up as we speak. If you look at my first post, my seedlings look amazing. I believe started in Sunshine mix#4, with well water in the 250ppm range. Now i am virtually killing my seedlings by planting directly in Nectar#4, with well water in the 70ppm range. They look like shit, but i have not been able to find my SS#4 locally by the bale, damn covid! Definitely going to have to do something about my seed soil game before I send any more down. May just go with the ‘gold standard’, that i just found the other day.

Hoping to do better than I am now, oye. Admittedly, I am struggling a bit, but I hope to turn the corner soon.


I cut my FoxFarm with coco for my seedlings so they don’t burn. Or you can start them in straight coco.

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They look great! Your mix is excellent, and as usual, you always find incremental improvements.

Don’t sweat the petty things…
… the corollary of which is,
Don’t pet the sweaty things… :rofl:

OK, maybe that sounded better in my head… :crazy_face:



Thank you @Gpaw! Much appreciated. Mix is getting there, and I recently added epsom salts to the mix, and got a $5 bag of garden lime, and hit the mix with 2/3cup per cubic foot, to get the ph up alittle bit.

How about a rare back to back day update, still have some time before meetings.

Secured their ties, pulled down their heads again, and started folding fan leaves out of the way. No topping at this point, may have to top the SSC she is ridiculous.

Here she is the pride of the farm, Sweet and Sour Cindy. Went 1/4 of females, but got what looks like it could be a long time stable mate.

Sour Bubble, lil sparse, but will be good meds regardless of stature, this I know :wink:

Pineapple chuck, have 3 of them :slight_smile:

Blue Magoo x HCP

Cookies and Chem

GG#4 x HCP

Groupie, 9 is fine

Until we meet again


I’ve never done coco, I think this may be my route/root;) to roots. I’ve seen what they can do in coco for years, just never tried it. I am a soil guy, who does not have time or inclination to water any plant daily for its entire life.

That said, there is no denying what the sharpies do with the coco grows, definitely bouncing around my head.


Back with the nifty nine, in the 4 x 4 wipeout zone. So I have resisted the urge to feed, as they look ok. The herc treatment, followed by the plain slf100 perked them up from
their low ph malaise.
Then I hit then as they were drying out I used a 1/4tsp/gal of Tribus, from the sample bottle, as my Mammouth P is looking dark and off color, so not sure how fresh that million dollar bottle was when I bought it. Cannot wait to get outside! Meteor Spring is 6 weeks away is a good way to look at it.

They loved the Tribus treatment, and will be thirsty tonight.

IPM GC next, then a kelp spray at some point, maybe a neem too, just to keep it real.

Group, filling in

SSC, can you even tell I took 7 branches off her.

Magoo, stout lil’ thing

Sour Bubble, getting her feet under her


WVPineapple x SSC chuck, pretty leaves

CnC, frilly thing doesnt like the light close to her, roll eyes

Tied down


Broke my smallest plant in half during training session. She is the runt Blue Magoo, and has found her way back in with the seedlings, to grow out a bit. So we are down to 8 getting ready for bloom. Here they are, all snap crackled and popped, not to mention chopped at a bit;)
I know, it looks like the red planet in there. Well, it turns out most of my slow growth can be attributed to chilly root zone. So, I did three things, in order to build a healthier root system. Swapped the hid for hps, shifted light sched to 24/0, and dropped the light down a bit. Now the wipeout zone sits 72-75f all day long. I will take pics at lights out soon for a better look for you all,

for now, RED PLANET
Sweet and Sour Cindy

Pineapple chucks, 1,2,and 3 :slight_smile:


Cookies and Chem

A pile of kief to get me fried for the games later today

Also, the glue, magoo, and bubble are looking fine, will pic at some point.

Seedlings are sad, and clones have been cut.

May your Sunday be a good one, and as always, ‘be excellent to each other’

Another great anthem for anyone who wants to click.


Wow somehow just now seen your grow or caught up on it, too many to keep up with for sure. Gotta mention I threw on some master of puppets today so finding this grow made my day. Can wait to see the progress!

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Cool, glad you found it. So many to follow is right! Master of Puppets was pretty serious at the time. So much so, Ozzy was booed off the stage when metallica opened for him on the ‘Master’ tour. Not to mention all the floor seats wound up in a pile that was pretty big. They would have burned the place down without some ‘intervention’ :wink:

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I remember going to the bowling alley as a kid and Ozzie was on the juke. I loved Metallica and the doors in jr high. Still dig old Metallica. Seen a lot of shows, ready for some this summer maybe.

Ah, what the hell, some veg shots before things get thick. I have struggled with temps, and the requisite nutrient lockout. I had the night temps decent at 63-65f, but was still seeing stalled growth and weirdness galore. So, I took my own advice, and added seedling mats to my wipeout. Should have done that in December, would already be mid flower by now, oye vey.

So the first shot is a week ago before installation of mats. Hitting them with various microbes, as the slurries are like 6.5/750+ppm, so I know they have been locking out. Since the soil is packed with goodies, I started spraying Bloom Khaos, and incorporating herc with my feeds. Still no true nutes, which I am happy about, but it may be time for an N boost, will watch ppms, and like the cobra soothes, try not to make any sudden moves.

Ok, so a week later, it looks like this. Scrog style, with no net, and no strings, just serious breakage. Sorry for the red planet, but it’s what I got right now. Broken and battered, but the canopy is full and hopefully will flower beautifully with the assistance of the Cannabis Gods.

Ok, I cant see shit with this color, let me go back and get a few normal light shots, cuz, I can’t even look at this crap, but I wanted to give you the week later shots, amazing plant we have here on Mother Earth.

First defol, took 2 leafs from all 9 plants, just the ones laying on top of each other, or true top blockers.
Gratuitous veg shot, …mmmm…cheescake :o
Yes, vegging on the red planet. Amazing plant, hps from seed to harvest, mm, mm, good, :wink:

Tent, after their daily cracking. there will be no need for stakes. Perhaps some strings to pull the colas further apart if there are some tight spots. mmm… hope there are ;), screen and strings make it more difficult to water, and see whats going on, so I break.

Yay, not RED!

Numerous strains, same treatment, ups and downs.

Pineapple Chuck #2

Coconut oil harvest. Joint pain, bye-bye. Midday lull and need for caffeine, bye-bye. All day goodness, HELLO!


Stay Green Humans!

A more peaceful, and Green anthem for y’all tonight.


I may have gone 4/4 femme fatale on the Dreamcatcher. Preflowers look promising, a pistol here or there. Here are three of them. These are all tall with skinny leaves. The lone wolf out in the pasture is a shorty stocky dog, i will pic soon. Was kinda hoping for a good male, still time tho.

Without further bs, three hot chicks, right before I cracked them in half. Someday, I will let a plant grow normally tree style, ummm no i probably won’t.


And, three nice veggers…

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…more to come…

I said, what would @dequilo do?
Bagseeds, super skunk and super lemon haze, both supposedly dusted by dosido herm. Who the fuck knows, but I know i needed some practice on my seed game. It was not the soil being to rich, it was BFG syndrome.


week 1, best looker. wvp x ssc chuckenstein.
had to tie the blue magoo x hcp #2 open, stubborn thick ass stems.
centuries guarding the farm

Unfortunately, the gg#4 x hcp turned out to be a boy. he is segregated, and prepared to puke, and I will collect.

Not alot of greatness in this first run, but the SSC is very nice, and my chucks look good, Magoos are too bushy for me, the SB is just meh, and the CnC is small and always looking for calcium.

Glad I planted more seeds as this is lackluster at best. Veg is better than the last, and may try a sog if I get enuff chicks.

Clones are alive. But as I said, nothing to write home about, so they will become donations. And wouldn’t you know it, the most robust clone plant is the gg male :roll_eyes:

Plan to soak the Ghost OG cross from OGS later today, and plant on the moon tomorrow. It is their OG OG, the Ghost OG crossed with an Iranian Early Flower, hoping to finish outdoors by 9/1. This is an easy plant to grow, and comes out very sticky, with nice solid buds.

Also have a slew a boys around, and will selectively collect. I may skip the partial pollenations this round, as my yield will already be compromised. Perhaps just a branch or two :wink:


Figured this thread is too slow, and lacking budshots. So, here is ssc x CnC, that I chucked last year. The cookies smell and taste is gone, and replaced by sweet and sour cindy’s funky goodness. This stuff, however, retained the effect closer to the cookies and chem original. Smoked this nug, and lost about 3 hours of today lol.

These are shit and giggles, bagseeds. Super lemon Haze in the cells, and Super Skunk in the solo.

Anthem time, at the cost of a click :wink:


And lastly, my sog.

In here are:
CnC chuckensteins - kinda like sleepytime tea :wink:
UFC#1 x hyper cherry pie - 8/12 females, all robust!
BOG - blue kush, lsd, sweet cindy, bmr - some very good looking plants
gps - CnC, tomahawk, dreamcatcher - gonna pollenate all dreamcatchers
outdoor bagseed - tk#2, outdoor plant - only seed found in an entire plant.
- she looks great, and i will give her time on stage tomorrow
- may pollenate her too.


For my bagseed baby trying to take over my grow :wink:

Aint’ no place I’d rather be…


As promised, my Tennessee Kush #2 single bagseed. She was a fem seed plant from Cannaventure in 2018. Untopped, loves everything I do for her. One seed magic carpet ride? Time will tell, looks good right now.
P2130057 P2130058 !

buttons being guarded by the Centuries.
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good leaf posture on the buttoned beauties, color meh, 4 good green, 4 much lighter. still trying to not make any drastic moves, just letting them do their thing.

I have begun to feed them. They got a 6.5/600ppm fertigation today. Gave the same to the small 1/2gal pots and 1 gals too, figured they are going to need more sooner than the 3 gals.

The ladybugs are spontaneously hatching and showing up. nice, but I hope they are not finding too much. They are on a mission!!!

Click here to join them!!! Seek and Destroy 1983 :o