Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Pollen collection photo drop for my records. Even tho I’ve treated the girls badly, the pollen should be fine, as I have a scad of robust and stinky boys.P2130062

Here is the gg#4 x hcp before and after the chop up, and then on a glass to collect the goods.


Then we have the blue magoo and pineapple chuckenstein ssc(m) x wvp(f). I am most pleased with the pineapple chucks, so I will pollenate a branch or two on the two nicely performing phenos. I will not hit the cranky plant, will be happy when she is gone;)

Crazy gg branches stood straight up last nigh, ugh – need that gansta lean for a clean drop to the glass.

Back with photos from the crazy room.


Just checking in. Three little flowers, from left to right, Blue Kush#1, Dreamcatcher #3, and Tennessee Kush bagseed


lights out

sea of love
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These pics are from day 25 from flip to 12/12, by the captain’s log. Living in 1/2, 1, and 3 gallon nursery pots. Food=Nectar Roman Regime. Micros=mamP, tribus, slf100, photosyn+flowering tea, fish shit, all being implemented at ‘proper’ times. IPM foliars in veg=green cure, neem oil, kelp, in that order. Bloom Khaos used sparingly, will begin to drench with it next feeding.

First two, true feedings in the week prior to these pics, first 6.5/600ppm, second 6.5/1100ppm. Then they got micros, and a herc blast after that. Hope this schedule works;)

Had to pry some of these open, and tie back with pipe cleaners, to make sure there is zero larf. They really like to bunch back up, after some serious HST.

Chuckenstein#2 ssc x wvp f1

BOG Sour Bubble

Chuckenstein#3 ssc x wvp f1

BOG Blue Kush #1 and #5


Gotta be some other things in here, I think I messed up a folder at some point, where is my BLUE MOON ROCKS!!! Frankly, I havn’t seen it under the light either, so the hunt is on.

Thanks for stopping in. Suggestions and constructive crits always welcome, as are you all!

Lastly, an edit, for current conditions, which I am ever more vigilant, and aware of.




Found my BMR. Funny, ran thru a pack over the last 3 years, this is the first one I have brought to flower that I can recall, and I have no seeds left. So I got a clone cut, and am hopeful it takes.

I have also found two BOG LSD males that I like, so I collected pollen from both at the same time, and came up with a small mound of pollen,

I pollenated 1 branch today on 4 plants that I love, and I will do another tomorrow, on these beauties. Used a tiny paint brush, in a windless closet, no other precautions taken. I will spray them down before I reintroduce them to the pack in a day or so.
Blue Kush
Dreamcatcher #3
TK bagseed

Marking each branch with male donor name.
Pollen under the small bowl;)
BMR is the shorty, and BK next to her.

TK on the left, DC#3 on the right

Sea, somewhere in early to mid flower on the red plantet, my day counting needs work :octopus:

Get your kicks,



Weed porn and Black Sabbath live in 1970…

:sunglasses: :+1: :+1:


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Nothing like a little Rock and Roll to move things along.

1970 was a good year :wink:

Music used to be edgy and original. what happened to music?

Is real music dead?

Always thought I was born to late. I was wrong, i was right on time!!!


Welcome back to the Wipeout Zone. I’ve had my share of crashes this winter, but I’m still on the road! Here is some of what’s been going down on da farm.

This is Blue Magoo x Hyper Cherry Pie, female plant #2. She has some of the biggest, thickest, whitest pistols that I’ve seen in my garden, bar none. She is frosty as hell, not that you can tell on the red planet. Her structure is very stocky, and has responded well to all forms of torture, intended, and otherwise. Here she is, at the end of week 4 flower, appx 38 days from flip.

Here is a skinny leaf pheno, Sour Bubble. Looking forward to smoking some of this.

Coupla LSD’s, in 1 gal, both fully pollenated with LSD goods. These seeds are for me to play with, love this strain, should have bought a 100 when I could have, RIP BOG.

Blue Blood bagseed, have a coupla girls, this is the most robust by far and away, 12/12 from seed :slight_smile:

Chuckenstein #2 wvp x ssc, these f1 crosses I made love my environment, and are showing their appreciation. I will continue to love them with a wide array of litfa.

Gonna put some clone stuff in here too. Changed my sop. Am now using small seedling cell trays, cut up into 4packs. Cutting them up makes it easy to segrgate strains, and handling them for transplant is a breeze.

Once I cut the clone nice’n propa, clonex dip, into soilmix in cells. These 4packs, with 2 plants in each, sit in a plastic tub, on top of a seedling heat mat. i cover the top to create a greenhouse, and do not spray anything at any time. Water always to keep’em moist, this was the hardest part, cuz ima lazy soil guy, who is easily distracted, and can get lost for a day or 3, so my plants need to be able to fend for themselves. Small cells, not ideal, but the roots grew ideally!!!

That fricken TK bagseed is checking all boxes. Look at these roots, mabe 14 days.

BMR, not the roots, but it is alive, so I am happy.
My first bmr plant :slight_smile:

Thanks for checking in party people,

Pass it on…the…


So there I wuz, just fuckin’ around, snappin’ some necks. And, low and behold!
Found a dude in the love cab/red planet. :open_mouth:

Figured I’d share :slight_smile:

He is a willamete valley pineapple. I received these seeds after a very long period of time in the usps grinder. Not sure what they had to endure, but I am sure it was not good. As the freebies they sent did not germ, Wonder Woman went 2/4, both females, and the WVP went male or dead.

So, the Sweet and sour cindy male did good things to the wvp girl. Now gonna take some wvp male goo and hit some stuff.

goodies, 5 diff basils, sage, thyme, parsley, etc…

Frankenclones, not sure who they are, but they got zero light and i hate tossing good material.

Crazy bonsai mom.

some of her babies

some of their babies, and so on…

lettuce :slight_smile:

yankee doodle mix, and some mesclun. Mesclun, makes me think of double barrel purple nights

seem to have lost my musical powers, sorry, had a couple of good ones to share.


and we’re back…

Sly :wink:

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Somewhere near the end of week 8 from flip, I believe. Trying to catch up on everything. Not much in the way of pics, or yield for that matter, but here are a couple lights out shots I stole.

Cookies n’ Chem
meh bud stucture, and kinda leafy
Thick frost tho, plump trichomes on stubby stems, gonna be a good evening smoke if I can let it go long enough.

Sweet n’ Sour Cindy
Tall spears, medium frost
Nice branchy pheno, no tying down needed, just lst/hst

Blue Magoo x Hyper Cherry Pie
Short, does not stretch
Fat nugs, med/hi frost
Color of calyxes is dark blue to purple, if you can zoom in, very cool

Rotten Pineapples / Chuckenstein (SSC male x WVP Female)
biggest nugs of the run.
Second place in frost to c n’ c
pleased with the chuck for sure. SSC male is King.

Sour Bubble
Frost covered thick nugs.
Nice little plant, tolerant of my abuses.
Will run her again and try to let her stretch her legs a bit

Be well.


Great looking ants and awesome video. I love Jethro Till.

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Sup Joe! Glad to have you check in! Hope to get some decent photos soon, just so crowded in the space, if I go in there I will totally trash the place. So I use a 5 foot wand and just stand at the door and water from afar :wink: Will show my impromtu water can soon. maybe a patent involved :wink: lollolol!!!

Did snip the lowest bud off Sour Bubble for a trich check. If this is the lowest bud out of the sun, this plant is just about done, I’d say. Still some white pistils down there, but ZERO white up top of the plant, but not completely recessed yet, so close i can taste it.

Almost totally cloudy, with a little clear, and a little amber on the calyxes. Definitely in the window now, will employ, cold, dark, and other abusive activities to enhance the quality of my product.

My partner just walked by and droolled a little, as I was taking trike shots, cats out of the bag!!!

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After further review, sadness has gripped the town.

I am fully pollenated :frowning:

Must have not been careful enough. I only let one type of pollen fly, so all the crosses should have the same 2 fathers pollen. BOG LSD is a daddy, many times over. Guess it could have happened with a less desireable strain, so i am not totally crushed, but my yield is, fuck!

Fully pollenated, seeds not done yet.

Share in my anguish…

…I believe all 8 plants will be fully seeded. This is not what i had intended to do, but i will make the best of it, and hope for a good cross to come out of it. ooof, shot in the pills for sure.


ok, it’s setting in now. i am truely crushed.

but my head is still up. nothing to smoke, but a shitload of new genetics to plant!!!


Partner doesnt think it was me standing over the plants unwashed. Says it is the hvac system that did it. oye vey, i hope not, cuz then all genetic bets are off, and it is an open pollenation with 10-12 different fathers floating around. oh boy :frowning:

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Well doesn’t that just harsh your buzz… :flushed:

I assume you are collecting the seeds, so maybe an alcohol extraction on the left over ‘chaff’ and make edibles?

Bummer on your planned head stash.


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You know it bro, total fuck job on my stash. Noone around here is pleased with it.

Did two successful runs in my old pad. New situation, new problem.

I will be picking thru the buds like it was junior year, and smoking what I get in giant spliffs for a month or two, then maybe I will get some sinse :o

Did find 3 mature seeds in that tiny lower bud. Maybe like a dozen immature, so I am a week or two away, cant’ even harvest early for smoke, cuz then I lose all the seeds.

I mean really, fuck me
I am going to fridge these 3 seeds for a day or two, them try to germ them for kicks.
now to dull da pain…

Went ahead and checked the lowest branch on the magoo. Confirmed heavy pollenation. Lowest tiny branch looks close to finished, and had 20 seeds in it. 7 mature. nice size seeds, striped goodness. maybe there is some gold in there.

frosty one tho
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Got a few half ass budshots for posterity/records. Took another branch off each plant to examine, dry, and smoke! So far, very potent shit, praise the Cannabis Gods.

Blue magoo x hyper cherry pie #1
frosty and blue hued calyxes

BM x HCP #2
Stout, and topping just stunted it. Gonna run its clone untouched and see what happens, in a .5gal
Blue and orange buds? Nicey nice.

Rotten Pineapples #2 (wvp(f) x ssc(m)
Just a stank bush, nice sativa leaning leaves
good size frost covered buds
Could be a monster outside

This one is small, and is staying super green

Sweet and Sour Cindy
Tall skinny spears, not much girth at all, but decent frost, and somewhat early finishing.
Nice colors on the buds, and a good fade coming on

Excellent scrog candidate, nice n’ branchy, with pliable stems.

C n’ C
Frost factory, nuff sed

Sour Bubble
Did not get her chance to shine. Frost monster nonetheless :wink:
Got a clone I am nursing, if she pulls thru, I will go again.

Thanks for checking them out.


You are treating them RIGHT!
Wow, well done. :+1:



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Awesome, that means alot, and thanks for tagging along this whole time, I know it can get slow around here.

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