Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

P3280019 P3280020
lower cookie nug
not ready yet, but chugging along.


Been a while. Interesting growing season, lots of ups and downs. Thought I would give a quick update from my quasi-failed breeding attempt. Two plants dropped balls very early, and threw a wrench into my BOG LSD male pollen chuck.

To make a long story short, I pollenated my favorite plants with my intended pollen. But there was that wierdo pollen floating around, so kinda yucky, but not all bad.

I have been sorting thru the seeds with 25 seed runs, to determine ‘sexiness’. So if I get males, I know it’s LSD influenced at the very least. If I get all chicks, I know it’s that crazy herm sperm.

I’ve had mixed results. For instance, my BOG SSC, RP(wvpxssc), and BOG SB, all got males, and grew out amazing outdoor, herm free ladies.
Here are a few shots:
Sour Bubble x LSD
Rotten Pineapples(ssc x wvp)
Straight White Cactus , Aloha Island Genetics

Unfortunately, not all went well. My Dreamcatcher chuck went 25/25 female, not to mention a few others went 25/25, so they are not distribution worthy.

SO, I ran the DC’s, well half of them, all in one container, to extreme ripeness outdoors. All finished strong with no signs of hermies. This makes me happy that not all is lost, but i would not run these indoors, umm no no no. Photos to come on the fem seed dreamcatcher cross, made nice big single spears from being planted on 7/15ish.

Here is some of the ‘hermie’ seed take, yikes. Not getting herms outdoors, but still.

Here is a closeup of the Sour bubble x LSD chuck. Have a very limited amount of these, and am cherishing them considering the situation these days.

Coupla handrolls to carry thru the rest of the typing day. Good to be back, welcome one and all. Sit, smoke, drink, eat, talk, whatever your heart desires here in the wipeout zone. :wink:

Enjoy some DEAD, while I annoy the other forums. Back in a bit with this winter’s lineup.


Good to see you back @Cartwright !!!


Thank you @sasquatch, good to be back. I hope to plow thru the Winter, and then vanish again in the Spring. Hopefully, I will make it past March this year.

What to do this winter, hmmmm. Let’s start with 3 strains, and a good amount of seeds to look for some winners.

BOG Bubble, his original strain, circa 2017.
OG OG, ghost og cross 2018
Tripping Walrus, just like the name. 2020

BOG seeds look good, as usual

OG seeds, also look tremendous

Tripping Walrus seeds look like SHIT.
Maybe 3 good looking seeds out of 12.
Will see what happens.

Worst come to worse, I have LSD crosses pussy galore.

off to the races againPB150117


I have promix hp, coco/peat mix with myco for this run. Leftover from last year, but the bales are sealed, so i’m good

I added some perlite to this mix for the seedlings.

Sitting under ancient 208w t5ho.

Soil temp 76-78, good

Light sched- 24/0

24 hr soak, now 1/2" deep, getting ready for showtime. Hopefully see some green by Friday a.m.



Ok, we’re back. Checking in on the sprouts. Planted slightly deeper than usual to avoid helmets, perhaps 1/2- 3/4" deep. So far, only 1 helmet. Plain water 24 hr soak, straight to coco/peat promix hp myco. Plain, unphed well water for now.

Small fan, check.
Seedling mat, check
Humidifier, holy F, Check! down to 25% before mist began.
Growing state of mind, getting there :slight_smile:

Just seeing these pop makes me want to pop more :wink:

Bog Bubble, hoping for the best from these seeds I originally purchased directly in the Winter of 2016. These were the very first seeds I purchased when we went legal.
Love the BOG, RIP.
Soo, seeing as they were my first seeds, storage may be an issue, in any event…
5/10 so far
Slowly coming along.! Very slowly compared to the other 2 strains. I am keeping things on the ‘cool’ side, like in the 70’s as opposed to the 80’s, kinda like the way music historically went :open_mouth:
Mini BOG Seed run will be done if the gods allow for this. Perhaps a few to share this time, no hermies this run!

This Iranian cross finishes fast with sticky golfballs. Good structure, clones well, and even reveg’s well, so I run it again, seeds possible, but not likely, as these are not in short supply.
9/12 so far
Good looking seeds, vigorous sprouts

Tripping Walrus
First time with the strain, it’s cousin White Cactus, which I ran both in and outdoors, did very well. Especially, outdoors. Could be real Hawiian, as it outperformed all others in dealing with the constant high humidity. Virtually no pm until the very end.
These seeds looked terrible, as you can see from the photos.
Surprisingly, 6/12 are up and looking good. i was predicting 3 at best. So, if all 12 pop good, but if not, no way i would spend the cash on these seeds. Nice gift tho :wink:

Hopefully, good things to come, be well all.


Looks like I ride with:
9 Bog Bubble
9 Og Og
7 Tripping Walrus

One BB is a tri leaf out of the gate. Cute little thing. Not sure what that plant will do, but i will ride it for a while.

The winter team

Tri leaf Bog Bubble

This is the Dreamcatcher x ?. Grew 7 stalks in one pot, plain water only, here’s a few tops.

Gotta eat too…Meatball lasagna

On a serious note. Let’s all send our thoughts and prayers to Waukesha, WI. Couple of moments of silence throughout the day. Just senseless stuff sometimes.


Hope peeps are finding their way, and trying to keep a positive outlook on everything. It has been a long year. Just 3 to go, and things will get better, right away. Just gotta tuff this out, and come out swinging when the regulation police are sidelined,

No severe inflation, or over regulation in the Wipeout Zone! Free baby, just FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Chugging along, hoping for some seed runs this winter. BOG Bubble would be a fun one to run, will see how it goes.

Accidentally grabbed the promix with COCO in it. Wow, that was an eye opener. First experience with coco, so we shall see. Already hating feeding all the time. Going to have to get the worms involved for transplants, natural nutes;)

Doing some vigor, germ, and sex testing on some of my seed harvest. The run was compromised by ball droppers. So, the only way to know who’s who, is to run some. Unfortunately, a bag of Dreamcatcher seeds, all showed female, so fem seeds are fun, but not what i was looking for. A BOG LSD plant was also compromised, as I went 25/25 females, on both of these attempts. They did not herm at all tho, run outdoors, full to over term :slight_smile:

Gotta keep looking for males. So I planted a bunch of stuff.

Sour Bubble X LSD, pretty sure these are good regs, so I just planted 3 to eff around, I luv SB, and LSD, so go figure. Ran it outside, friends are blown away!!! ;)))))
PC190014 PC190007

I pollenated an LSD with LSD, so here’s to hoping hard. got 12 going

Sweet Cindy x LSD is being tested in the same flat. got 13 going

95-99% Germ rate on my chucks. Thumbs up on that. F1 vigor apparent all around.

Here are the ones planted earlier.
Not my Chucks, but they are gonna be subjected to chuckiness.

One of them is already a favorite, confidence is high for a great male and female :wink:

Tripping Walrus, got one really really tall one :slight_smile: One White Cactus seed was leftover from the winter, so it popped, and is with cousins TWPC190011

OG OG, solid uniform plants, gonna get a run out of these, if the gods wish it to happen. :slight_smile:
PC190010 ![PC190016|624x416](upload://9xfX5iS4zqQ6DMV9GtbKr2qWEXv.jpeg

Glory shot

I also popped some CNC x ?(LSD?), 7/7 up, one weakling, but hoping for reg seeds.

Besides the air we breath, there is only one thing that really means anything, and without it we all die. And we need:


Newest soaks and chuck candidates. Mix of reliable genetics and 4 personal stash chuckz. Here we go, round 3 of seed cracking in the wipeout zone. We are wiping out empty growing space today :wink:

OGS Willamette Valley Pineapple
BOG Sour Boggle
BOG Sour Strawberry
AIG Strawberry Walrus
chx Night Rider x ?(m), my Ick, just ick, accidental greasy stencher
chx WVP x Sweet and Sour Cindy(m), my Rotten Pineapples :slight_smile:
chx Sweet and Sour Cindy x Sweet and Sour Cindy :))))))))))))))
chx Cookies and Chem x BOG LSD, unique and delicious chuckenstein.


Gday yall

a lil’inspiration for the price of a click :wink:


Nice selection of genitcs. Will be a nice grow to watch ,)


Transplanted from tiny to tiny. going to try to keep them small to sex them before the Roman orgy.

Tripping Walrus, White Cactus, OG OG, BOG Bubble
PC240023 PC240024

KISS setup

3 Sour Bubble x LSD
7 CNc x LSD
12 lsd x lsd
12 Sweet cindy x lsd

newest to hit the serl, see above post for list.


Little ones enjoyed the transplant and easy lights :wink:

Happy skinny leaf BOG Bubble

happy seedlings. no rush over here, just enjoying the ride.


found a self topping BOG Bubble, and look at the string bean tripping walrus, sheesh


turn this one up :wink:


did some plain h2o @ 6.0, backing up some lite nutes and microbes over the early stages. lots of watering with this coco mix. nice, but alot of watering will be needed.


3 Sour Bubble x LSD woof

1 / 6 WVP, yikes

2/4 NR x ?

Rotten Pineapples wvp x ssc(m) 4/4, have been doing 75% females on these

BOG SSC x SSC, my own seeds made a while back 4/4 :slight_smile: One just shot out of a cannon.

BOG Sour Strawberry 4/4, one just peeking :wink:

BOG Sour Boggle 4/4

Strawberry Walrus, tall right out of the soil, ummm maybe this is not a good indoor :wink:

CnC x ?bog lsd?, time will tell. If all fems not lsd, if males, good shot its a wicked bog cross for my stash. fine looking seedling, a lil skinny leaf indica cross thing goin on

BOG lsd x BOG lsd tester run. if all fems no good, if males i may have got it right :slight_smile: PC270050

These are also cnc x ?, so 11 should be good for a sex test.PC270051

Sweet Cindy x ? (hoping males once again)tester run. These are mammoth white striped seeds, curious what i got here. i know they are nice looking babies.

Tripping walrus

BOG Bubble

armed for a small plant seed run. wish me luck.


thanks for checking in.


Tray of transplants. Hoping for a few great ones and some seeds to spread around



tester batches, looking for males to verify not hermie seeds, germination rates(running 95%), virility, etc…

Will cull runts, funnies, pole beans, etc…

…then make seeds if they are not all females. If they are all females, I will have a massive mystery seed sensimilla blowout :))))))))

so, it’s a play by ear grow, stay tuned.

Hopefully, BOG chucks in my stock, and to share if and when they are true and ready.
Blue Kush x LSD, and SSC x LSD, in the test zone.

10 or so of these are Sweet and Sour Cindy F1’s, that i made a couple winters ago. Only a few in the bag, so I will try to F2 these, to bump up the numbers :wink:

few BOG sour strawberry mixed in, along with a few other suprises.


Vegging out.

BOG seeds cir.2016/7
Bog Bubble


Tripping Walrus

LSD x LSD testers
Sweet Cindy x lsd testers

Correction, from above post, NOT 3 Sour Bubble. 3 Sour Bubble x lsd (m)

Cull coming, plants are making it tough, they look like happy plants.

leds, 24-30", 40%
1/3 - 1/2 gal pots.
well water 6.5 - 6.7 – 70 ppm, heavy iron deposits, calmag too, ok so far.
promix HP CC
slf100, fulpower, mp
ipm, neem-pb-kelp

turn this one up too, who said nothing happened in the 80’s lolololol ;OOOOOOOOO


BOG BUBBLE cir.2016 seeds.

I will try to run small plants to ensure seeds for the future.

I like alot of variation, so there will be multiple male pollen hoprfully, and multiple fems hopefully.

5 with best structure. Big one one the right is a confirmed female,…some variation here, from stubby to full tilt.
here is the one that topped itself, then it topped itself again 3 nodes up on one side, what a wacko, gonna bonsai this one for kicks.

three lanky BB, could be dudes, will know in a flah.
P1110007 P1110006

got 4 or 5 out of 9 females, one gonna be a beast.
ogog chicks, may seed these too

Sour Bubble x LSD


Bog bubble, only plant in here with such a stocky disposition. She is lovely. Well I hope she is a she, either way I will try to do ‘the man’ justice.


Some dudes

Some chicks and un sexed

Some babies

Plan to drop some more genetics later, back with deets.


Dropping 8 Lifesavers