Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 2)

Called it :laughing:

Still 5 more hours until I can like again? What cruel fate is this?


It just didn’t smell right cuz lol


Morning everyone!! Morning 73ish young man!!! :pray: :hugs:


I have several ferals in my yard. All notched left ears so they’ve been caught & population control addressed.

I just ordered 3 feral cat shelters forcthe yard.

On a cannabis related note: never will i up pot autos ever again!

All 3 autofems, Fog Dog, CDLC & Pineapple Express got stunted in the process and i doubt will get taller than the 3-4" they already are :sob:


Sorry to hear that! Was wondering whether doing it or not… Maybe the latter!!
It’s always been a huge learning pot! Don’t get too hung up on it @Pigeonman! Topped a Cinderevil and stunted it too! Go ahead and pop 3 more brother!! :sweat_smile: :hugs:

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YOU DICK! (In my Jeff Spicollii voice) from fast times.


I hope yall clean the toilet seat after he’s done. Or is that his personal toilet.

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Anyone done the cannabis/hemp genetics course at eCornell, need to put my gi bill to use finally (again, let’s hope I don’t have a breakdown mid semester again)

Thanks brother! Had a top notch day for sure.

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Thanks, I won big time when she said yes. What a day she planned too!


Try Johnny’s method.


Ooh, I was just pointing out that berzerk might want to try something different for germinating. Personally I have 0 issues germinating in the method I use (all 15 seeds I have in paper towel popped within 18-24 hours), my issue is usually trying not to overwater them once they are put into soil lol! That being said, I would love to give his method a try. Planning on getting some worm farming going this year so that will be cool.


Do you have worms in your no-till bed?

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Well, what a perfect name for a black cat! lol
Mine had the same moniker. :wink:

I do. I had gone to my dads place and harvested a bunch from under his compost pile. I threw some in my 3x3 and 2x4 bed after I had them set up and ready to go. Just the other day I went over there and got 8 more worms (4 for each earthbox I fired up for a new grow diary). Thriving like hell out there even with 8+inch of snow on top of everything heh.


Thanks @Abbbian ! I’m only bothered for the following reasons:

  1. I NEED one of the pots they are growing in for another project (so it’s kill a plant to get it)
  2. I am testing a new nutrient line… so this buggers THE FUCK out of that test. (I’m aborting using the new line now and will retest later as not to waste the stuff)
  3. These three were test runs for summer outdoors, so now I won’t have a reliable test for the flower. (I’m hoping to get AT LEAST 1x nug from each)

As I have learned the harsh up-potting auto-flowers = NO DICE FOR THIS GROWER; which is a valuable thing to learn… this fact + if I get a sample of flower from each will make it a worth while run regardless of the nutrient test being a fail.

I mean, here are my “auto skills” in a solocup when I DON’T up pot them and fuck it all up by disturbing their roots:

Strawberry Shortcrack F2 AutoFem (by @yetigrows using Mephisto genetics)



I’ve got a question for all of you, I want to start an ongoing diary of concentrates I make and methods. What would the best spot for this be? Didn’t mean to direct this at you @bassman5420


Hmm… Maybe smokers lounge would be a good fit?


That, medical club or advanced techniques would all kinda fit.


I’ve had success potting them up once. First, sprouted on WC, let them get to an inch or a little longer, then transfer to a small semi-opaque (green) cup, like 8 oz. in a basic seed starting mix thats moist. Put that under a dome till leaves hit the dome (usually coty leaves) and by the second set of leaves finishing up you can see roots thru the sides. I try to time potting up with those roots touching bottom, but not starting to circle. Then I place the cup in my final soil (not a hot mix, but a complete mix), pack the soil around the cup to hold the form, pull out the cup and tip it over with my palm cupping the soil and the leaves on the back side of my fingers. Usually slides out in one complete piece, then its a quick tip and drop into the hole you already made and packed…

Seems to work for me. Starting them in a 3g moisture control / watering is always the issue :frowning: