Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

Thatā€™s all I do is up-pot once but thats when very young, and very carefully lol
From the WC tray into smll cups until i see which i want to keep, then up pot into their permanent home. No problems ever


I think my issue was it was day 12 in a solo cup so there was WAY TOO MUCH soil even though I let them all dry out.

So, I was legit trying to:

But due to the lack of rootlets holding things together it all ended up sort of like:


Usually all it takes is about a week, also if you wet the soil down first itā€™ll come out in a solid plug instead of falling apart cuz
I just wet em down real good, then placing my fingers on either side of the seedling kinda cupping it in my hand, turn irt upside down and a couple taps on bottom of cup, it comes right out


Solid advice!

What makes me laugh is i think itā€™s me as I didnā€™t mention I did water the 3rd after having a time with the first 2. Also my mix wasnā€™t packed very tight which would have added to my bungles.


This gives me hope. I turned my outdoor worm farm loose into my composter at the turn of the season. Theyā€™re all probably hard at work under this winter landscape.

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Lol yes I do. I almost felt like I need to go fishing for some bass after that.

I have never been a forum user EVER. Decided I would make my first forum account and give it a go heh. After following a link to a sponsored giveaway at the time, I figured I would stick around and see what this place was all about. Very glad I did, its like the home I never knew I had heh. You all are awesome to say the least :+1:


Ya I was surprised when I saw more worms than I was after and not very far down at all, just moving the top leaves and material and scratching the surface a bit where the ground layer started. His pile is directly on the ground, so perfect for them do be able to do what they want to do to survive.


My 2 compost bins are loaded to the brim with happyass worms just doin their thang! lol
1 is 4ā€™x8ā€™, the other is about the same


That is awesome! I cant wait to get some worms farming, it is 1 major link in the chain I am needing for my living soil beds thatā€™s for sure. I want to be able to give the beds some wormy love when ever I feel like it heh.


Here is my compost bin for reference.


Hope those worms got there long underwear on looks chilly in the worm bin .


Dang Auto-correct feature, right? Shish?


lol mine isnā€™t covered in snow but i do have a tarp over it


Johnny said something about champagne for everybody?

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@Abbbian lol no cuz, I ā€˜chatā€™ HERE lol the FSFC thread isnā€™t the place for general chat

lol even though i know it is used as a chat thread, it shouldnā€™t


yo got me confused too now! Just noticed weā€™re on the chat thread! lol!! :beers: :sweat_smile: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:


Lol! Ya it is nice to see the chat thread getting a little more activity like it should. @Abbbian Awesome generosity you showed @Slick1, love to see it :+1:


Someone who can code should make a bot that can decide whether something is idle chat and contest stuff. What could possibly go wrong?


Iā€™m a fan of it as well! :sunglasses:

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Maybe once opensource A.I. tech gets better, it could be possible/reliable. Not quite to that point though and if it does hit that point, we may have other problems to be concerned with lol!