Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

I forgot to do the stem snap check.
It still bendy lol
the buds are pretty spongey and seem fine , but I wouldn’t want to risk any bud rot especially if not consuming immediately.


After sampling the reason harvest a few if you join some tasted a bit off on the exhale definitely tasttes like nutrients … I thought I flushed pretty well so possibly didn’t leave the plant long enough… could be a number of reasons I guess maybe 2 fast drying. We’ll have to keep samplinf but it certainly is a very heavy Stone.

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Just got my first goodie bag of Seeds.

Supporting a buddy whos a great guy , going to stock up some beans and do a run in late fall…

I believe the blue monster we’re freebies . super cool though.

Quick shipping , no issues with ordering , also I believe they accept crypto.

Not advertising for them . If this post isn’t allowed i will remove it

Also some 00 seeds - blueberry


THis stuff I chopped down June 06 and was dried and now in a jar .
It’s perfectly dry.

I haven’t smoked an actual dense bud yet, just the Lowers and smaller buds I couldn’t hang to dry.

These are super dense & dry now! Look at the weight.

Looks great and burns well and has a very powerfull enjoyable effect but not sure about the after taste Yet. Hopefully tomorrow’s sample taste better
How can It not when looking like that?

I really hope it improves.


More gifts today.
I need to set up the tent for drying…
$79 CAD can’t believe it for a 4x2x5
And the rest of gear was a kit for $140


Not a bad shanty’ for $80! Lol


5 foot high damn nice


6 Day shipping time is pretty great also for the tent.

The delivery guys have been in rental vans with the front passenger seats full of packages up to ceiling. They must Be run ragged. Delivering on Saturdays and Sunday’s. Much appreciation to any and all couriers

I was hoping to hang the plants directly upside down in there and set it and forget it. I grew three in there so I should be able to dry three…!
I don’t think think it will work so easily. I may have to limb them


I’m wondering .
Would it be a issue to start drying a plant in a tent one day, adding another one 2-3 days later? Or is It more ideal To start them both at the same time?

Or does It not matter As long as you have adequate ventilation ?


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CHopped two down. One living still

One is hangin*already. Slightly trimmed.

Got this one limbed and goin to do a light trimm also I think. Might wet trim if I have time.

More than thought!


All but one is chopped…got to come trim now
Uploading: 20210618_180933.jpg…


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Wow:::look what’s hiding underneath ! Beauty. Smells like sour patch kids candy


I’m half tempted to try a bud wash on one of the weaker plants it didn’t Stave of the PM as much as I thought…noticed some leaves when chopping down …

Can’t hurt to a bud wash. . . .I’m pretty aware about it right now . There is also the residue from the copper solution I used…which wouldn’t look pretty if drys buds if I hang it for a dry trim…

Going to probably so this Saturday morning…not sure if I want to do the h202 bath or the baking soda and lemon water water

I might be hyper vigilant but it’s definitely there…

Its alot of work + trimming …maybe I will do some extraction method

But the real problem is continuing the next grow and to make sure all my equipment is clean…especially my back basements humidity levels…
I am bringing be clones In soon …into a new tent…don’t want to contaminate anything… This time I can focus on 1000% ventilation and circulation.


I definitly prefer wet trim.
.i changed my mind today . And all the leaves and buds are soggy wet now.

Super hard to trim…im sure if I dried it fully it might be easier. I can see how a longer dry would benefit. And leafs might fall off.


Doing a bud wash. I think I’ll do a few branches in baking soda and lemons. And a few with A H202


May do theese two plant just to be safe…even though only the weaker/smaller one showed signs of pm

Doin*second half in just water and h2o2 now…


I just finished doing a wash

1)Baking soda And Water

  1. water , lemon juice, h2O2

  2. water rinse

And then another batch batcn with

1b)water + h2O2 for about 4 minutes.
2b) rinsed with wAter with a bit of pressure

Now in tent with a BIG fan And exhaust

Fun times


Awesome. Let us know which one you think is best.
Your not going to know till it’s time to smoke. But I’m sure you will be able to see which one cleans best. :v:

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Thanks! I have them seperated , for now! lol
Heavy duty fan drying the additional moisture off,
I think it’s done now, maybe 2.5 hours I had it on .

I don’t have time to trim it now so it will be a dry trim.
Hopefully that will help with a bit of taste, the longer dry and extra terpenoids (?)lol

Thinking about it, the sugar leaves that dry onto the buds would make it have more crystals on it.

I’d be suprised If I’ll even be able to notice a difference, they both got the h2o2 bath .

I searched the forum for the link you posted in my thread way back. But found a few others and both methods are common practice.

One thing I noticed just now after drying excess moisture, the wet leafs have turned a very dark green.

Can’t wait to shine up the buds and clip the leafs off.


Even if the buds lose some potency , I would rather that then smoke mildew.

Thanks Jon, for everytang!

I noticed just before doing the dunk, that you can do the bakinnsoda /lemon water wash WITH h2o2. Not just baking soda then lemon water for a regular bud wash.

Glad I noticed , as the h2o2 is the one that would help address the PM.
