Cola does micro. (Only the rigging of DIY)

Ermā€¦ how do I ground it? :confused:
I just pulled the earth wire out when I got the driver as there was no where for it to go.
Itā€™s not a cob itā€™s meant to be a 50w led and the driver that came with is a 50w supposedly it is bright as fk like
Iā€™m not arsed what it is itā€™s just for my veg box
Just not to keen on being electrocuted.

When I read up about the driver it says itā€™s isolated so theres no need to ground it. still unsure though
I soldered the leads from the led driver to the led I just canā€™t work out whats next
I find it hard to work out stuff from words I prefer to see pictures or be shown as being around esrgood4u for so long has rendered me pretty fkn dense :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I suppose it is a cob, just not a deed expensive one


You being dense has nowt to do with the masses of alcohol you ingested over the years thats killed off the already limited supply of brain cells you had? :laughing:


Nope itā€™s all down to you mate :sweat_smile:


@anon58740919 which wires are the pos nd neg mate is the yellow live and black neg on the fan?

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Show me a picture. What fan are you using? They all vary. I use Arctic fans which are 4 cable fans?

And theyā€™re usually all black. But thereā€™s one with white lines down that look like hazard lines on a road. Thatā€™s usually the live. The information youā€™ve given I canā€™t honestly tell you anything of value mate. Photos all the way and we will have you up and running in no time

You need to ground it definitely mate Iā€™m not too keen on people being electrocuted either the ground you attach to a screw. Bolt. Frame. Anything to stop it gripping you

Theres the fan its the same as yourā€™s I think


Oh right do I ground it from the plug sorry if stupid question but the only thing Iā€™ve ever used a ground wire for was when I was using a welder on a welding course many moons ago

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Yeah mate ground from the plug to the frame kinda thing. Not on the DC side. And yeah same fans. Yellow should be your live on that and the black your negative mate

Would this be the way to wire it

Minus the earth wire Iā€™ll put that in soon


Nope. They both need a 230v supply each. The way you have wired it up you have a 12v supply (led driver) feeding the 2nd driver. Each driver needs itā€™s own 230v supply. Iā€™ll pop down and show you if you want

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Before you go any further @ghandisflipflop have a read up on series and parallel wiring. Both drivers need to be wired in parallel to the AC. Because itā€™s a single cob/chip whatever you wanna call it. The series/parallel is irrelevant being a single source light unit. That will be DC+ to red Dc- to black.

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It would be easier to just wire them up and run them as two separate devices no??? People over complicate stuff at times lol


Yes. Exactly that mate


Haha Thatā€™s what she said

I did it


Fkn should of earthed it oh well esrgreat I blame your name for the constant reminder :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Canā€™t be real but looks nasty

Thats some high quality halloween workā€¦ waitā€¦ do you have halloween in the uk?


Yeah we do. Every opportunity for a pissup we take mate :rofl:


Yeah it wonā€™t be real. He has carpet in his home not laminate :rofl:
And as @anon58740919 says yep we have Halloween in UK. Itā€™s a weekly acurance on a friday here up north in Newcastle :laughing: you see some horrors :joy:


Hahaha well spotted Sherlock :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: