(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

38, I have quite a bit of time yet. Last season we had a couple frosts and then good weather into December . It’s more common lately, so I have a chance. Imo.


There is way to speed up flowering and that is with coconut water, 15ml per 1 ltr water, only I don’t know if it would trigger the intersex genes.

I noticed with other plants that it speed up flowering.


The onset or the duration? Or both?


Let me know if you need a QC technician :grin:


the little guy is your lambsbread Rastafari! - I had a decent sized male last year I wish I kept pollen from, but moved this one from the window sill to 12/12 let’s see if I can make the long flower this time. I need a sealed vault like James Bond villain style but I’m going for it again. I was just like whatever it’s lambsbread it’s a small tent with little space but I’d rather smoke this than most other strains


Both, pic below is Thai basil, 2 weeks now in coconut water solution for 2 weeks now, instead of roots, it triggered flowering.


Day 105F
Sweet scents from her


always great info from Upstate !!!


that might be a question to ask Jeremy at 'Build-a-Soil" (owner)


Any way to force flower them? When my knee was really bad at the start of flowering some days the plants only got maybe 10 or 10 and 1/2 hours of light. Once my knee got better I bumped it up to the normal 12 hours. Any plants that got this light regimen are flowering about 33% faster than normal…and this includes Huixtepec, Michoacan, Guadalajara and a Oax x Huixtepec. I don’t know if it’s just that they got nearly 2 months of veg time first?


Really interesting info. I can’t see why it would trigger intersex traits. Have you heard it can do that?
@InTheWoods getting closer! I see some nice resin starting to form. Maybe close to six weeks left or so if i had to guess. I love the mix of purple and green. She’s a looker.


Glad to hear that its the final countdown. In my notes I have Oct 3rd written down as the 20 weeks.
If I can keep my hand off it until Dec after chop that would be a bigger accomplishment, then growing it haha.

The other LB that was taken down early, it had very similar sweet scents. Is sweeter scents most common in the LB ladies youve seen?

Thank brotha, Crazy that she has been in a 1 gallon polybag for the whole cycle. Although it’s probably a contributing factor to the neglectful look on the fan leaves and some nanners. Stoked to try her.
The purple is probably due to the low temps. I have nighttime temps at 66-68 F, Lights on it reaches 75F ish.


Someone wrote that coconut water is used in organic cucumber breeding instead of using STS, which isnt allowed to use.

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@InTheWoods If you’re night time temperatures are that warm then she’s just purple purple. I think below sixty degrees in the rootzone and you can bring out purple traits. A little cooler for air temps. I think this lambsbread is just colorful. Seems like they old ones always are. Colorful stems, petioles and with the purple pheno, in the buds too. The purple was sweeter smelling, like yours. Maybe a slightly fermented sweet fruit smell. Mango ish

If you can do that you’re a better man than I am😂


Very cool. I thought any 60s temps could bring out the purple. I’m most likely wrong

I havent come across any mango terps, or my nose can decipher it. Its definitely sweet.

I can try but I couldn’t keep my hands off the malawi gold so it may be wishful thinking haha.


Jamaican Lambsbread in the background, ril Gg4 in foreground. Note some storm damage


Up close and personal. :face_with_monocle:
Day 116F


I could be wrong too… But generally the purple’s pop out for me when the air temperature dips below fifty if my observation is correct, but some plants purple at any temp. I just had a few turn with a couple upper 40’s nights.
Nice resin starting for you. Nice sized resin heads😁


It’s been a nice change of pace with these cool nights lately here in the NE. I’m enjoying the glimpse of cool crisp fall air in the mornings. We dipped into the 50s, Little bump back up in temps this week then seems to be on our way into fall.

I don’t know why but I didn’t expect this much resin. It’s very cool how the resin is isolated to the flowers only really. Very little on the leaves. Could be due to the rough shape I have her in or her modus operandi.


Woo Hooo!