(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

If there’s another slot I’d be interested.
I saw this when the wiki initially opened but wasn’t sure if I should sign up, then it filled up when I checked again.
I have some stamps I can send it you’d like.

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Ok. You’re the last for now.
I unexpectedly used up my entire work vacation remodeling the bathroom and didn’t get any of these sent out yet. It will be this upcoming weekend before I can get started.


Hi… The Peshawar has landed safe to spain!!

Many thanks @Upstate!!


I’m short on time atm but wanted to give an update. All seeds were sent and the most recent batch came back. Here’s what’s up…

Seeds go back out today. Sorry for the additional delay.


No need to apologize as that’s obviously not your fault. Sorry about the tremendous hassle, and I’m sure I speak for everyone while I say we appreciate it.


Jeebus what a pain in the ass! Sorry for all the extra work and thanks for being such a generous soul. :heart:


I confronted the lady that screwed me over. Felt good calling her a karen. Showed them this screenshot when they tried arguing with me about what was allowed inside the envelope. Doesn’t say anything about contents. Only the thickness of the letter.

I can’t stand the goody 2 shoes type that goes so far and above The definition of brown nosing. Her nose is firmly stuffed up someone’s ass.
Rant over, all but two envelopes re mailed. I’ll have to wait for everyone to get these and find out who is missing one. I can’t read the address.
Now to take care of that high blood pressure. Man she pissed me off.


Thanks a lot for postage. Sounds epic. Like you stumbled on a zealot that wasn’t even in her right. Well it’s over for now. Roll a big one, relax and chill. Remember: all in all you spread goodness all over the earth :smiley:


Thank you my brother @funkyfunk. She was so smug and condescending I lost my cool and gave her both barrels🤣 I even asked how I file a complaint.
The best part was when I mentioned that whatever bonehead put the stickers over the address was definitely partially brain dead and I knew it was her that I was talking to that had done it, lol. She couldn’t make any eye contact. I told her i knew she knew she was going to stamp them non machineable the minute I walked out of the post office and that she could have told me that on the spot and saved me a bunch of hassle. Karen. Allllll Karen.


Ahah yeah sometimes life brings you that kind of occasions to say something like that loud. They’re always good moments in otherwise pretty bad ones, so they somehow save the day. :slight_smile:


Is this your normal post office or one you rarely use?

It does sounds like you got your frustration out…on her. I will keep an eye out for a tote of your mail in the ditches!

Yeah weird. I have heard of them returning, but usually they will just send them with a .40 postage due if they are deamed unmachinable. The letters cannot have the seeds near the edge of the envelope inside, because they do a bend test sometimes 1" on each edge. Always tape close to center, and if there are too many flips, use a wider envelope if possible.


It’s one I sometimes use. Her act was malicious. I’m sure now. I went to talk to her in person and mentioned I knew it was her and asked how to file a complaint.

Yeah exactly. It was intentional that the stickers were centered on top of the address and I said as much. There was sticker room below the addresses. Typically they stamp the edges of the envelope " postage due". The post lady was mad that I had told her she was wrong about me needing non machineable stamps and meant to teach me a lesson. Learned one herself too😁
I always tape the flips in the center if there’s one. Kinda centered if there is two. All the envelopes I sent from the nearby post office went thru no problem, like the hundreds of letters I’ve sent and received over 4 years at OG.
I’m over it now. Sorry to vent here. I had no one to talk to.


Yeah she thought she would nip that problem in the bud. Sounds like a power trip to me. Welp, hopefully that’s the last time


Interesting how musical greeting cards are about the same size as the seeds.


Exactly. Same exact size.
@Natea She was definitely on a power trip. The trip has ended.
You can’t let people walk all over you. I used to allow it for much of my life,and I suffered as a consequence. It’s always best to speak your mind in a polite but firm way, but every now and then you call someone a karen😁. I did make it sound like I thought it was her name🤣…I’m sure I’ll feel guilty in a couple days, but not now. She f*cked with my OG seeds. That’s a no no.


Anyway everyone the seeds are mailed back out. If by the end of next week , you are on the list and have not received seeds , hit me up and I will mail again. It’s quite possible someone was overlooked, and a couple addresses were torn so badly I don’t know whose name was on it, so I still have it.


Just arrived! Thanks heaps! Also, the teal staples are sick :ok_hand:t2:


Thank you @Upstate!!! Came in yesterday.


I see you did a bad job pulling off the tape :joy::joy::joy: