(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Arrived today too, so glad to have them, thanks @Upstate


Lol…still haven’t learned


I have received the Peshewar. Thank you for such an interesting landrace @Upstate


Glad everything is arriving. Don’t forget to top at the 4th node and again asap afterwards for a nice canopy. Train the tops outwards as they grow and it fills in nicely. Otherwise these are sparse in the flower department with large gaps between buds. I hope some of you get into these. If you miss the pine pot of yesteryear, this is the ingredient that is missing.


Thanks for the extra tips on growing this out :ok_hand:t2: I’ll add them to my spreadsheet !


Aloha everyone. Any idea on where I can get this strain? Are there any available? I have other landrace available to trade. Also if anyone would like to do an open pollination and give away some beans I have some Snowhigh gear if anyone is interested. Thanks


Thank you brother @Upstate! Curious to check out a sativa from Afghanistan….


Peshawar breaking coco. Yeah life is good


Wow, runnin’ late here but want to post some shots of the Peshawar @Upstate sent me. I had one hermie, one male and one female. The former two fed the chickens and the latter is hanging out in the upper greenhouse and loving life!

I pinched her early on (on Upstate’s advice) and then did some LST w/stakes to try to spread her wings a bit. This is my first Peshawar and I really haven’t grown all that many pure Sativa’s before so it’s touch & go here! Trying not to let Upstate down!

Here she is prior to the ‘spreading’…

And after…

A few more youngsters on the way.

Earlier shots…


Just loving these thin little Sat leaves!

Thanks again buddy, this has been a blast to grow and I hope to have a bunch more of 'em up soon to show you! (And the Tirah Valley x Peshawar!)


LATE EDIT: I forgot to mention that found in the heat of the day the Peshawar tended to wilt down hard! We’ve been in the high 90’s lately and they are in a roofed greenhouse with net walls so not much airflow. I was scared to death when I first saw it happening as it looks just like what happens when termites attack the roots! But by 3 pm all the wilted tops turn right around and look fine again! I have since moved her to the place shown above, where she’s in the shade of a large palm from 11-2pm and all looks good - no wilt-down!

By mid-day…



Ooooh yeah. Looking really great. I cannot wait to get into these… thank you for sharing


Damn @Tlander !
For not growing many Sativa’s before your doing an awesome job man !
They all look extremely healthy and happy :raised_hands:
So whatever your doing, keep doing it :laughing:


That is a big plant for a 3 gallon pot. I think the roots just couldn’t keep up with the transpiration of the plant. That’s good to know. Luckily here where i live we’ve only broken ninety degrees three times in 10 years lol. Your doing a great job buddy. Thanks for posting!


Thanks guys! Man, I felt like I was melting numerous times today…no idea what temps we hit!@Upstate I just had the thought that I have a go-down full of 5 to 50 gallon fabric bags and an abundance of mix (with LOTS of added Perlite! :crazy_face:) right now. Maybe a good time to transplant her out into the open? I’m seeing lots of budded out plants around here wanting to re-veg right now, but it’s petty strain-specific with most others still chunkin’ uP their buds! This Pesawar has been in flower for probably 3-4 weeks now I’d guess. Pretty slow developing so far. That’s why I’m thinking of a transplant now before she starts to flower any harder. Oh, and I found 5 more Peshawar “Jo” in one gallon airpots in the Ebb & Flow today! Tell me what you think…could get it done tomorrow, if the Sun gives us a break!



Shit buddy, I just now saw your post. Work beat me up these past few weeks and I’m way behind on OG now. That’s a great idea. She’ll handle the heat with a bigger root system. Might need to shade it a few days til established though.


Are they still pine?


Just gonna cut & paste some from my thread so others here can see it…

Speaking of @Upstate 's Peshawar… I shot a few for my buddy to see how things look when grown over here. Some of those new 3-gallon plants (above) are the little sisters and cousins of this single female from the first go-around. She too, was stuck in a 3 gallon square pot and this week I saw the error in my ways! Popped her into this much larger bag, gave her a good deep soak and away she goes! The yellowing has just about stopped (or my staff is getting better/earlier?)

You were right bro, the day I transplanted her, I had to do a whole bunch of others immediately! Roots were ‘cooking’ in those little pots! The next round plants are only gonna stay in those 3’s for a couple weeks this time! This one recovered by morning and hasn’t looked back. No drooping tips at mid-day, even though she’s back in the full Sun area. Thanks again for sharing these beans with me! The Tirah Valley x Peshawar and the Peshawar “Jo” are coming uP next! :pray:



I ran into the same issue out in East Washington state, where there is much more sun than what I am used to. There were no roots on the sides of the pots facing the sun, So I started putting a board in front of the pots so the sun couldn’t hit the containers. Made me wonder why no one offers white pots for hot areas. Glad you got her going good! Looks like she’s going to fill out like Joe😁.


Hola Gang

Plastic spray paint

Just do half of the pot
That way it can be reverse
for colder weather.



Also keep an eye out for these.

They are pretty thin and don’t last more than a couple seasons, but even then you can just drop a black pot into them. Most greenhouses and nurseries seem to have oodles of them around and will sell used ones for practically nothing.


Yeah but you’ll loose it in the snow “Where did I put my weed already?” :laughing: