(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Lol. @deeez99 It seems that that particular problem might be catchy​:rofl::joy:. I couldn’t find my most hopeful bx seed to find another Jo.
You’ll know when you have a Jo pheno. I smelled the plant from your male last night And it was like someone was holding my nose in a litter box. Nearly made my eyes water it was so pronounced. Luckily it doesn’t transfer to the taste😁…which is rather hashy.
I’d pick the smaller seed. Jo had smaller seeds.


Here’s more Peshawar. The real delicate pheno ( last 2)reminds me of miss stinky feet from the preservation combined with Jo, but with strong pine smell. This one looks like any tropical sativa might look.


mmmm…looking good.

:rofl: gives me flashbacks of when I thought for sure my cat was marking her territory around the grow room! phew

@Tlander @DirtySlowToes @ChongoBongo any cat litter smells detected in your plants? I remember initially picking up that smell while still in veg.


None yet. Maybe I just have a bad nose but I’ve never been able to smell a plant in veg, for what it’s worth


The pissy is coming soon.:grin: the last half of flowering it picks up if you have one.


I most definitely do! One more so than the other. I’ve labeled them A and B. A has more sweetness and minty/gin aspect to it. It’s been my more favorable one. B has a pretty intense cat litter nose. Hard to place anything other than litter lol it’s that fake fresh, musty sort of smell.

This is B. The litter girl


Looks alot like Jo. I bet its a good one!
Dry Peshawar and a couple nug shots. Still one going week 13. Looks really nice.

9-13 weeks