Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I was speaking of treating the plants being treated with BBP.
I never tried ga3 or salt peter


Oh sorry, my bad. Yes the plants have been treated weekly


All good buddy


I can see how it can be hard to take clones from them deff short and stubby with minimal stretch …
They look damn healthy though I must say…
Looks like youre dialed in lol …BUT have you ever tried to raise your light up higher then usual to initiate or persuade them to stretch out a little …
Just a thought I know I do it some times when my LST training starts to get out of control …just rambling now lol


Yup, I’ve taken them off upside down pots so they’re further away from the light, although I just don’t think there’s stretch to them

Anyway, we have 85% on A :+1: We’re officially cleared now

Bubble mailers just arrived…testers start DMing choice w address


I’m happy for you @OriginalDankmaster96 and I have been busy this morning and I wanted to thank you for making it apparent I haven’t been doing enough and I look forward to fulfilling obligations to all of the Community… but I really wanted to say CONGRATS :tada: on the germination rate!.. also I apologize for letting you down as well


BEST of luck to u @420noob & the other tester’s and Happy Growing The Doc ! I’ll be following closely

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It’s takes a MAN to see the error of his ways and I’m happy you recognize that… Fulfill every member that’s owed a return and they confirm it to me, everything I said I’ll send will be done.


I’ll admit that I woke up this morning and I feel like a POS and I just didn’t even realize it was that bad so I have already removed my name from call lists and I just wanna see it through to get back to what I joined for growing TTY soon humbly The Doc


Hmmm well soon we will see multiple grows of each strain to compare !
Let’s the fun begin!


Exciting stuff for sure

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And there they are, ready to go out on Mon or Tues. Hopefully the person who prints my envelopes and does the box drop off won’t drag his feet :slightly_frowning_face: Happened w Slick1 and I was pissed off. I follow up and continue to do until it’s IN YOUR hands!


:man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:… Humble pie

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Now that’s a beautiful sight !
Will be waiting for the stork
BTW That was quick !


Ooops…ment to be a pm.


Week 2

NOW this TC A x Xmas is doing what I wanted. I’ve defoliated by half and you see the sites tightly compacted together. In 1 week. I will take an NL 2 dust pouch (have 4 btw) and dust lowers. I’m actually more impressed with the performance over the stretch, which is NONE virtually. So there’s something to consider for who’s looking at what’s next. Also I’ve never seen praying leaves near vertical. I think indicates supreme health.


During this grow TC A will be compared to TC A x Xmas, and I’d say offspring is better than parent. Those have been defoliated partially since growth isn’t as thick .

Also both get to go against Corn B. Also defoliated mainly at the center and unders. Amazing how short this one w the ring of tops


Yep I would say those are definitely healthy!


Of course! Enough testing and teasing. I had this pre-planned since the first of Jan to be ready about this time. Having everything READY to roll out expediently at the conclusion of germination test was my objective.


You know it I’m glad everything was smooth Sali g for you!!
Damn I’d say those r some tight spacing but deff some nice branches …gonna be some nice colas !


Is there any special kind of lst or hst you would recommend? I know you put them through the paces so they should be able to handle it.:+1: Those are some beautiful plants nice dark green color