Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I have to say that your planning is spectacular to come off so well!
The no stretch observation is a big one. Definitely a factor to consider.
Beautiful healthy plants for sure. I love the praying leave.


I LOVE Kyle Kushman Chiropractic snapping :+1: Swelling hulls helps thicken thinner stems up to hold more weight. That knot seems to increase the rate the plant intakes water and nutrients. Thanks, I believe having water aerated and ready mixed to use helps than doing it as needed. Good balanced tea nutrient mix too. I’ll list my recipe so you see all the components I use

Nutrient tea

Nectar of the gods : Gaia Mania, Medusa’s Magic, Herculean Harvest, Zeus Juice

Fox Farm Bushdoctor Microbes brew, Kangaroots

Botanicare : Pure Blend tea, (Liquid Karma this mixed separately when ready to water. About 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per 32 oz tall cup)

Blue Planet Nutrients: Easy Weed, Vita Blue vitamin B supplement , Liquid Blue potassium booster, Early Bloomer (these last 2 mixed separately for flowering watering)

Several drops of barley extract per gall

All this runs at about 500-600 PPM. I Individually increase the tea w either Blue Planet Farmers Pride grow or bloom

BA and cal-mag fortified water bucket :


GH Rapid Start

TPS Billions

Blue Planet Cal-mag plus

400-500 PPM


Somehow I missed this show. :star_struck:
Time to catch up.


Glad to have a chair for you @shag By all means WELCOME :relaxed:


Right I’m just getting here too @shag


The Xmas Bud and @Carty Pine 06 show is NEXT. Looks like this auditorium is filling up


Did you say another show is starting? :partying_face:


Yup, I’m going to grow out a group of Xmas and Pine 06 seed, study a potential candidate male and females and open pollination or maybe targeted :evergreen_tree:


This is for @Smooth @Cyr_grow

I’ve kept this TC A x NL2 male to watch if it reverses sexually, since TC x Xmas F1 turned unstable at sexing. I safely say now this won’t happen…now it goes bye bye.

Here are 2 females B and C

B showed an opposite phyllotaxy meristem starting at the 2nd node and reversed to normal at the 4th. It has shown much stronger growth. I decided to strip all the leaves to promote the lateral growth to fill in. It’s also topped. This one I may replant into 1 gall cloth bag to see how much better it can do before being flipped.

C This one isn’t growing much and very slowly. I MAY throw it in to see what I get out of it, but this is kind of plant I see NO POTENTIAL of anything in.

Despite that, only 3 started and 2 females :+1: I think you’ll both find something in the 12 beans I put in.


Love seeing whorlled phyllotaxy in plants. But I don’t like they always grow out of it. I found a whorlled phyllotaxy in @Josh_Blue Glazed Berries and made some beans with him to play around with later on to see if I can get it to stay around the plants lifecycle. It’s an interesting mutation


I thought whorlled phyllotaxy was the tri-leaf/internodes :thinking: This is the opposite when it goes to flowering, except it grew like that for 2 nodes and reverted to normal growth at toping.


You’re right.

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Envelope labels are done. Going out in the afternoon. I’ve put 1-2 vials inside heat sealed small Mylar bags for security. Double bubble envelopes for extra protection. Now the wait begins :grin:


I’m sitting on my hands for now lol!


5 B up…One had helmet head, but after shell removed it never opened past that, and they appear uniform to me…thoughts ?

2 A up. One didn’t come up. One may have been too deep, but I adjusted and it’s now closer to the surface

The 2nd didn’t make it unfortunately. Seed didn’t fully open and died in the shell. The root grew, but the head didn’t crack open. Must’ve been weak to begin w.


I decided to give every tester 2 more A seeds before the packs go out due to the variance shown in germination and after planting sprouts.


Im excited to get these, I’ve been using the paper towel method lately. Been having good results.


This is a very exciting! Kinda like the Christmas Eve feeling


All packs are being mailed off NOW! So next week be on the look out :eyes: I’m finally glad to get this done :grin:


Much appreciated @OriginalDankmaster96, Im loving the search for the pine with you, and thanks for all the labor you put into these. It’s gonna be an awesome year.:evergreen_tree: