Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Totally agree with ya @Greenfingers and I will be there hopefully :crossed_fingers:t2: beside you and the others very soon but I just need to take care of my obligations but I’ll be keeping an extremely close eye on it in the meantime and thanks :pray:t2: for everything you’ve done to make it a reality @OriginalDankmaster96 hope you all are having a good day TTY soon The Doc


Oh I believe this is your “ONE” you’ve been dreaming of cause for me, it’s the strongest I’ve had across my lips. Even going back to my teen years I can compare nothing as pronounced to icy pine and mint, especially the mint, which really complements the pine. This is the year of PINE :drooling_face:


Like Sound of Music twirling in a pine forest kinda pine?!! Time to hit the “watch” tab


Welcome @HumblePie420 Yes, it has complexity and depth. It’s good that you asked this because I was just smoking NL 2 in the shower, and what I’ve done is about 2-3 times stronger in flavor, it’s really a flavor bomb how it hits the receptors in the sinuses and airways going the to lungs, I mean you just don’t taste it, you FEEL it. I just don’t know if a flavor profile can get stronger than this, it’s near overload :scream:


Thanks @OriginalDankmaster96 I remember when I first got into smoking weed as a 16 year old around Texas in the late 80’s and it had okay taste to it. BUT when the piney stuff hit the market in our area, it was time to stock up! Can’t wait to see how the testers smoke reports come out


Exactly, it was the introduction of Indicas from the Mexican outdoor sun dried (Afghanistan/Kashmir/Pakistani lines) during the later 80s and indoor growing.


Aww yeah man. Spring Break 87!! Saw Stevie Ray Vaughn play a free concert right on the beach on South Padre Island smoking on the piney kind. I wanna go back and do it all over


That last line reminded me that I saw Eddie Money on that same stage play a free concert for us Spring Breakers as well.


I’m from Ft. Lauderdale so young boy at the time but I loved the movie Spring Break! That was so wild for its time🤪


Another smoking video. I control myself a little better since it’s cured but nearly gone, however watch my eyes pop wide :eyes: on every hit, it’s exploding so hard w all the flavors and it’s smoother so not as much cough but lots of squeals holding, and as I finish it you see me go into a tranced state mesmerized as the potency hits I’m like my god and drool on the bottom lip. There is NOTHING that hits like this in a flavor explosion :boom: :evergreen_tree:

Cured CripXmas A


Haha the drool at the end cracked me up :rofl:. Your posts have me thirsty for some pine! Can’t wait to get my hands on some


Shortly after I felt my stomach get nauseated so I was at the peak of my ability to handle the potency. Needed to eat, then later I went into hysterical laughing fits out of nowhere :rofl::rofl::rofl: and PASSED OUT cold. I’ve got to be honest it’s the kind of laughing when tolerance was lower at the beginning of induction to cannabis. I think it’s those memorable funny times we all seek to enjoy again and THIS does give it like a first time. You will definitely get to quench your thirst :wink:


lately ive been getting pine tar on my fingers on purpouse, or evergreen tar lol, that comes out of christmass trees all over the sidewalks in LA this time of year, i get smells like pineapple and citrus lemon type, pretty cool, i really love the “cedar” spectrum too thats amazing (since its a pine related thread i figure ill share my pine thought lol)


Haha yeah man you were taking dragon hits for sure. I can literally see your eyes turn red halfway through. Good stuff as usual man!


That’s why I’ve done the video cause this would be impossible to prove by description alone. I wanted you all to SEE it to BELIEVE it’s very real :exploding_head: That dragon remark :crazy_face::rofl: You tickle me lol and that’s not easy to do.


Sounds like you got a metallic pine on your hands…I’m stoked!!!



What do you mean by “metallic” :thinking: I think taste can be interpreted individually different, so it will be interesting to hear what you pick up in A that I’m not getting :+1:


Well we used to call very strong and distinct flavors metallic.

Like super strong smelling weeds are known as skunky, super strong and distinct flavors are called metallic. That is just the jargon we used to use.



Ah!! I get it…ok I’ll say definitely that type! :+1:


Good signs already

I’m happy and proud to report A and B seedlings will NOT stretch. They don’t reach for light, like most others do, even at that first node of cotyledon’s it’s staying low. If they were going to stretch, it would have shown up. Also not flimsy stems. I love what I’m already seeing and I know all my testers will too :wink: