Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Now that I know Corn contains limonene, Corn won’t be part of the makeup in the line as I first projected. In fact I want NO limonene suspects introduced. It will stay clean and will implore any chuckers to be certain what they choose doesn’t have citrusy/lemon profiles. Corn has low limonene, but ANY just ruins PINE completely. In fact I know what works and doesn’t. Herbal, mint/menthol, incense/spice/woody, low earthy/hashy/perfume. What doesn’t work, is diesel/sours, fruity/citrusy excluding apple, flowery, acrid. Based on the make up I say the following are :-1: Myrcene, Linalool, Alpha-bisabolol, Valencene, Geraniol and of course Limonene. These are the ones I say :+1: Caryophyllene, Ecualyptol, Trans-neridol, Humulene, Delta 3 Carene, Camphene, Borneol, Terpineol, and of course Alpha and beta pinene. I say OG Kush should never be crossed in!! So I want to be clear where I want this to go and stay within the bounds of what I think are the appropriate terpenes to be introduced. Am I right or wrong ? Share thoughts


Go with your gut brother. You know what you’re after and what the end goal it. I always go with my gut and kick myself when I didn’t.


Oh I know where I want to keep it within, but once the seeds start getting around, crossing anything in without understanding the terpene profile, will be mistake and water down what I think is nearly pure of any contradicting terpene.


Your direction makes sense. I wasn’t “planning” on making a cross…but you’re suggesting it would be good in a cross! :thinking::grin:


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Exactly, “suggested” terps for anyone thinking of using a cultivar that will stay within profile that doesn’t dilute “the metallic” level of flavor of pine and mint, menthol and gas combination.


@OriginalDankmaster96 that video is classic, and hilarious! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The way you describe that effect literally scares me, and I’m so happy for you that you’ve cultivated such a monster of a cross. Kudos my brother… even if I don’t say much, I’m always around watching your progress; thanks for the work you do


Thanks @HeadyBearAdventures Yes I can laught at myself and , I do it to say you won’t smoke this like any other cultivar tried. It’s just NOT there and I’ve had so many strains that never popped my eyes out from the pressure and expansion. Sorry, not even G13 did that upon hitting it. So that’s a bar at where this is set, ABOVE what G13 has been known for. 23 years ago I would’ve said nothing available beats G13 potency and G13 is above most in raw potency, but CripXmas is NEXT level hands down. These 2 plants are MUTANTS is why but are stable. They are both micro dwarfs. 1/4 the size of all my mothers after nearly 2 months of growing. I had a watchful observation, and it felt like there’s something to these 2. And I was @DrGonzo13 said “there’s something special” he was right as I was still unsure it will all work right, but has more than I could’ve expected or dreamed possible. And the testers all get to see in full motion with the NL2 which I think will bring to full maximum flavor strength possible. Good to see you check in and I know others come back and forth. I see momentum starting to build here. The long and sought times of old nearly lost are BACK and better :partying_face:


Hell yeah! That’s almost inspiring me to keep my little mutant Longbottom Fighter alive!:grin::crazy_face:
It’s great to be a part of this community at this time in its life for sure


So I know that 2 packages are delivered today and I would expect envelopes to be right behind them so I just wish they would post it but I know that I’m fulfilling my obligations and that’s what matters and it’s definitely worth it to keep an eye on these beans and I just know that there’s magic in them there beans @OriginalDankmaster96 and the video says it all and I could tell it was blowing up the dome LoL definitely not for a beginner! It’d probably put u down for the count :woozy_face:

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I grew a C4 from Chimera that tasted and smelled just like a Christmas tree. It was one of the tastiest things I’ve ever smoked. It reminded me of the pine scent mainichi koh Japanese incense that I burned. Great stuff.

I have been looking for something similar ever since, because it was just so unusual (and incredible).


Christmas tree has landed can’t wait to get these babies germinated. :+1::+1::+1:


Oh WoW that’s a BEAUTIFUL site :heart_eyes::partying_face::star_struck: NICE! Happy Growing The Doc!.. sorry caps lock on lol… well @OriginalDankmaster96 the pine terps search 2.0 is underway & happy to see you efforts paying off I have been going through the old CG x Xmas Bud run and it’s just crazy how much it can change from a different selection for breeding and change in a big way! I think it was put best a bit ago


Nice to see my bundles of joy are in your hands :+1:



Can I get a briefing on each strain again …saveme some searching lol …I’m gonna pop some before I go to bed just wanna choose wisley I know A is the pine

BTW the packaging was most professional!


I’m happy you appreciate the packaging :grin: Makes the time worth it.

Right A is the Xmas sativa variegated pheno, takes on classic sativa pepper odor and slim leaf, but without the stretching. She is a deceptive plant hiding true identity of Xmas until the end. I believe she definitely benefited from the TC and PTK potency

B is the Indica PTK expression of TC and Xmas bud. Incredibly short, stubby nodes. Massive main stem. Takes on an apple/melon/pine odor, very fat and dense nugs, and twice as larger as TC tops w a Xmas bud finish

NL 2 x CripXmas C is the Xmas C pheno original male crossed over to NL. We can see how NL and Xmas do without PTK or TC in the mix.

NL2 BOTH parents are definitely all PINE so this is another bonus I wanted everyone to have

If there’s anything specific, please don’t hesitate to ask me :wink:


Would never though it would be this tough of a choice lol
I’m looking for a blue spruce :crazy_face:

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When I seen that paper I was like oh shit we got a whole right up lol …
Would like to know what everone else is gonna pop so we can diversify


Is there any certain amounts you want planted? Sorry I can’t figure out how to ask as a single question. So would you like 3 of A 3 of B 2 of C or any specific # of each 50/50. Just wondering if you had a plan or idea or just letting us use our judgement? Hope that gets across what I’m trying to ask.


Well I want to be fair on what space can be accommodated. I think 3-4 is a good number of starts. I’ve got say that’s been my lucky set for most strains, except NL2 which were the first two just to see what I’d get, which are both winners. Or if you want, go 50/50 on what space can be used. If both are used I’d be fine w one of each but two would be ideal if the space is there.


Is there any way I could get in on this? I absolutely loved that pine-flavored C4 from Chimera, and would really love to taste it again. :green_heart: