Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Absolutely! I said I would be keeping it open for the growing season as some aren’t quite ready. I haven’t completely got every seed from the A but it’s down to the handful of small nugs, so I’ll will know how much A is left to go around. I know have at least 5 sets of 10 and then I need to count as I will reserve 1/4 total. The B is about 300 so those have plenty to go around before needing to reserve. I have yet to send @DrGonzo13 so I can add you when I do another round of sending :+1::wink:


Man, I hope you guys find lots of pine!


So cool to see these arriving! :man_dancing::man_dancing:


Boom …
Off to the races


I’m curious to see how different germination methods affect rate. Good to see 5 floating and no sinker :+1: Definitely out in front of everyone, now they’ll have to catch up to you :racehorse::grin:


Oh yeah :+1:t2: nice @Rabeats2093 and now it’s officially started up

here’s some pics of the first tester’s CG x Xmas Bud and just for a little comparison but I already know that they’re gonna blow these first beans outta the water and sending you some good germination vibes!


And it starts!


The Columbian gold x Xmas bud 79 was awesome to test, they yielded great in and out. Nice hard nuggets, all it needed was the pine🌲 it’s still awesome smoke.

I got it out to show off OriginalDankmaster96’s work, now i have to smoke some :green_heart:


I’ve got a couple of those beans left and I have them set aside for now because I have 3 plants in the grow room in flower but I enjoyed the smoke from it a lot just didn’t get a good yield from the lights being basic house bulbs so if I was able to get some great bud from those @Greenfingers & it’s exciting to see what it’ll be with the new setup after I get my ducks in a row but it’s very nice looking!.. here’s my bud from the indoor plant


Week 3

So it’s all 3 going head to head this time, but my girl is beating both TC and Corn

Remember how dense the growth was in the center… A lot of smaller leaves had to be plucked out. Anywhere there was crowding I removed leaves to get more light filtering down. Notice it continues to push out almost twice as many sites as TC.


May I please be added with the next round also.
I have some stuff to offer in trade if you are interested.


Yes, most certainly you can :+1::grin:I’ll have it ready to go out when I’m ready to send off Docs pack. Which of the 2 are you interested in running ?


@Oldjoints see @DrGonzo13 CG x Xmas dried bud, to me those buds don’t look novice. Very well trimmed, neat and symmetrical shaped. Also his Phototron grows were done quite well and efficient. His ability to grow well in a P-tron spoke volumes to me, thus why I choose him to test run a first time as a toe dip in the water to see how it worked, and now for a real splash.


I am not sure…
When I went to florida I looked around for this Krippy no luck either time.
So that hype has my interest.
I have smoked but never grown piney weed.
I guess what I am saying is, I doubt I would be dissatisfied with any of this work.
Potency and piney over yield is preferred.
But all three would be a trifecta of pine…LOL


It is good to see ol’ Doc making a comeback like he is…aint it???. :heart_eyes:


Yeah I think B would be your ticket. It’s definitely like the old school Krip of the 90’s


You mean. 6 :crazy_face:
Hell yeah let’s do this !
That goes for all of yah! Lol
Thanks for the good wishes everyone
And good wishes to everyone else!!


That shit was elusive, we were prepared to pay anything back then too.
We were 2 long haired 18-20 year old stoners from Detroit walking up and down the beach with a radio blasting Aerosmith looking for the Krippy, never found it …until today.
I am pretty excited.


Should have met surfers…all surfers knew where to get it. It was like a religion for us. Anyway I’ll be making your long awaited wish come true :grin:


I am not going to bash someone’s growing talents. But this person’s previous actions speak volumes to me. If you choose to trust this person who am I to say anything about it?
By all means do as you will………