Does anyone have any skunk genetics

Ok? You just don’t understand what I’m saying
I told you it wasn’t in skunk 1 two separate times and you ask again.

You obviously have never been sprayed by a skunk or hit one with your car.
When you do or you find that pheno you may understand. But I doubt that


See that’s another thing everyone’s nose is different.


You can’t tell someone it’s not a “thing” when they are searching for a scent related memory. It’s obviously a “thing” to us to try and find a herb that smells like what we remember and equate to “skunk”

I cant find what you would call skunk because I have no idea how you interpret that smell


IDK where you think I’m from. I was raised in the cornfields of rural Illinois. I know what skunk smells like, friend.

How many “phenos” need to be ran? “phenos” of what, exactly?

Thousands and thousands of “old school skunk” type beans sold and…crickets. Everyone’s looking for something that used to be “common” and no one has found it? It doesn’t add up, at all. 10x as many people growing now than there used to be.

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Feels like a bit of a cop-out when people say “everyone’s nose is different”. I know what weed smells like, I know what skunk smells like.

Scent and memory are more malleable than people care to admit.

The first “dank” I ever got seemed incredible at the time because we were used to brick weed. If I grew it now I’d probably be like “meh”.

Ok buddy that’s why I said have a nice day. Hope you have a pleasant day a good vibes.

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Perhaps you should hunt for dank#1 :joy:

I’ve been growing a long time and have never had weed that smells like a skunk. Skunk-y, maybe.


All the weed I equate to skunk smell smells more like skunk cabbage than an actual skunk


You know how you can almost get nose blind to weed at home, but then go to a bar or concert and people are smoking outside and it smells overwhelming? I think this is a huge factor.

Or like when you’re driving with the windows down and can always pick out the car that’s smoking weed? It smells soooo strong.


Do you have any Dank#1 seeds!! I need that strain!! :laughing:


Yes I find myself very desensitized at times.

I often ask someone if it “smells in here” as a sign to hook up my filter. Because I just can’t tell anymore.

Then there are the ones that STINK but smell nothing like traditional weed. Those are my favourites.

I like a variety of different strains to keep it fresh. But yeah, nose blind for sure.


No but I have dank#2 that I can sell for a pretty penny and if you pheno hunt long enough you might find what you’re looking for :lying_face:


I agree with that. First time I smoke buds I grew myself was from Mexican brick weed. Blew my gourd on one hit lol.

With the ones I’m running I’m looking for a strong acrid smelling plant. Like rotten eggs and burnt rubber mixed. I have a catpiss from 707 seeds that legit smells like a cat pissed on the plant. I had my wife smell it before I told her what it was and she’s like oh my God did the cats get into your growroom and piss on it lol. The end game is to cross the acrid skunks to the catpiss and try to make something funkier.


I’ll only buy it for $600 for 5 seeds, no less! :laughing::laughing:


Does it smell like tomcat? Or like a litter box? I have a pack to pop but if it’s some windex female litter box aroma they’re going in the trash. I’m looking for the tomcat white spruce thiols. That’s the Cat Piss people want. Not house cat litter box ammonia.

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It’s kind of musky but more on the side of the cat just pissed on the furniture lol

Well the price has doubled since I got them… Maybe I’ll just sell them. 9ó% chance it’s not going to match what I’m looking for. It’s probably what a million other people want but don’t have. Just like burnt rubber smells, some people think that’s the skunk but those are rejects to me

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“How can it have been “everywhere in the 90’s” and gone now? We have clones available older than the 90’s.”

The introduction of flavocoenzyme-binding proteins for one. Once mineral phosphate became more expensive than slaughter house bone. Even the superphos is bone meal and sulfur since then. Organics ruined Cannabis. From Chem dog to Meatbreath thanks to bone meal.


Ding Ding Ding We have a winner.

Totally agreed. People want 90’s skunk terps they need to grow like it’s 1990.