Federal legalization in the USA, what does the future hold for cannabis?

Not for about 40 years. I got the following from Just Brew It: A Brief Legislative History about Homebrewing in the United States – Part 2 | In Custodia Legis.

The legalization of homebrewing began in 1976 when homebrewers in California reached out to Senator Alan Cranston, who lobbied for its passage and incorporated key provisions into H.R. 1337, which otherwise dealt with several tax measures. On January 4, 1977, Rep. William Steiger introduced H.R. 1337 in the House. While the bill worked its way through committees in the House and Senate, language related to homebrewing was added by the Senate Finance Committee in S. Rep. No. 95-1127. President Carter signed the act into law on October 14, 1978.

Homebrewing Today

Although the 1978 act removed some restrictions on homebrewing, the 21st Amendment still allowed states to regulate alcohol within their jurisdiction.

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Thank you for looking up the information on that.


Comparing making pharmaceuticals at home to growing weed is just idiotic

How bout comparing growing weed to, say, collecting rainwater which believe it or not is ALSO illegal, and not deadly like pharmaceuticals. Nobody’s coming after your rain barrels either ---- unless it’s a problem

Same goes for your closet grow. . … it’s not a problem, until it’s a problem (like maybe you’re slanging eighths). NOBODY is coming for your closet grow :roll_eyes:


Yep. It always has been amd always will be about the money.

Wanna know who benefits from anything?

Follow the money.

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I’d also like to address the fact that nobody is going to make any genetics unavailable. The government is not all of a sudden going to just rule the genetics world. Sure they might water it down a bit or muddle things up, like a bunch of dumb stoner chuckers aren’t already doing that? :man_shrugging:t2:

Medicine is medicine it is foolish to think you can make your own medicine at home.
Think about it thoroughly before you speak.

Bro can’t you see…
They already are…
Here in michigan we have pretty friendly cannabis laws.
They lobby hard here to end caregivers rights, once those fall homegrows will be next.
Some states already don’t allow you to grow your own.
Plant counts are getting smaller and smaller by the day, 12 used to be the normal.

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I’ll tell u this right now

Most “caregivers” are just looking for a legal way to slang. THAT’S why they’re under siege

And didn’t Whitmer try to like ban Michigonians (or whatever you call yourselves) the sale of even PRODUCE seeds during the pandemic? I think it’s fair to say some states are just worse than others

Still doesn’t mean they’re coming after your closet grow, or your seeds

You may not have all the facts.
Might I suggest you brush up on your patent law.

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@shag my wife makes medicinal oils at home which she’s not allowed to sell at her plant booths (jades, succulents etc) but she can still make them, use them, and we can even give them away, but not sell them. Sure they’re not norcos or fentanyl but it’s still a medicinal product with “restrictions”

But nobody is gonna kick down our door and seize her oils

They are not FDA approved, and just because she gets away with it does not make it legal.
The FDA has stated they will be cracking down on CBD oil even though CBD is not illegal.

The moment someone claims they got sick or died they would be kicking down every door in the hood if they need to.


If you have the time try and read the whole thread it has a lot of good info to read and may answer some of the questions you have asked here.


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The goal is to make everyone buy everything from the corporate store using corporate script. The western elite have been working on this since the robber barons were schooled by We the People and the US Government. Read the book Creature from Jekyll Island, it is the robber barons revenge.

When the elite have completed their goal of complete control when people get out of line, like the Canadian Truckers, the Usurpers of the West can shut it down early.


I mean cmon

Most of yall are sitting on enough seed to repopulate the gene pool entirely

Like i said. . … you’re grasping at straws

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Some men you just can’t reach…

oh well we tried to tell ya.
You are not the first and you will not be the last.
I truly hope I am wrong but I have been singin’ the same tune since 2013.
Most of the stuff I said back then is our reality now or soon will be.
Only time will tell…

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Youve been singing the same tune for 10 yrs in which time nothing has happened, and you expect me to take any stock in that?


Bro may I kindly say you don’t have a clue as to what is going on in the real world of cannabis.
Do some research, read some of what I posted, if you had you would not say the things you do.

Some folks you just can’t reach… :pensive:

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I don’t want to ruin this thread or distract from any valid info here

Let’s just agree to disagree, wholeheartedly. I’ll stick with following my local state/city guidelines and not worry about Feds kicking in my door. You do you, I’ll do me :ok_hand:

The “real world” of cannabis? That’s a laughable statement in and of itself, cmon man. Breeders and chuckers have fucked the scene WAAAAY more than the Govt ever has or will.

When you are ready to pull your head out of the sand and see what is going on in the real world come on back, you will find some valuable info here for you to read, until then go off and do you.

Oh boy, do you really feel this way?
You may be in for a shock :grimacing:
For instance let us discuss GMO cannabis…

I have tried to provide you with real world facts if you choose to ignore the facts that is on you, but they are here for anyone who can extrapolate from those facts.

Again, I truly hope I am wrong, but I fear I am not.
A closed mind will gather 0 knowledge.
Ask yourself is your mind open to real possibilities?


You’re strong belief that the feds want to kick down home growers doors is not based on fact, it’s based on your opinion. Or, your unfair comparisons to other items regulated by the government.

No hard feelings man, i realize we’re just hashing out topics :ok_hand::heart: