Curse of the hulk

I did it to my plants last grow. Outside of giving them a foliar of tap water I didn’t do anything else to mine after that.


Yeah the temp is 75-90 f. It’s whatever the temp is usually close to temp outside when lights are off during the day. My tent is in on my screened in porch that has sealing windows… humidity stays between 40-75% during lights off and 40-55 % lights on. I am running a king 1200, king 1000 and bestva 600 watt lights… she started to do this before I sprayed anything else on her. I was leaving her the f alone for several days and noticed she was like this. Smh…


Oh well, the bud should still be alright I suppose…I harvest on around the 22nd… I hope the buds still fatten up the way they are supposed to even though the leaves are screwed.


They should yes. You have plenty of green for them to use still. I’m betting you get a bit of luck and they may direct any energy towards the buds now.

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Ok then. My second guess is too much nutrients. This exact thing happend to me when I tried to feed them more. Usually around EC 2,0 with no flush. If you harvest in a week, then I would flush the Hell out of them :slight_smile:


Yeah. Especially if you use megacrop and don’t enjoy the taste of it on your fingers. It’ll come through in the bud if you can taste things like I do😅

Never a blessing. Always a curse


Alright cool… I mean not cool but at least we figured out the problem. I’ll definitely flush. I have a gallon of distilled water around here somewhere. Thanks for the feedback everyone!!!.. smoke and overgrow the world!


Correction… I harvest around the 27th. That’ll be exactly 80 days from planting and that’s what they recommend or whatever. Damn, I am horrible with dates.


Same here😅 Diana is scheduled for the 27th also


Here’s a pic pic my over nuted ladies… thank God I have an already fertilized soil for my next run lol… this was good practice though. I feel like I’m getting a B on my science experiment or something. At least this is the best experiment that I have ever done… and here’s moby

And a pic of the remaining 3 girls…

Have a blessed night OG and fellow OGers! Smoke and grow on!


Same. I’m guessing it was the peroxide, but you are probably gonna start getting the fade anyway, those buds are getting fat. Get a jewelers loupe or a phone magnifier to check those trichomes too. Don’t go by dates. Mostly, LITFA until harvest!


It’s exciting isn’t it? Making shit grow? I love it, but I have also learned how to grow African Violets because they are fussy and I can leave my herbs alone. :laughing:


Yes its amazing man. I love it… I’ll look into growing something else with the cannabis…


And that’s gonna be my next run… the seeds are on the way. If they clear customs, they should be here by Friday. I need another tent though because bruce banner will not be done until March. Ugh, the money problem yet again. The struggle is real.


So im looking at moby and part of her appears done, the rest not. Would it be ok to harvest as she grows? I do not want to harvest the main cola, but there are a couple of big side colas that look ready as there is a lot of amber. Although on top of the main cola, it hasn’t started to turn amber on the tips yet for the majority of it.


Yup! Many harvest in stages though its usually the top cola that is done 1st then the lower growth though not all strains like to “follow the rules” of top down readiness lol


Thanks @MomOnTheRun! I read that, but I’ve learned you can’t always believe what you read lol.


This beast grew with 13 side colas… I never counted until now. I looked at the top main cola and its only the very top that is a not amber. The rest is. Therefore, I’m thinking she is ready. What do you guys do in a case like this? @MomOnTheRun


So I decided to harvest. I don’t want it to turn.


I would…well done!

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