I name pretty much everything. That doesn’t mean it’s not a dead end, in fact, that’s a possibility. Here’s the story of Grape Mädchen, what little that is.
I have a clone, Swnugget’s Mega Maid. Terrible name for a great fast strain. As you probably already know, I tossed auto pollen on her and of the few seeds I grew, all were autos. Maybe I didn’t grow enough and some of her kids are photos. Maybe that’s the case here. I probably just need to grow a few more to get disappointed. But until I see proof to the contrary, I’m assuming that this clone is the little auto who wouldn’t. And all of her offspring will be auto if the daddy is.
Early this summer when I was working on my Double Grape Regular IBL project, DG-87 F2, the men were flowering and my Mega Maid was also flowering. And I ended up with probably a couple of hundred seeds. I collect them whenever I partake of her, which is frequently. This is the cross called “Grape Mädchen.” Could be nothing, could be something good. But now you and I both know what we’re talking about. And if it does turn out fire, people will be familiar with the name and more likely to try it. So that’s why I name everything.
I planted eight seeds, because I wanted four specimens to start. All eight sprouted. I killed one by trying remove his helmet too soon. That leaves 7. I have these four for my test:
I put the three left in a five gallon pot for my granddaughter. She’s coming out next month to help consume the crop, and I’m sending her home with a bonus.
My plan is to murder the males and see what kind of harvest I get from the females. And to see if there are any photos in the bunch. This can answer an interesting and possibility-provoking question: Is it possible to maintain a photo clone for making auto seeds?
I can think of one case where this might be possible. And the possibility has me really excited. Maybe an auto seed just wouldn’t go auto. It’s happened to all of us, or eventually will. What if it was a fire photo and you kept a clone? (That has happened to me, though I no longer have that clone.) What if it’s still possible to have all-auto offspring? How much would that change the auto industry? (Not the one in Philly.)
So I’m going to grow these out, see how good they are, and see if I want to continue exploring it. And find out if all the offspring are truly auto.