Grape Punch from the man, the legend, BOG ver.2

Looking good there!


Thanks everyone, a couple showed a bit of yellowing so I am hoping the increased feed and more light sorts that out. All in all they seem pretty happy.


So 24 hrs after upping the feed and lights here they are.


You’re doing a hell of a job Doug ! Keep up the great work!


Looks like they handled things well!

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I love the way they are reaching out. It’s like “Gimmeee moorrrrre!”.
They are just strong, happy plants brother.
:v: :sunglasses:


Hey there OG’ers. So not a great report today. I had seen some yellowing in a couple plants so I upped their feed a bit and turned up the light. There is still some yellowing going on. So I started to look for possible causes. My nutes are at a 6 ph. Now on my last run I just exhausted the tent into the room but when I checked today I found the RH in my tent was 70%. I have a feeling they are having issues with this as with such high RH evaporation is not really happening. I have now adjusted, turned my fan up and set up the exhaust to go outside. This has already dropped the RH to 60% and falling so we shall see how that goes. Oddly a couple plants show yellowing and others don’t even thought they are in the same tent getting the same food. Will see how they do after a day or 2.


I think maybe a lite N feed may help? I don’t see any other signs of issues. K can show similar signs but usually new growth is unusually dark. No leaf curl, I would t think it’s a ph issue. You could try bringing up the ph slightly to see if there’s an effect. They look great though still!!


Thanks bud. So I did increase their nutes on the last feed and am hoping this starts to sort things out. At present I am using the GH trio and upped the values a fair bit on last mix a few days ago. Here is current feed mixed in 5 gallon jugs.

CM = 1.65 ML per 5 gallon
Epsom = 5 grams per 5 gallon
Micro = 33.35 ML per 5 gallon
Grow = 33.35 ML per 5 gallon
Bloom = 41.5 ML per 5 gallon

EDIT: I should also mention that the previous feed the Micro was mixed at 15ml so this new feed is over double. I did that when I started seeing the yellowing.


I’m pulling for you! I sure wish someone would come up with a reliable and affordable leaf tissue analyzer. It would change how things are done completely. I’m taking notes so please keep up the good work!


Looking good Doug! I think you’re on the right track for fixing the issues!


Looks like you’re right on top of it.


Anytime I’m in doubt I give my plants a talking to and apply a top-dressing of worm castings.
Not sure which is helping but it seems to work.

All the best bruv, the plants still are looking faboo.

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Looking good still bro stop tripping lol


Like any parent I am always concerned when the little ones show issues :slight_smile:


Well just for my own piece of mind I just ordered a new PH meter. Time to get things dialed in and this pen looks much better than my Dr. Meter

Apera Instruments PH60 Premium Waterproof pH Pocket Tester, Replaceable Probe, ±0.01 pH Accuracy, -2.00-16.00 pH Range


nice, ive got the blue labs meter myself, can definitely back it, way better than the cheap-o i had before. the aperas seem to work well for folks too


Yeah, I looked at a Bluelabs but I like the complete kit and replaceable probe. That’s what sold me.


wow i didnt see that on the apera. that might have swayed me to it as well


Actually my wife got me the bluelab meter for my birthday a couple years ago. Basically sent her the link to ensure I got what I really neede/wanted that year :joy::joy: highly recommend that strategy