Grease_monkeys garbage can

If you’re going to spray right away, I’d go 18/6 lights for a week while spraying and spray right before lights off. I’m sure it would work either way but I have burned plants before spraying with the lights on them


Any time ive sprayed or foliar fed before I usually just raise my light and turn it down to minimum if the light schedule doesn’t work for me (I’m not getting up at 4am unless it’s hunting season)


No timer? @Grease_Monkey

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Yea, but I figured the plants might hate me if I switched up their bed time to 11 pm… the clones currently vegging are set to turn off at that time


Got some diatomaceous earth… I might have gone a little heavy, so they look like they were on a coke binge


I’ve now tried a joint of each bogglegum plant (2,4,5) so far, not overly impressed lol.

2 is the only one with flavour and moderate high. 4 has no flavor and is weak a/f.
5 didn’t really have much flavor (smelled the best while busting it) but seems to have the strongest buzz of the 3.

Next ill be trying the gods green crack… if those don’t impress me then I need to learn how to grow weed!

I’ve got some friends testing them all aswell so I will see what their opinions are


Sometimes I find they need to sit in a jar for a while to improve in all areas. Just let them sit for a couple of months, I expect they will improve more for you :relaxed:


Lol I was hoping for quicker than a couple months. So far the results arnt looking good from my reviewers either…

I think I need to learn how to grow weed haha there’s noway 3 bog and 4 joti plants are duds…atleast in the potency department

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If ya wanna stop by sometime I can show you my regiment. I get home today


How hard are you pushing them at the end? Like are you pushing a lot of amber trichs? Ive found the overall thc level and effects to be a lot more smack in the face strong not allowing a lot of amber trichs. Ive pushed a plant to almost all amber and it was the worse ive grown.

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These ones I went on the earlier side for these ones cause of the mites. Still had some amber though. And I typically quit giving ferts in the last 2 weeks


I hate to add this but… the f-ing parasites sucking out their life force didn’t help them reach the peak of thc/terpene synthesis.


Yea id imagine so, mixed with tiny pots (solo cups) . Ill pick the strongest and try again

On the plus side. I havnt seen a mite in a week, so im currently winning there!


The reveg is well underway. Some more than others. And its almost time to get rid of the unwanted ones.


Both the boggle gum plants i was going to keep appear to be dying, and one of the gods green crack i was going to keep seems to be doing the same.


Ewwwwww, clear it out, sterilize your tent and start over


You could clean those up wait 3 months.

Or just pop some seeds or use clones.

I’d say start over

But you could try this take lower part of stock clean it up with a razor remove the bark wash any if the white fungus off and dying branches, pack sphagnum moss around the area you skinned add root stimulant.


Lol I’m definetly contemplating it… and kind of losing interest in this “project” I may just take some cackleberry cuts from my mother and do a full tent of that… its been my favorite strain I’ve grown so far


So turn them into trial n error if you can bring them back awesome if not compost.


A few of the others are revegging fine… its just my luck that the ones I actually wanted arnt lol